
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

I am Weak?!

Seconds later, many screams could be heard across campus. It seems like the monsters are confident enough in their abilities to split up amongst themselves. All twelve of them split up, each one heading toward a different part of the campus. Unluckily for the people I am with, the leader turned his gaze towards us.

Sky like a 4th of july celebration, A dark figure jumped into the air, landing with a thump on the roof of a dorm. Climbing down from where he landed, the lizard-like monster fell right on top of one of the students, impaling the poor girl from head to toe.

Sliding his sword out of the girl like the Sword in the Stone, he jumped from one student to the other, looking extremely cool while doing so. My smile widened, anticipation surging through my system. After everyone except me was killed, he finally turned to me, confusion etched on what I assume would be his face, which looked more of a snake than human.

"Everyone else would have run. Why didn't you?" He questioned. I could understand his confusion, as if I was in his position of a killing machine, a mouse not running from a cat is very strange indeed.

"I have nothing to fear of something like you. I have one question though. Are you happy?" I asked, with a smile on my face. This question seemed to catch him off guard, as I could see an opening to use my skill. Activating it as fast as possible, I saw a massive red energy coming from the monster's head.

Deleting all of his memories, which was like taking a blowtorch to a roll of film. Now, this was the hardest part. I have a whole storyline that would make sense as a memory bank, but I do not know where to put it. The storyline itself is about a tiny lizard monster raised in a house by a human owner, who was secretly overpowered.

Raised as a servant to help this entity, he was turned from a simple monster to a knight, protecting me. Although this was just a storyline, it had some backbone to it. Making the end of the memory storyline as he was on a mission to exterminate humans, some of his kind, 11 to be exact, betrayed him. I finished his storyline, inputting this. it sort of clicked into place.

Exiting his consciousness, the lizard monster's eyes rolled back in his head and flopped unconscious on the ground. With blood everywhere, I dragged the monster that passed out in front of me. It felt as if I was dragging a two ton weight. Still, I could not give up now. The blood flowing on the ground was the thing that made it possible for me to get this creature inside my room.

Propping him against a wall, I waited and waited, hoping that I did not kill him with the overload of new information. As I found out, he did not have a name in his original memories, as he was just a soldier. So, I decided to give him a name. Spike.

"Spike, wake up." I said, slapping him in the face. This seemed to do the trick, as he immediately shot up into a fighting stance. Seeing me, though, he immediately relaxed, taking a kneeling position, one knee propped up.

"What are you doing here, my lord? I thought you were back in our home world." Spike questioned. Although I did create all of his memories, their are still some things that I did not account for, such as pesky emotions.

"I am in this boring world as an undercover agent, scoping out the strengths and weaknesses of this world. So far their are no threats that can affect us immediately, but it would seem that some of these humans have systems, which gives them a fighting chance to fight us." I said. Looking at my bloodied uniform, the monster believed my words.

"But, what about those traitors? Should I go kill them, my lord?" He asked, anger filling his voice.

"Now, now. No need to be hasty. They are just doing your job for you. Once their are no other humans here, we can go kill them, together." I said, not wanting to have witnesses seeing me with these atrocities.

"Ah, I see. Very wise. I will go out scouting. Stay here, master." Spike said, flickering out of existence. It's a good thing that he left, because he would have seen a crazy smile etched upon my face.

"That was so much fun! This will be a very interesting conquest, to be sure. Anyways, I think it is time to check what changed with my Status." I said, and immediately a page appeared before me, amazing as ever.

Status 1.0

<Name: Colin Graves>

<LV: 3 {XP: 15/45}>

<Species: Human (Evolution at LV 10)>

<Titles: None.>


<Strength: 12>

<Agility: 13>

<Vitality: 13>

<Mana: 10>


Skills: 2

[Memory Manipulation|Mythical|Active]

This skill allows the user to reach into the memories of allies or enemies, changing, adding, or getting rid of memories at the whim of the user. [Becomes more powerful as the host levels up. No Mana required.]

{ Species Manipulated:}




This skill allows the host to evolve into different species, each one more powerful that the previous ones. [Has the ability to choose between three choices of evolutions. Each choice has a different path, which cannot be accessed by the other choices. No Mana required.]

Aight, one thing that I gathered from my Status Sheet is that the Manipulation Skill gives me 30 XP every time I use it, no matter the species. Second, my stats like strength, agility, and vitality go up by one point every level. It might be different for kills, if those even level you up, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Walking outside my dorm room, I looked at all the gore and viscera layering the balcony of this once clean dorm complex, like a thick coating of frosting over a delicately baked cake. Maybe not the best analogy, but I am hungry. Anyways, time to go find Spike.

Grasping the railing, as not to fall down the slippery stairs, I walked along the sidewalk, towards the inner school. Looking back and forth at all of the dead bodies scattering the courtyard, I was filled with disgust. Why would people not defend themselves against an obvious threat? This is what I hate about complacency. Anyways, not important at the moment.

Just as I was about to enter the inside of the university, a group of students suddenly rushed out, scared shitless. Instantly activating my Memory Manipulation skill, I erased all of their memories, knocking them unconscious. I found that this might be a good trick to use on my future opponents, at least, ones that are not higher level than me.

Stepping over the soon-to-be corpses of the students, I casually walked into the school, using my skill to incapacitate other students I ran into. After walking for a while, I heard some screams near me, as well as some of foreign accented speech, which must be one of the Draconic species, hopefully Spike.

Going into a light jog, I made sure I did not step in any blood pools and rushed towards the obvious violence. Turns out, my luck was spot on. I had found Spike!

"You are not needed, therefore you must die." Spike said, apparently talking to a group of students that most likely asked him 'W-what are you doing?!'. Well, its fucking obvious what he is doing! He is killing all of the undesirables, AKA, humans. Walking up behind the group, just enough that Spike could see me, he continued to splatter the brains of the brainless students across the hall.

"Ah, master, you are here. I said I would go scouting, but the wines of these filthy creatures where just so annoying, and they did not serve any purpose, so I simply got rid of them. Was I wrong in that decision?" He asked, half worried that I would beat him, like I implanted in his memories that I did. Of course, this is all according to plan, as everything I put in his memories was leading to him being more of my pawn.

"You were not wrong, but I have a massive obstacle I need to get out of the way, so humans are still necessary for me to overcome it." I said, waiting for the obvious question.

"What obstacle is so insurmountable that you cannot overcome, my lord?" Spike said, surprised. I had a suspicion that this might happen. Turns out, his loyalty might all be based on the fear of power.

"I have lost all of my power from my previous achievements, all to make me blend into this disgusting piece of dirt. Therefore, I will need to exploit these flesh bags until I regain my previous power."