
The Bonds [Mated To supernaturals]

There will be a time when the balance between light and darkness will overlap, when the dark ones will rule over every being, to overcome this times the three powerful kingdoms must unite together and fight against the dark Lord and the darklings. A Bond formed from birth, a destiny designed by fate. The Three must come together as one to defeat evil. But who are they? She's the freak, an abnormally. A misfit and many more. That's just who she was and who she'd ever be. A lost heir unaware of her heritage. He's the crown prince, a laid-back easy-going fun person that's who everyone perceived him to be, but not all that glitters is gold. And there are things very dark the eyes can't see. He's the Alpha above all Alphas. The Alpha King. Possessive and dominating he's the complete opposite of easy going. Cold and calculating, he's the last person anyone wants to associate with. He's called the beast, a literal killing machine, who kills anything and anyone that cross him. In cold blood without showing mercy.

Sharonjewells4028 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Bond [Mated To supernaturals]

Chapter Two

We all need a someone who gets you like no one, right when we need it the most

Ava max


A low meowing- sound from the entrance of the cave brought her out of her thoughts and quickly she turned in the direction of where the sound came from.

There were eight yellow eyes staring at her, in the dark. They were heading towards her.

Her heart began to beat fast, her hands shaking, sweat gathered on her skin as different thoughts crossed her mind. Just when she has decided to live through her ordeals and overcome it, the devil had to send another her way, the universe must surely hate her, to send death her way." Like the hell is wrong with her life, can't she get a breather". She fumed in anger.

" Seriously, what cruel joke is the world playing on her?". Tears welled up in her eyes about to fall.

"I did ask, " what to do", didn't I. I guess here's my answer". Or so she thought.

Two baby wolf pups trotted up to her on soft padded paws, stopping in front of her. She smiled anxiously at the pups and for some insane reasons, extended her fidgety hands to them. Her palm rested on the head of the wolf pup by her right, it's fur felt soft and nice.

She paused to gouge it's reaction, when she was sure it was safe and wouldn't get attacked, though how safe is a wolf? Is beyond one's imagination. She then started petting the two pups, making them purr, which was very cute. At least to her it was the cutest thing she had ever seen. Her eyes twinkled with delight and it was the first time in a long time she let her guard down and be carefree.

They were like that for a while, she petting them while they purred, when all of a sudden one of them withdraw from her touch and sniffed the air, as if checking for something. Whatever it found, it seems like it was satisfied with it, cause it trotted back to her and placed it's head on her hand that was still hanging, and she started scratching it's fur again and it purred at her touch, wagging it's tail excitedly.

Alyssia couldn't stop smiling,she was happy, she's never been this happy before, she felt somewhat grateful for the situation she found herself in. There was a time she used to be happy, when she owned a pet, a dog pet she named rouge, it was wild and free, and very playful but the dog was poisoned by none other than her supposed sister, Delilah. She wept for months, mourning it's death and ever since she never got any pet or got close to anyone out of fear that they'd be taken away from her or she'd be abandoned. She knew deep down her sister hated her, and always tried every way possible to make her life hell, Delilah hated the fact that after all they had done to her ,she still found a way to be happy . No matter what they did to her,she looked on the bright side and remained happy and that happiness had led to the death of her poor German shepherd that kept her company through difficult times. Her sister got rid of the one thing that stood by her and kept her happy.

She remembers vividly, like it had happened just yesterday, crying to her mum, reporting what Delilah had done to rouge, telling her, that rouge had been killed, and that Delilah had been the one that killed it. The words her mother said in response, she'd never forget, it still rings in her ears till this day and still hurts as much as it did twelve years ago.

She was only eight when her mom had uttered those cruel words to her, at first her eight year old self couldn't comprehend a thing she said, but her mom, took her precious time to spell it out for her, word by word. Her exact words rang in her ears, like death bell . " You're a piece of thrash, a waste of space, you don't deserve an ounce of happiness in your life, an abomination that's what you are". She told her, with a sweet smile plastered on her face, a sweet smile filled with poisoned words. Like she was professing her undying love for her.

"I don't know what the poor dog saw in you?" She continued like it was a normal thing to say to one's child "You're the reason for it's death, you killed it not Delilah". She finished, with that sweet smile still plastered on her face. " If it hadn't loved you it would still be alive and not dead, you kill everyone that loves you, you're a bad luck to everyone around you". She glared at her,pure hatred dancing in her eyes. Her eight year old heart broke all over again, believing she was truly the cause of it's death and not Delilah. Those words stuck with her, and she never got aquinted with anyone, for fear that they'll die and it'll all be because of her, cause she wants to be loved and accepted, because she wants to feel belonged and fit in. They'd die and it'll be because of her own selfish wants.

Only if she'd known earlier how evil her mother is, and that she'd do anything to bring her down.

She was brought out of her thoughts, when the smallest of the pups, the one with brownish- fur trotted to her laps and laid there. It huffed at her, like it wanted her attention.

The one with orange fur, followed it's lead, and also moved closer to her, wagging it's tail playfully. Earning a giggle from her.

She's always had some sort of connection with animals, not only animals, Nature as well brings her some sort of solace. She always feel calm and at ease, whenever she's surrounded by nature, there's just this strange pull and it's probably that so-called pull that got her in her current situation. And she'd have hated it, if not for the fact that even though she's neck-deep in a dangerous forest, she feels calm, and protected, like nothing can harm her and surprisingly she feels at home, something she's never felt before in my life.

The remaining two, I'm guessing the oldest pups, stood a few feet away from me, probably contemplating if it's a really good idea to get close to her, a total stranger, that could be a threat to them, at least that's what she thinks.

"But seriously who would want to harm these cuties? " Probably her psychotic sister.

Though she thinks she's more psychotic , cause she feels another presence in her. Hears another voice in her head, though she still denies it even to herself. She's managed to convince herself it's her own way of dealing with her situation psychologically and consoled herself it's only normal, she's hearing voices in her head.

The two slightly bigger pups stood there for a little while, staring at her, before looking at themselves for a while, as if they were having an internal conversation before they also trotted up to her and laid on her laps closing their eyes, while she patted them on their head.