

A normal 24years girl 'Daisy' went to trip with her friends with so much excitement without knowing what this trip turn her life...... meeting a strange man in the woods turns her life ups and downs. Learning about that boy's past and innocence makes her heart fell for him but unexpected things will happen and drift them apart. The things she choose and do after that makes this story more heart felt and warm at the same time....

Kanch007 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


It's been a week, I didn't hear nor saw him. my work is going well and everything is good but why I'm I not feeling good. what does he think he is? why didn't he contact me after all behaving like he was interested in me? it's so annoying I don't want to think about him either .

"Hey daisy, I saw your Hottie downstairs" jyo said walking towards me.

" who?" I asked her looking down and it's 'Bren'. I felt happy seeing him " he's not my hottie" I say pouting my face.

" what happened, I thought you're hanging out with him ditching us" she teased me.

" I didn't ditch anyone and I didn't hear anything from him for an entire week" I said

" Look at you complaining , may be he came for you" she said.

I got sparkles in my eyes "you think so" I say.

"God!, just go already" she said. I smiled and rushed down to see him, at the same time I don't want to make it that obvious.

"hey!" he said

"Heyy!" I say " what brings you here?" I asked him.

"I came here to show my art as a preview" he said.

I felt sad but what more should I expect " oh!....ok, alright then good luck with it" I sounded bad and tried to walk out to avoid him.

"Ah....how about a coffee, I heard it was good there" he asked me just like how I asked him on the first day. I liked it.

I nodded and walked out just like he did that time. we both giggled I don't know what kind of role play we are playing but it makes me want to keep going with it.

we went to a different cafe this time and the coffee was actually good there. "how's your work going" he asked me.

" it's going pretty good actually, we will finish it end of this month" I say.

" so that means after this month you won't be here" he asked me .

I nodded " what about you how's it going? your art? that's why you're here don't you?" I asked him .

" what if I say I'm here for you not about work" he say. my heart skipped a bit , what is he trying to say? I didn't respond for a few seconds. thankfully a call interrupted. It was ravi, I signed him showing my mobile like I have to pick it up. he nodded with a disappointment.

"hello.....Ravi" I pick it up.

"Hey daisy.... I need your help" he sounded serious.

"what is it tell me?" I say

"I....you see....I want to propose jyo" he say I screamed with a joy cutting him in the middle "propose you mean you're actually planning to ask her like marriage" I don't know what I'm blabbering about with a joy.

" yeah!, for that I need you're help for preparations and everything. I want to surprise her tonight and I'm already came here last night and staying at hotel for now" he asked me.

"wait...wait, that was pretty fast how the hell can we all do everything for this night" I asked him.

" I booked a venue at the hotel I'm staying and I bought everything all we have to do to prepare it that's it" he said

" even if we start now we can't finish it" and I looked at Bren and said "may be we can I will bring some help" I said it grinning at Bren. Bren looked confused.

"Ok then I will send you the address come quick" he hanged up the call.

"I need you're hands , can you lend them to me" I asked him with a flirtatious voice.

He was froze at my approach and nodded with a blank face and I dragged him with me. we went to that address, ravi was there doing nothing but just walking around that room. he didn't even realize that we came, I guess he was pretty nervous.

" can you just stop walking I'm getting dizzy" I say walking in.

" you came god! daisy I'm in trouble" he say with full of tense.

" what happened ?" I asked him.

"I prepared a video of us and I tried to play it on a projector but it was not working and also the cake, I still have to get ready and what about the preparations we didn't even decorate it yet, I have to go to trip tomorrow with her, I already planned everything till the next week, what should I do?" he sounded really worried.

"Ravi...bro...calm down, we both take care of decorations and everything so go and buy new projector and cake. we will make it , trust me you will definitely ask her tonight" I say grabbing his shoulders.

he calmed down a little and looked at Bren "who!" say pointing at bren "Oh! it's Bren, he will help me but you should go now we don't have a time for this" I say pushing him out.

"Ok, I will be back quick" he say rushing outside.

"I'm seeing him like this for the first time like all tensed up" I say smiling at bren.

" So you need my hands for this" he say showing at decoration props. I smiled " what do you think I asked for" I smirked at him "can I use you're precious hands " I teased him all smiling by grabbing his hands.

" you know how to pull the strings don't you?" he said. I laughed cause the expression on his face was pretty satisfying.

We both started our work, he was doing great work actually. I was decorating the wall with flowers and balloons and he was almost doing everything. I want to give a final touch using LED lights. I picked them up and tried to attach them on wall. It was so high, I bring the chair and looked at him, he was arranging the flowers " excuse me sir...I need you're hands now" I asked him pointing at chair.

He came and I got up on chair holding the lights, " you know you're really taking advantage of me" he said grabbing the chair.

I laughed " You have pretty talented hands, they Draw well and cook good too. I just want to know what more they can do that's it" I teased him.

"you want to know what more they can do" he said and tried to hold my waist .

I was panicked and got slipped. He grabbed me fast and holding me with his both hands and my hands was around his neck .I was holding the lights, when he grabbed me that wire's somehow ended up around his neck and my hands got tangled between them like I was handcuffed . our faces are really...really close "are you alright?" he asked me looking into my eyes, up this close I can feel his breath, my heart was beating fast and I felt strange emotions. I pushed him taking a step back but got tripped cause the wires got tangled between him and my hands. He grabbed my waist tightly with one hand and pulled towards him " don't move" he say trying to removing the wires on my hand.

My heart was popping out like a hip hop beats, I will make an entire beatbox at this rate. I tried to calm down but looking at his handsome face God! Jyo was right he's a Hottie for sure. why the hell does he have to be so hot. he caught me staring at him and suddenly grabbed my face getting close to my lips and I hold my breath closing my eyes tightly " you want to kiss me?" he asked me. My heart stopped I pushed him away. then I realized he freed my hands.

He was laughing , he got me this time he totally got me. my face got soo red like a tomato. why I'm I so bad at this but he's a pro.

" woww, this is so beautiful. you guys make it so pretty" Ravi barge in. and started looking both of us. he was confused about the atmosphere there.

"did you bring cake and everything" I asked him grabbing the things he brought.

he nodded smiling proudly. I handed the projector to Bren. " Ok then I already told jyo that we are having dinner outside like that, I will text her the address now, before she came go and get ready, we will finish it" I say to ravi grabbing things.

He went, I texted jyo and arranged a tray placing cake and flowers on it. Bren replaced the projector and cleaned the mess. this time he decorated the lights . Ravi was ready holding the ring box. everything is set we are waiting for jyo. we heard the foot sound and I handed the flowers to Ravi . I grabbed Bren's hand and went to hide.

The moment jyo entered the room, I turned off the lights and Bren turned on the video. I got very emotional watching that video. he proposed her, she said Ok. I teared up crying for them, I was so happy. they both hugged, I went to hug them too but Bren dragged me outside " let them have their moment" he said.

Everything went smooth I was sooo happy for them and then I realize we are holding hands and walking. he keep staring at me. " Thank you for help, I will treat you to dinner" I say.

"Rather than dinner, How about hang out with me more?" he asked me wiping my tears on my face.

I blushed and stared at him. "you said you will go back right, at least until that day I want you to spend you're time with me even it's like today I'm happy to be with you" he said.

Is it a confession or what is it?, I'm really confused. it's not like he was asking me out but he was asking to spend time with him. how should I think this? I do like being with him but I don't know how should I put this. but I will take this chance to figure out what I'm feeling about him.

I nodded. he smiled brightly, he literally blinding me with his brightness. he dropped me to my place.

"So I can text you anytime right?" he asked me when I'm walking inside. It was so cute of him he always asks my permissions first, I really like this about him. it's like he was respecting my boundaries .I turned and went towards him and grabbed his cheeks " bye...." I say squeezing them and ran inside.

"hey!, it's not fair..." he was yelling, but what should I do I felt really shy and embarrassed about what just happened. I did it without even realizing what I'm actually doing so I just ran inside without looking back.

"Good....night" A simple text from him giving me mixed emotions. I'm feeling happy and blushing hard, smiling ear to ear like crazy over a small text.