
The BlueCrest Academy

BlueCrest Academy is one of the best magic schools in the world only students who passed the entrance exam were allowed in, no back door, nothing, squat, zilch, not happening unless you pass the test, your good grades and athletics could only get your foot in the door. BlueCrest Academy is a school where you learn magic. They teach history of magic, Foundation of magic, magical beasts and mystery ect. The main character in this story just finished secondary school and is awaiting for himself to be accepted at BlueCrest academy, but first he must pass his entrance examination. Even if he passes this test there are sure to be more and not all of them will be clear cut as they seem. Will our main character get through school or will he just be another drop out or worse because even the public doesn't know what happens inside that school. If you read my Quick Bit you don't need to read this and vice-versa.

The_RedMagician · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

8) Extracurricular Activities

Leaving the Classroom after a shocking experience.

"that was so embarrassing I can't believe that my magic actually cause such destruction, well now we know that I can use my magic to get us out of class sooner" said Victor.

"Nice job with the lightning, I don't think I was getting to far with my magic so I am glad that we're getting an extra day, also my name is William" said the Wind Element student named William.

"your wind magic wasn't so bad" I said. "it's all about serenity, if your calmed and focused it will come more easily"

"it was nice seeing you guys, I have to go sign up for Soccer conditioning so I'll see you some other time" said William as he rushed off.

Ha so he plays soccer too eh, speaking of which we should probably go to the programs event in a bit.

"so he will be on the team too huh, what do you think based on his appearance do you think he's a goalie he looks very lean" said Victor.

"yes maybe, hey let's go check out the event it should be ready, I wonder what kind of programs and clubs they have" I said.

As we walked past a classroom we heard the sound of stuff falling to the ground and a devastated sigh.

"oh brush hooks and poly thistles" a lady voice was heard.

We opened the door to the classroom to find a teacher who was now picking stuff up from the ground and putting it on her cart. It turns out it was Mrs Royce the Magical herbology teacher.

"oh, Mrs Royce let us help you with that" I said

"thank you mister lang for helping me, it seems nothing is going well for me today, I was just taking this stuff out to my table at the event today" said Mrs Royce.

"you have a herbology club" I asked.

"yes, it's not too popular, mainly its just my students coming in to ask for information or for a quiet place to study" said Mrs Royce.

We helped Mrs Royce move her cart out to a table at the event. Afterwards we went to go check out some of the other tables. We walked past a table that looked like the newspaper club, next we noticed someone familiar at table.

"hey Hesh and Victor so are you guys thinking about joining the club" said Clarence.

"we're just looking around, where is Mr Sterling isn't he also supposed to be at this table" I said

"yeah something about having a discussion with the headmaster about some things" said Clarence. "well you guys enjoy the event"

We wandered past a few more tables until we finally found the Sports tables there was football, baseball, the dueling team (first years weren't allowed to join), basketball and finally soccer.

Over at the soccer table were a small group of people amongst them William from our Magic Control class, the others seemed like his friends and dormates.

"hey William signing up I see so what position do you play" I asked.

"I'm a play maker so I hope none of you guys are I would hate to be the reason you wouldn't be able to play your position" said William.

Thats a good thing he, I thought he would have been a goalie based on his build. I play striker were as Victor is a winger so if we do join the team we will be seeing a lot each other.

"we play Striker and Winger" I said.

"oh Striker is going to be a rather tough position to get there is already a senior filling up that position so unless you're really good your going to play bench" said William.

So there's a senior that plays Striker looks like I'll be having some competition. After talking for a bit we signed a form, we wrote down the position we want and contact info. Next we said goodbye to William and his friends. We doubled back to the table that we noticed when we came to the soccer table. BlueCrest Dueling team, this was something that looked rather popular judging from the crowd.

"I wonder which school will take the crystal cup this year" said one student.

"well if Seaford doesn't win like every other year it's usually between us and RiverStar" said another.

Seaford Academy was known for having the most violent aswell as talented students on there side of the country. The crystal cup tournament was usually decided between these three schools with very few other schools winning.

"what do you mean that you don't accept 1st years, thats simply just ridiculous that you won't accept do you not know who I am" said a voice coming from the front of the line, it sounded familiar.

"I'm sorry but rules are rules they can't be broken for anyone" said the instructor.

The student was being ridiculous at this point by dragging out the conversation, I was kinda getting irritated because he was being rude and I just wanted to see what the program had to offer.

"could you get on with it otherwise leave people would like to get to the table" I said.

The student who sounded familiar in fact was familiar indeed he was the same guy from the dorms that we almost got into a fight with.

"oh look it's the fire hazard, are you looking for a fight you bumpkin" he said, something white was covering his hand.

A few people who saw this backed up because they knew what was about to go down.

"so what if I am" I said getting ready to channel what I have learned.

But before It was about to go down Victor held me back.

"this not the place my friend, he'll get his all in good time" said Victor.

The instructor who was already about to say something another person spoke out first.

"disperse at once, Mr Ransford come with me now if you don't mind" said a Woman's voice.

It was the Assistant Headmaster, as soon as everyone noticed who it was everyone walked away. The student called Ransford stared daggers at me as he mouthed the words "your dead". After they left everyone stared at me almost as if they were looking at a grave.

"lets head back to our dorm Hesh, my mood has been ruined by that jerk" said Victor.

The program was surely interesting but I think that I have now a target on my back.