
The Bonds [Mated To supernaturals]

There will be a time when the balance between light and darkness will overlap, when the dark ones will rule over every being, to overcome this times the three powerful kingdoms must unite together and fight against the dark Lord and the darklings. A Bond formed from birth, a destiny designed by fate. The Three must come together as one to defeat evil. But who are they? She's the freak, an abnormally. A misfit and many more. That's just who she was and who she'd ever be. A lost heir unaware of her heritage. He's the crown prince, a laid-back easy-going fun person that's who everyone perceived him to be, but not all that glitters is gold. And there are things very dark the eyes can't see. He's the Alpha above all Alphas. The Alpha King. Possessive and dominating he's the complete opposite of easy going. Cold and calculating, he's the last person anyone wants to associate with. He's called the beast, a literal killing machine, who kills anything and anyone that cross him. In cold blood without showing mercy.

Sharonjewells4028 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The Bond [ Mated To supernaturals ]

Chapter Three

He lies there with no heart, but heartless is the last thing you'll call him." ― Sonali


Ryan Bertoldo Arnoldo II (Sandulf Clell), paused outside the pack house waiting for his friends, Baldassare Theodore, soon to be Delta of the pack and Raul Pate, soon to be Gamma of the pack. Although they are not that close, there's still a resemblance of friendship between them and they respect each other greatly, and trust each other with their life as a pack should.

He hasn't been in Asheville for a long time. It's been ten years since he left. He had been away for an alpha training, which is just a cover up in all honesty. For five years everyone believed he was receiving his alpha training at an institute meant for Alpha's only, but instead he spent ten years at the crescent moon pack. He couldn't bear thebdeath of his father, and also witness his mother spirall into madness, because she couldn't bear the loss of her mate, it was no help, since he's the exact replica of his father, they could be mistaken as twins, that's if his dad was still alive.

Staying there was too much for him to handle without breaking down, or worse, give in to the darkness that lurks in the shadows. So he went to his uncle's place, the crescent moon pack.

Although the alpha, his uncle, is actually his father's best friend, and not blood brothers, they acted more as brothers that the entire kingdom believed they were relatives, only a few knew they weren't actually relative.

Mr Bertoldo was his father's childhood friend, though not from the same pack, they'd some how formed a bond.

Their first encounter was in the human world. His dad had been forced to accompany his dad to the annual alpha's meeting, just as they, his dad and granddad, who's also late. Climbed out of the blue mustang, his father noticed a scrawny looking boy hiding behind another alpha, he assumed it was the boys dad, which was correct. His dad had found it funny, that a soon to be alpha was hiding behind his dad, like a scaredy cat. Long story short, they challenged each other, his uncle wanting to prove he was truly an alpha son and not a coward and from there they became friends. They went to the same university and even got admitted at the same time on the same day, they attended the same alpha training academy as well... They became soul brothers from the day they first met, that was why Mr Bertoldo was able to feel the death of his father, even though he wasn't there when it happened.

Mr Bertoldo was the only one his father trusted besides his mate and pup, and in the entire kingdom Mr Bertoldo was the only one who could come as close as been a match for his father, in acedemics and wit.

He was given Bertoldo Arnoldo coursey of his dad , but his official name is "Ryan Sandulf Clell".

Mr Bertoldo had been the one to train and teach him all he knows today. After his dad's death he took him in and had been a great model to him, and he hopes he measures up to his expectations.

As he waited, Ryan couldn't help but think about what happened two days ago, as it is now Monday. He had returned to Ashville last week Friday, cause of the uproar in the werewolf Kingdom. Apparently a rumor had spread like wildfire among the people that the heir to the throne was dead. All sorts of rumors. It left the entire kingdom wondering if it were true. If he would ever return and claim his rightful place or not. Some said he wasn't dead but a coward that couldn't lead and protect his people, just as his father did, even as he took his last breathe.

Just like today, he had waited in front of the pack house, not for same reasons as today, thinking about what he's gonna have to face, different scenarios playing in his head, the one that frightened him the most was coming face to face with the shell of a woman he once called mother. He knew he shouldn't have abandoned her, and that it was selfish of him to leave the way he had left, he knew all that, was aware he was being a coward but he felt no remorse for what he had done. He had no guilt and would do it all over again if placed in the same predicament.

Just as he was about to mindlink someone to ask why his driver hadn't arrived yet, he saw a car drive into the pack , he bent to pick up his luggages from the coal-tarred floor when he was mindlinked by Mr Bertoldo, that his car has arrived. Just as the mindlink was closed, the car headed in his direction, he had just picked the bags, when her scent reached him. A wave of anger washed over him as he maintained a facade of calm.

Just from the scent,he knew who the driver was and he wasn't happy about it. He scrunched his nose in distaste, as the car draw near. She was the last person he wanted to see. He immediately mindlinked Mr Bertoldo, about the situation, before the call pulls up In front of him. But there was nothing he can do, other than to let her escort him back to his pack, all cause of some fucked up werewolf shit law he's going to have to change, immediately after his coronation.

"Why Is she the one driving? He mindlinked Mr Bertoldo. " There's no one free cause of the rogue sighting, , and as an alpha, you can't after a long time be left alone to return to your pack without an escort, it doesn't speak well of you, and would reflect badly on the pack you stayed in". He explained." Okay sir". He said before closing the mindlink.

The last thing he needs is someone challenging him for his alpha position. Especially since there are already a lot of eyes on his position, people who covet his powers, he can't afford to show any sign of weekness.