
the Boy That Smiles

There was a boy who saw a world full of sadness, a world where everyone was the same. However, this boy wanted to be different. To be something that others would think is unique. And so he smiled. This is the story of a boy who never stops smiling, no matter the circumstances. A wish granted. A different world with a story to be told. Find out what happens when a sadistic boy with the power of manipulation enters a world filled with peace and balance in this novel, The Boy That Smiles.

Inflameous · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Monsters?!

Chapter 3

Looking around the corner of my complex in the university, I found that there were also tons of people looking at these monstrosities. To be precise, twelve. Anyways, I went right back into my room, not because I was scared, but quite the opposite. This will be the best time to start my crusade against the king of the world.

Now, all that is left to do is get used to my skills. I don't know what the leveling system is like, so practicing the skills that I have is one way to check to see if the leveling system is a killing-gains-XP or a practice-gains-XP one. First, I need someone to practice this on. *knock* *knock*.

"Hello, Colin? Have you seen the cosplayers outside? I was wondering if you knew that there was spirit week or something like that today, or if this is just some prank on the university. They seem like professionals, so I thought it was a school-wide thing, but everyone seems to be just as surprised as me." Someone from behind my dorm door said.

Ah, yes. I forgot about him for a second. It would make sense that I was the first person he sought out about this. Gary Hills. A class rejects, just like myself. Instead of being different from others like I am, he was too normal. Someone who kept to himself, and whenever he tried to join in the conversation, he was immediately ignored. A background character.

"It's open, come in," I said, sitting cross-legged on the bed, phone in hand. It was one of the newest models, one I saved up to buy in this bland world of simplistic people. What I was looking at currently were the weather reports. These weather reports in particular were extremely interesting, as they tried to scientifically explain the literal portals coming out of the sky.

"This is Kisha Salinski, reporting from Montgomery, New York. We are currently seeing a new kind of weather anomaly, which are bright clouds in the shape of ovals or circles, which might be caused by some new…" Was one such report. This is coming from a couple of hours south of where I am currently staying, which is a community college in Johnstown, New York.

Anyways, these scientists are trying to figure out what these new 'weather anomalies' are most likely going to die first. Hearing the door click open, I saw Gary enter my dorm, looking as raggedy as ever. A pair of torn jeans, a baggy shirt, and sneakers worn so much you could almost see his toes through them, is what he is wearing on this sunny day.

"So, do you know anything about this 'whole thing' going on outside, especially with the sky?" Gary asked again. I usually do not engage with him much, but we still find each other's company nice. At least, that might be what he thinks.

"Here, come look at the news. They are saying that this is some new scientific discovery." I said, handing him my phone. Hesitating, surprise in his eyes, he took it from my hands and sat on the bed next to me, staring intently at the news. Normally, I would never have given him anything, but I need to test something.

That something is, of course, my Skill <Memory Manipulation>. Using the same method as I did with activating my wish, I 'activated' the Skill, which sent a mental map of the surrounding dorm room into my mind, allowing me to see everything. Everything was outlined in grayish red, except for Gary. Gary in particular was outlined in a light blue, a lighter blue emanating throughout his body, like a beacon of light in the darkness.

Twisting my focus onto the light in the center of his head, which shone brightest, I was confronted by memories. These were ones of his recent times in college. Times like graduating from high school and going into college, all the way to what he ate for breakfast today, which was oatmeal and a banana.

Now, time for what I do best. Manipulating. First, I had to come up with a plausible addition to his memory that would not make him suspect anything was wrong with his memory. What would be a good one would be putting a memory of him walking outside of the college to see the aliens that were walking through the gates of the university not five minutes ago.

Yeah, that would be best. Searching through his memories like a roll of film, I found his lunch break. Adding him going outside the school grounds, I knew the route into the market, as we both went there not so long ago. Putting him walking down the sidewalk, I copy and pasted the monsters going down the road. Lunch was not too long ago, so it would make sense that he would remember them from that time.

Finishing up the finer details. I quickly got out of his mind-space, which immediately cut off the skill. Shaking my head to get those memories out of my head, I looked to my left and found Gary looking at me in confusion. Oh shit, I did not anticipate how he would react once new memories are implanted.

"Oh wait, I'm pretty sure that I have seen those guys before. Yeah, I saw them walking down the street right outside of the school. I did not know that they were going to go to this school. They must be performers or something, right? I'll go ask them what they're doing here. Sit tight for a sec, will ya?" He said, not questioning what I was doing for the past five minutes. Eh, maybe he is not as normal as he thinks he is.

"Alright, you for that. See if you can get some other people to go with you. If they are something else, then the more witnesses, the better." I said, hoping that panic will ensure so I can get them by themselves to manipulate them. Oh, that's right, I was doing this for two reasons. "Status".

Status 1.0

<Name: Colin Graves>

<LV: 2 {XP: 15/30}>

<Species: Human (Evolution at LV 10)>

<Titles: None.>


<Strength: 10>

<Agility: 11>

<Vitality: 11>

<Mana: 0>


Skills: 2

[Memory Manipulation|Mythical|Active]

This skill allows the user to reach into the memories of allies or enemies, changing, adding, or getting rid of memories at the whim of the user. [Becomes more powerful as the host levels up. No Mana required.]

{ Species Manipulated:}



This skill allows the host to evolve into different species, each one more powerful than the previous ones. [Can choose between three choices of evolutions. Each choice has a different path, which cannot be accessed by the other choices. No Mana required.]

Woah. It would seem that in the memory manipulation skill, it would record what species you have manipulated, as well as the amount. It would also seem that these systems are based on skill use, or it might just be me. Anyways, the point is that I found out I don't have to kill anything to level up. But it might also mean that killing would give more XP than just using skills.

With that thought, I walked to the semi-closed door, which was not closed by Gary. Walking outside, I noticed that all the students who were in dorms next to me were staring in the center of the courtyard, which had two groups on it, one human and one the opposite. The most prominent figure among them was one I knew. Gary. Surprisingly, he listened to me. It could be an aftereffect of the manipulation, such as the hangover of drinking.

Leaning on the railing of the balcony I was on, I found that I could faintly hear what they were talking about, as the courtyard was not that big.

"I didn't know that performers were coming in today. Did the staff send a message in secret? How did you get such nice costumes? They look so real." Gary said, bargaining the monsters with questions.

"We have been sent from another world on a whim of an almighty being. The mission is to overtake this weak planet for the Supreme Ruler. The resources here might not have much value to you humans, but it has great use for us. Mostly human souls." The front monster said, looking to be the leader. I wonder how I could hear him speaking fluent English?

Eh, maybe it was another side effect from the Wish thing. "What's with that weird accent? Are you from out of town? And what do you mean by world domination? I don't think that mindset is very healthy." Gary said, concerned. Another thing about Gary is that he is an idiot. Seeing others back off from the creature, I was able to see a sword being taken out from the head monster.

"As insects such as yourself, there are no consequences for silencing your kind. Now, die!" The monster lunged, aiming his sword point directly at Gary's back, which was turned towards the monster, trying to convince the other students leaving that he could not be wrong about this.

Looking back for the last time in his life, Gary looked surprised to see a sword penetrating him, front to back. "W-what are you?.." Gary said, spitting up blood. Swinging the sword to the side, Gary fell into two pieces. Flicking his blade, the monster party started to look at the surrounding students.

"Who's next?"