

Annabella, popularly known as Bella recently broke up with her fourth boyfriend Kai Jonas after he cheated on her with her archenemies Pamela Jones. The truth of their breakup wasn't brought up as Bella felt as though it would be a disturbance to the peaceful life she so desired so she let the matter rest with the conclusion that she wasn't ready for love yet. And to that, there was some truth. Bella saw love as a very hard task and she didn't want to love again because this was the fourth time in a relationship where she couldn't meet up with her partner's demands. So she thought, instead of stressing herself, with all this loving and having to lose in the end, she should stay on her own, be her own company till she was ready to throw caution to the wind again and fall in love. But as soon as that decision was made and stamped by our lovely Annabella, Justin Gray, a reserved boy in the school where she studies is paired up with her on an assignment. She finds his attitude towards people and also towards her quite strange as he says one thing and does the other. She starts getting attracted to him as though he were some puzzle she badly wanted to solve, unknown to her that her curiousity would lead to an unquenchable love affair with her once again putting her fragile heart out in the line. But will their love story be as perishable as her previous ones or will this be an affair that would finally give her the peace she so desired? And what will happen when she finds out that the boy she's about to give her heart out to once again will likely not make it to the end of the year because he has, brain cancer… She wants peace but for peace she must go through extreme measures to get

Tessa_Osi_Udotor · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

It's On You, Joey

Having the most peaceful sleep whilst lying in a weird position on her white colored bed, Bella immediately sat up due to the noise she heard of glass shattering.

Her grey eyes travelled round observing her bedroom as though she were trying to figure out exactly where she was. She yawned unladylike slowly realising she was in her bedroom but what was that noise from earlier?

She got up from her bed walking over to her half opened room door, barely stepping out of the room when a female voice which she could recognise in a heartbeat, reached her hearing.

" Oh my Goodness.... this is so on you Joey", her mom, Kathy, said in her usual feminine voice. She was standing on top of a stool in the middle of the hallway whilst staring at the shattered glass bulb wide eyed, in her office clothes as usual.

" Ok now that's so cheap of you Katherine because I remember telling you to let me handle this", Joey, Bella's father quickly retorted. He was standing next to her, holding the stool she was standing on to prevent her from falling and hurting herself. She must have wanted to fix the light bulb, he wasn't in his suit but it didn't mean he wasn't dressed to leave especially in that golf club outfit.

Bella could only sigh as she stepped fully back into her room whilst shutting the door completely this time. She could still hear them arguing in the hallway and she could hear the screeching of wood on the carpeted floor as though they were moving the stool away.

She went to stand in front of her dressing mirror feeling too tired to pay attention to their fights today. They fought almost everyday and she couldn't really keep up anymore. She heard her mom say something that had her Dad gasping and saying something more hurtful and she just shut her eyes staring away from her reflection on the mirror.

The sound of her alarm ringing just seconds after made her smile a bitter smile. She didn't need an alarm if they were always going to wake her up in a special way like this...., so much for having parents although she really couldn't blame them.

Loving was so damn hard and who better to testify of it than her who had been in four long time relationships but yet still ended up with no one, her last boyfriend being her shortest relationship ever, it only lasted for Four months and she had no idea how she stayed that long.

She turned the alarm clock off looking at the time which stated Seven o' clock AM. Time to get ready for school, at least she won't be woken up stupidly over there just to listen to early morning fights.

She grabbed fresh clothes from her wardrobe, tied her messy light brown hair in a messy bun as she stepped into the bathroom in her room to get a shower and head off to school.

" Joey you had better get to deciding, you either fix that light bulb or you can go ahead and live in a dark corridor while I shut you out of your room and the guest rooms", Bella heard her mom say as she shut the door behind her father who only grumbled making his way into the kitchen.

Obviously upset that her mom left without hearing what he had to say and also without a good morning to her, her daughter for crying out loud.

Sometimes she wondered if she existed in their eyes. She approached the kitchen hoping to get some breakfast before her ride gets here. The kitchen was well kept, white cupboards, neat plates and spoons and pots, the cabinets were sparkling clean and so was the entire house which was painted white.

They lived in a quiet neighborhood. She watched her Dad walk past her with his phone glued to his ear answering a call as he just nodded at her and headed up the stairs. She got her eye color from him and her hair color from her mom, that was the only proof that they were an actual family.

Other than that, there were also pictures of them during the good days, when her parents had time for her. Now they were just total strangers living in the same house.

She opened one part of the cupboard bringing out her favorite cereal as she brought out a clean bowl and poured herself a quantity she knew she could devour.

Afterwards, she made it and went over to the dining to eat silently waiting for the text that said her ride would soon be arriving.

7:25 on the dot, her phone beeped as a text notification pulled up on the wall screen. She read half of it and saw it was from her best friend Miles, the text was short and it stated he was outside her house.

Outside? Miles wasn't the one she thought would give her a ride to school today, she thought it would be Duke, her other guy friend but she already guessed they switched places which wasn't unusual, they were both crazy folks.

She emptied the bowl and kept it in the sink hoping to wash it once she gets back home. Afterwards she headed outside, shutting the door behind her, she made her way through the clean porch to Miles's car, a Bugatti Veyron, his Dad was filthy rich and the neighbors knew him so it wasn't surprising.

His slim frame rested at the side of the car. He was dressed in a dark blue jeans, black boots with a white colored T shirt. His dark brown hair was slightly ruffled and he had a funny smile on his face as she approached. He always had that smile on his face.

On reaching him, she didn't wait for him to speak before she enveloped him in a deep tight hug as though it would remove the heavy burden on her chest and she did feel relieved and relaxed.

He hugged her back and she didn't mind it, they had always been very close. Once she let go of him, his brown eyes peered into her grey ones as if trying to figure out the reason for the abrupt hug and she just smiled at him.

" I just felt like I needed one Miles, let's go or else we will be late", she said flashing him one of those heartwarming smiles she always had on her face at school and though it didn't look like he was letting go anytime soon, he did smile back and open the car door for her before walking to the other side and getting in himself.

" Did Duke and you switch? That was quick and without informing as well", Bella said as soon as he got in the car and started strapping his seatbelt.

" Oh we didn't switch", he said as he got comfortable in his seat and so did she. She turned her head to the side, staring at him while raising her eyebrows in a questioning way and his funny smile returned to his face. He was very handsome when he smiled like that.

" You see Bella, Duke owes me an apology and he's taking too long to give it, I'm just, you know, teaching him a lesson", he said and she nodded softly although not totally understanding what he meant.

Until she looked through her side mirror did she see Duke's car pull up in front her house, it was a white GLK 350 and Miles's car was already riding away.

Her eyes widened in understanding and she glared softly at Miles who was pretending to be so serious about driving, his eyes were on the road.

Her phone beeped showing she just received a text and she checked it to find Duke's text in which he wrote, he was around and she should come out.

She sighed and texted that she was in Miles's car and that he came to pick her up instead. She saw Miles from the corner of her eyes, holding a smirk which was already creeping into his face.

" You can be really childish, Miles Jayson", she said to him as Duke texted back that he was going to kill Miles today.

Authors note:

I hope you loved the very first chapter of this book. More chapters will be coming very soon and am hoping as you start the journey of Annabella's complicated life, you will enjoy every bit of it... next update coming soon.

Thanks for giving this book a read, catch y'all later..