
You Are No Sister To Me

Nezeira came out of the ball and walked towards the open terrace facing the sea. The stars were twinkling in the night sky with the sound of sea waves crashing on the rocky shores. The silence of the night and the rumbling of the sea was more soothing to her than the music and people's endless talking inside. Her eyes glowed in the semi-dark terrace as she for some reason sharpened her vision through the darkness of the night. She looked directly at the sea, and saw every minute detail underneath of waves; the sand whirling with dead shells in them and other organisms. She also spotted bioluminescence as well. The joy of watching such fascinating details didn't show on her face but it definitely made her heart content with it. Her expression turned serene. The Nezeira four hundred years ago would have had a lovely smile on her face watching the waves but the present one is so embittered with her past that she hardly lets out the locked emotions inside her and now it has become natural to her personality.

"Princess loves being in quiet places?", a heavy voice spoke, breaking Nezeira's visual indulgence.

She turned around to see Emmet standing. The gentlemanly appearance appeared quite striking to Nezeira as she always. Involuntarily compared it with the rowdy person she hates. Somehow in front of Emmet, she could not show any irritation or dislike which comes automatically in front of Yihan. In fact, she secretly liked the gentlemanly nature of Emmet, who has ever been respectful and well-mannered, something Nezeira admires in people.

"Yes, sorry, I don't fit well in gatherings like this.", Nezeira apologized.

"It's alright, I like peaceful places too, like this one," Emmet said looking at Nezeira with the utmost affection, something she never reciprocated. Perhaps for Emmet, she didn't have to. Her straight, seemingly emotionless face appeals more to him. He stood beside her and asked,

"Princess, your eyes. Why it is blue rather than red? As far as we all know vampires have red eyes."

Nezeira, "I don't know the answer to that question either. It has been like this ever since I became a vampire."

Emmet intrigued, leaned slightly on the concrete edge of the terrace facing Nezeira and asked,

"Have you never tried to find out why it happened?"

Nezeira, "I did a couple of centuries ago but there wasn't anything found."

Emmet, "Speaking of centuries, what is it like to be immortal?"

Nezeira, looked at him and said, "Who said vampires are immortal?"

Emmet, "Are they not?"

Nezeira, gave out a sarcastic smile, "No Mr. Emmet, vampires are pretty killable. Sunlight kills vampires. It's the standard procedure for executions in Vladmore."

Emmet, "So, it's just long life for you people, and not to mention superhuman strength, speed, and senses."

Nezeira, "Pretty much."

As they both carried on with their chat, while back in the ballroom Yihan and Euphenia were dancing to their heart's content with occasional smooches. Suddenly, Euphenia felt a magical sensation that came from the secret bracelet she was wearing. She made a pretext to go to the washroom leaving Yihan at the wine console and going to a secluded spot. She took out the bracelet and astral projected through it and spoke to the one she is communicating,

"Did you find it, Prince Rhain?"

Rhain, taking off the hood, "No not exactly but I did find something which might help us lead to it."

Euphenia, "What is it?"

Rhain held up the ancient scroll in his hand, the one Nezeira was studying all this time which has been given to her by the mysterious person on the phone. He menacingly traced the sapphire jewel on the bracelet painting. Euphenia asked inquisitively,

"Is that the scroll page from the Book of the Old Gods?"

Rhain, "No idea about any book. What do you mean?"

Euphenia, "This is a missing page from the Book of the Old Gods. It is fabled to be kept somewhere in Lunaveria. The Book has the history of the Bracelet and other rituals which were practiced by the old Gods. They were powerful practices and thus were forbidden by others. Serkhet stole that page from the book to take control of the Bracelet. After her fall the book was handed over to the werewolf king and since then it has been guarded by them. Being your natural enemy Lunaveria guards the book against falling into the hands of the vampires."

Rhain, "Fascinating! How did Nez get her hands on the page I wonder."

Euphenia, "Someone must be helping her. Someone who is discreet yet quite powerful."

Rhain, "Then you know what to do."

Euphenia smiled wickedly and ended the projection. She then hurriedly touched up her look and left. As she was about to step into the ballroom, Yihan appeared out of nowhere and held her by her waist looking dangerously distraught. He then whispered,

"Let's get away from here, shall we?"

Euphenia, "Whoa you look scary. What's going on?"

Yihan, flashed a smirk on his angered expression and said, "I am scary right? So, better ease my anger and calm me down."

Euphenia blushed and said, "As my prince wishes."

Yihan held her hand and ran across the palace towards his suite. Shutting the door he started kissing her like a tiger pouncing on its prey. Euphenia gasped for breath as Yihan pressed his lips on her. Soon they were on the bed making out tearing out each other's clothes. Euphenia kind of sensed Yihan was in distress as if he was deeply disturbed by something yet too bold to express it. After making out for some time, he immersed himself intensely in Euphenia. The strength was so strong that Euphenia gulped for breaths. Their breaths became heavy and Euphenia felt a sharp pain as she this was her first ever intimacy with a man. She had many men pursuing her being the princess and beautiful. Yet, she never seriously paid heed to those advancements as she considered men a nuisance, particularly after her father left her and her mother. But meeting Yihan did something she didn't expect and could help but fall deeply for him, unknown to the fact of what kind of person he was. She didn't even say anything about being a virgin when Yihan came on to her, fearing he might hesitate to take her. She was so deeply in love within this short time that it seems she can lay her life out for Yihan.

However, little did she know that the one wreaking havoc on Yihan's mind was not her. In fact, the reason he was getting involved with Euphenia was to avoid the thought of that person. As if her thoughts were too much, the scene he saw an hour ago set fire to his mind and heart. It drove him to the brink of a maddening rage. The vampire, no, he kind of never saw her as one, rather she was a woman to him, A woman who is immune to him and his so-called charms. Nothing works on her and this drives him crazy. Her stubbornness, grimness, and rigidness have something which he hates to the core yet it attracts him without any control. In comparison, Euphenia's complete surrender to him was something he boasts about and relishes but deep down it failed to make an impact on him. Especially, today, the way she looked in that green dress made Yihan lose his mind completely yet his narcissism did not let him react. But what snapped his mind was the sight of Emmet and Nezeira talking, all alone and that she was talking to him with a serene expression made his mind run a riot. To his shock, he felt an immense urge to grab Nezeira and flee. He desperately needed to vent out.

As Yihan ferociously took Euphenia, he could no doubt release the frustration in him yet, the only person who reigned his thoughts was Nezeira. Flashes of her face came to him one by one as his thrusts grew fierce. And as he came, the serene face of her he saw earlier came to him, entirely grappled his heart with an unspeakable sting and at that moment it happened. He looked down at the person beneath him and the same face flashed in front of his eyes. Under the reeling effect of passion, he saw Nezeira's face in Euphenia's. The delusion, made him explode with excitement as he cupped her face and planted a deep passionate kiss. The heat of the act, unfathomable, can only prove the fact that Yihan has completely fallen for Nezeira.

Nezeira chatted for a long time with Emmet. To her surprise she didn't feel irritated or agitated, rather there was a calmness in Emmet's companionship. And that's why she talked to him without realizing that a long time has passed. This was the first time in four hundred years she felt peaceful talking to someone. Nezeira spoke,

"It's late. I have to go back. Thank you for your time."

Emmet, "Same here, let me walk you to the guest house."

Nezeira, "It's fine, I can.."

Emmet cut off her amusingly and said, "I know you can go back alone. You are much stronger than me and don't need my help but this is about courtesy not helping. So please allow me."

Nezeira could not say anything else with Emmet's request. They came out of the palace and walked through the garden, which was lit up in small fairy lights as decoration for the banquet and it looked surreal. They walked quietly and finally reached the guest house. Nezeira spoke,

"This is it. Thank you for walking me till here. I'll take my leave."

Emmet, "Wait, princess."

Nezeira stopped and turned around. Emmet stepped forward looked into her eyes and said,

"This is one of the best times I had in the past few years. I know you don't show much but I know deep down in that heart of yours you have feelings and things to express."

Nezeira looked back into his eyes usual her usual coldness and said, "You don't know me, Emmet."

Emmet, "No, but I am willing to if you let me."

Nezeira, looked at him expressionlessly for a few seconds and then said, "Goodnight, Emmet."

Emmet felt a little disappointed but he didn't lose hope. For what he understood about Nezeira was that she is rather unusual when it comes to expressing herself and he was not a clingy type to push her for it.

Nezeira walked up to the door and unlocked the latch took a step in when suddenly her senses became super alert, especially her olfactory sense. The blue pupils dilated and the expression became fierce. She dashed into the living area where her study was. It was semi-dark, and a shadow of a figure sitting on the chair, with red glowing eyes. Nezeira in a blink of an eye fetched Requiem, drew it towards the figure, and hissed,

"You have a lot of nerve coming here.....Rhain!"

Rhain's, icy cold laugh was heard as he stood up. He walked towards Nezeira and said,

"I missed you. Is it too bad for me to come to see the person I miss so much?"

Nezeira, smirked, "Jokes normally don't work on me, especially lame ones like yours. You will give up this madness and come with me to Vladmore or I can capture you and bring you back. You choose."

Rhain, "Ahhhh Nez! My same old cold-hearted Nez. I sneaked in here without detection; how can you think you can actually capture me?"

Nezeira swung her sword and took Rhain by surprise. But he dodged it but within a second Nezeira brought down another swift move along with a kick. Rhain stumbled back towards the wall when Nezeira in a fraction of a second came plunged her sword through his abdomen locking him. She then clasped his throat tightly and spoke,

"You will come with me to Valdmore to be tried for your crimes but before that, you will tell me who helped you in this and how did you get your hands on the Bracelet?"

Rhain was shocked, "How did you know about the Bracelet?"

Nezeira, chuckled, "Did you forget who am I, brother? What my powers are? The moment you dodged your sleeves moved a bit and I saw it."

Rhain, let out a rage full laugh and said, "Brother?! I am not your brother."

Saying so he inflicted a kick with his knees on Nezeira's legs making her tumble back a bit and in that window of time he held the sword and pulled it out throwing it away. He dashed towards Nezeira and held her tightly with his hands. Suddenly, Nezeira felt they were too strong to be Rhain's. She literally struggled to get out of his embrace but he tightened even more. The hood Rhain had on his head came off due to the fight and revealed his pale face which was strikingly handsome yet gave off evilness. The red eyes fixed on Nezeira's blue ones. He then spoke, this time with a tone that shocked Nezeira,

"From now on never call me 'brother', Nez! Because I have never seen you as my sister; all these years, since the moment you stepped into the palace with father. I could never tell you about how I felt because that stupid, selfish, old vampire never considered what others might feel."

Nezeira looked shocked and disgusted, and spoke, "You have lost your mind. How dare you speak of father that way."

Rhain said, "Yes I have lost my mind. All this time to have you close to me yet cannot have you because that old fucking vamp made you my sister. We don't share his blood Nez so tell me how am I your brother? And given your cold nature, you don't likely have any affection for anyone let alone me."

Nezeira kept looking at him in a disgustful manner as he spoke on,

"Let me tell you something Nez before I leave. I will get my hands on the jewel by any means necessary. I will let blood flow like a river if that's what it needs. And you, Nez. I want you. Even if I have altered your soul by magic I will make you mine and if anyone tries to take you then I will crush his soul to oblivion. Your powers are something I need to find as to how you have them but we don't."

Nezeira was stunned to speak. She kept staring at the one whom she considered a brother, even when she never flaunted any affection towards him. But deep down she never considered Rhain as a blood brother. She never fathomed that Rhain was this obsessed with her and her powers. She then sarcastically spoke,

"You are obsessed with my powers and not me so don't make a fool of yourself trying to be an obsessive lover, brother."

Rhain hissed in indignation and said, "I told you not to call me that."

Nezeira, "Listen to me Rhain, I promise you that I will stop you no matter what it takes. I will make you kneel in front of our father as I have promised him so don't set your hopes too high…..brother."

The moment she said brother Rhain's patience broke and he tightened his hold on Nezeira and planted a kiss on her lips locking it tightly with his. As it happened Nezeira was too overwhelmed to react and her mouth was slightly open which made Rhain insert his tongue inside. The kiss went on for a long time and as he released her a dangerous rage exploded in Nezeira's head. In retaliation, she inflicted a fatal bit on Rhain's neck sucking out his blood. In the middle of flaunting his newfound power that came from wearing the bracelet he completely forgot that Nezeira can drink vampire blood, without it killing her, unlike other vampires. As his blood was sucked out Rhain felt his strength draining away. Even with the bracelet on as his vitalities were drained away, he was incapacitated totally. After draining a considerable amount of blood Nezeira finally let go. Rhain now weaker than before started to stumble and has let his grip on Nezeira go a long time ago. Seizing this opportunity Nezeira tried to take the bracelet off him but Rhain somehow managed to stand up and conjured every bit of strength and fled. She ran out towards the balcony but Rhain has vanished. Nezeira, concerned, went swiftly near the table drawer and opened it to find the envelope in which the scroll was kept, gone. She dialed up her phone. The voice answered in a sleepy tone, "Hey Goofy! Don't you think it's late?"

Nezeira, "Rhain. He took it. The scroll."

The voice, became serious, "What? How?"

Nezeira, "He sneaked into my guest house. And he has the bracelet."

The voice, shocked, "The bracelet? Which bracelet, don't tell me the Bracelet of Uraos."

Nezeira, with a dark expression, "We are in serious trouble. I must go back to Vladmore. This is not about the monsters. It is something big I am afraid."

The voice, "Let me come with you Goofy. I can help."

Nezeira, "It will be risky. You are half-breed."

The voice, "Fine, then let us meet tomorrow first thing in the morning."

Nezeira, "We have to. Thank you for helping me, dear Kabir."

In the middle of a such tense situation, Nezeira flashed an expression of gratitude for this old friend of hers.

Kabir, "Hey hey, no need for that, I owe you my life Goofy. These four hundred years, never once I forgot about you and what you did for me. To me, you are still that quirky little girl who took the blame for my mistake."

Nezeira, "You were my only friend back then how can I not help you? It's late go back to sleep. We have work to do. See you tomorrow."

Kabir, "See you Goofy."

They hung up. Nezeira went off to change and retire for the night.

Back in Vladmore, King Zachaeus received a call in the middle of the night. He was busy with his court affairs when his assistant came and handed over the phone. King Zachaeus answered it and his expression went dark with concern. Hanging up, he thought for a moment and ordered,

"Secretary, you have seen my golden box right?'

Secretary, "Yes Your Majesty I have."

Zachaeus, "Destroy it this instance."

Secretary, a little taken aback, "Yes, it will be done at once."

As the secretary left, Zachaeus spoke to himself,

"I am sorry my child. I am so sorry."