
Royal Masquerade Ball

Euphenia was reeling under the encounter last night. Her head felt occupied by the handsome prince of Cresia pushing away the determination and focus she came here. But she shook off the distraction and concentrated on the real purpose of her visit. She dressed and headed out to meet the princess of Vladmore. The woman she was keen to meet for a long time. It intrigued her to finally see Rhain's obsession with her. Suddenly something struck her. Rhain showed her a picture of the princess once; exquisite looking with extraordinary blue eyes. But yesterday when she saw her she didn't have blue eyes and looked pretty normal for a vampire. With all these thoughts in her mind, Euphenia didn't notice Nezeira came standing by her side.

"Princess!", Nezeira spoke which startled Euphenia a little and she turned around.

Letting out a smile she said, "My apologies I didn't notice you come. Shall we discuss the situation here?"

Nezeira, " Yes, of course. We can speak at the guest house if that is alright?"

Euphenia, "Absolutely."

Both of them arrived at the guest house and sat facing each other on the couch. Euphenia was dying to ask about Nezeira's eyes which like yesterday weren't blue. Nezeira felt the restlessness and said,

"Is there something bothering you princess?"

Euphenia, "Oh, actually I do have a question."

Nezeira looked at her and said, "Please ask."

Euphenia, "I have heard about Your Highness many times. Especially about your eyes. But….."

Nezeira, "I wear black contacts. Trying not to draw too much attention."

Euphenia gleamed and replied, "No wonder!"

Nezeira, "So, what do have to share regarding these Beasts?"

Euphenia relaxed and said, "Yes. Tell me princess how well are you acquainted with the legend of Uraos?"

Nezeira, "Not much except that he was the supreme God of Creations."

Euphenia, " Hmm then you don't know the whole story. Let me tell you about it. Because it is necessary for you to know the history of these Beasts."

Nezeira, "History? These were made before?"

Euphenia relayed the story to Nezeira about the legend of the Bracelet. Nezeira listened to it and said, "So what do we need at the moment?"

Euphenia's eyes narrowed a bit and she said, "The Bracelet with the blue sapphire is what holds the key to stop all these."

Nezeira, "The bracelet is at Illusontis so all we need is the sapphire."

Euphenia, "Yes our priority should be finding the sapphire. Once it is bound with the bracelet it can be used to destroy the Beasts."

Nezeira, "Alright then let's get to work."

Euphenia, "I am working on an enchanted map that will show me the places the Gem of Ayelet has been. Even people who have touched it. By tomorrow evening it should be done"

Nezeira, "Very well then. Kindly inform me."

Euphenia then stood up to leave and said, "Okay, see you at the ball."

Nezeira, "Yes sure!"

After Euphenia left Nezeira went and sat on the chair and took out the scroll page from the drawer. She ran her fingers on the bracelet depicted on the scroll. She thought for a second and dialed a number. The person answered, "Yes Goofy!"

Nezeira, "We need to meet asap. There is something you need to know."

The person, "Is it about the bracelet?"

Nezeira, "And the sapphire stone, the Eye of Ayelet."

The person, with a serious tone, "Did you find the whereabouts of it?"

Nezeira, "Not yet, but there is something odd about it I came to know, we need to talk about it."

The person, "I am out of town. How about tomorrow morning the first thing at my apartment?"

Nezeira, "Done. Send me the location."

The person, "Listen Goofy, we will find it. We have to. We paid a heavy price remember, you and me both."

Nezeira, "I do. See you then."

Nezeira narrowed her eyes and was in deep thought when her phone rang. It was Ywain. He called up to inform us that the autopsy has been done and it is confirmed that these humans have been killed by a vampire. But something else was there and Nezeira needed to see it herself. So she went out to the basement lab.

Nezeira, "Show me."

Ywain, "Look her princess. The bite marks. Reminds you of someone?"

Nezeira, "Rhain! What else."

Ywain, "These humans' DNA shows signs of altercations."

Nezeira, "What do you mean?"

Ywain, "On a cellular level they were affected by sorcery."

Nezeira, "Sorcery? If it's Rhain then sorcery doesn't fit in."

Ywain, "I am baffled too. How about we take the help of the Illusontians?"

Nezeira, "Will have them looked. Let me call Euphenia."

Nezeira, called Euphenia who came and checked the bodies. She brushed it aside and said since vampires are a different species who are magically transformed it leaves traces on their victims. However, the explanation seemed a little out of logic to Nezeira. But she gave it the benefit of the doubt and settled for the explanation she gave. She then instructed Ywain to arrange to dispatch the bodies to their respective families.

Nezeira came out and was about to head back to her guest house when a familiar voice called out. She turned to see who it was and the next moment her expression grew irritated.

"Do you not have fun princess, you are always either working or threatening…..people", Yihan tauntingly asked.

Nezeira looked at him squarely as he approached her looking directly into her eyes. In the midst of meeting Euphenia and checking out the bodies, she completely forgot that she wasn't wearing any contacts. And it so happened that where she stopped after Yihan called her, the sunlight fell on her like a heavenly beam. Yihan's heart took a jab at the scene in front of his eyes. The vampire, who he hated and perhaps secretly feared as well, looked like someone from another realm. And today it was specifically more alluring as her blue eyes were in full view. He felt a complicated feeling of fatal attraction toward her. His narcissistic mind felt like a caged animal in front of her. Since he was used to projecting his superiority on others especially women, Nezeira's overpowering him made a captured wild beast; angry and desperate yet entirely incapacitated. He cannot help but look at her transfixed and unconsciously blurted out,

"You are ethereal!!"

Both he and Nezeira was shocked. Yihan was taken aback and embarrassed and Nezeira felt a jab in her heart. The tone was something she heard four hundred years ago. It was too familiar to miss. Yihan awkward by his own babbling forgot the purpose of taunting Nezeira out of anger and left hurriedly. Nezeira stood watching him leave. Suddenly she remembered that there is a masquerade ball tonight. Nezeira has been away from all the womanly things for about four hundred years now. So she dressed up in her latex pants, high heel boots, and a high neck body hugging top with a black leather jacket. Nothing like a masquerade get up but it's the best she had and moreover, she couldn't care less. She chose not to wear contacts either. After about an hour and a half, she reached the grand entrance of the palace. Luxury cars lined up one by one as the guests were arriving. She entered the hall and walked up to the huge magnificent royal ballroom. Nezeira walked through the crowd of lavishly clothed guests in masquerade gowns and suits and tuxedos and of course masks. People looked at her in surprise as she was the only odd one out. She made her way through the crowd to greet the king and the queen. When they saw her, particularly the queen kind of awkwardly asked,

"My dear! Why are you not wearing a gown?"

Nezeira replied, "Apologies your majesty I do not have any gowns as I am not used to wearing them often."

Queen Chang, "Ohh my my. Why didn't you tell me before?"

Nezeira, "I didn't want to trouble you, Your Highness."

Queen Chang, "Come on there is no trouble in this. No, I cannot let you attend the ball in this outfit. Come with me."

Nezeira, "Please Your Highness do not be troubled I am fine in this."

Queen Chang, "I know but consider this as a request from me. Please."

Nezeira bowed, in embarrassment quickly. The Queen almost dragged her with her. This was noticed by Emmet who was watching Nezeira the moment she entered the ballroom. In fact, he dressed up today a bit more cautiously and secretly for her. Even Yihan was surprised as Emmet looked dashing. Emmet came down first and Yihan was still at his suite. He was wondering what was taking so long for him when his eyes fell on Nezeira walking up to the ballroom entrance. Her blue eyes, made him lose the last stand of sanity he was holding onto and he fell head over heels for her. He thought of her as something precious; rarest of the rare. Seeing her being led by the Queen intrigued him which of course was revealed an hour later.

The Queen took Nezeira to her closet hall and instructed her personal stylist to dress her up, what the Queen termed as 'masquerade appropriate'. The stylist came forward to ask what color Nezeira would like, who was feeling rather awkward as this will be the very first time in four hundred years that she will be dressing up in the glamour. Before this back in Vladmore whenever there was a banquet or a ball Nezeira would just attend it to greet the King and the Queen as a part of the royal formality and being a Princess. It normally lasted for a few minutes to half an hour at the max. She never dressed up in gowns and showed up in her usual black leather outfits. But here things are different. Queen Chang is known for her motherly care and Nezeira had to abide by her actions. No matter how cold and indifferent she was, when it came to respecting others, Nezeira never failed to uphold her maturity and sense of decorum.

Nezeira, a little puzzled, said, "Red will be alright."

Stylist, "I'll see what I can get."

Queen Chang, "Your favorite color is red?"

Nezeira nodded. The Queen said, "You know in my native culture red signifies vitality, long life, and happiness. Honestly, Princess, I can now see it. You may be a little rough and edgy for normal people but you do have an intrinsic nature of being good. The King, I am afraid is much fickle in understanding the deep meaning of things. He is driven mostly by what can be seen by the naked eye. To my disappointment my older son is more like his father and the younger one is too lost in his own shenanigans."

Queen Chang turned around and held Nezeira's hand softly and said, "I am glad that I met you, Princess."

The stylist came back and in a disappointed tone said, "I am so sorry Princess there is no red dress in our collection. However, there are blues, blacks, and one green. I have brought the trolley for you to check them out."

Queen Chang, "How can there be no red dress miss? You must stock up a few."

The stylist, "My sincere apologies Your Highness."

Nezeira quickly interjected, "It is fine, no worries. I am okay with anything."

Then the stylist let Nezeira look at the dresses. She was so confused as she has no idea which to choose and was getting very a little impatient so to proceed matter quickly she randomly chose a dress. It was the only green dress with a satin corset base. The upper layer of the dress was covered with a tulle, sequined layer. From the waist down the dress was satin and sequined worked, a flowing pattern that made it look not too big bell-shaped like ball gowns are but was perfectly complimenting Nezeira's not-so-slim stout silhouette. The dress was one side off-shoulder. Nezeira's rare complexion kind of contrasted so well with the color that it surprised even her. The stylist proceeded to put makeup on her and kept it minimal as Nezeira wanted but she made her blue eyes stand out nevertheless, with light shimmering nude colors and bold red lipstick. Her hair sleek and straight was parted in the middle with the front two sections clipped side-ways behind the ears. The crown hair was teased and volumed up. The rest was left open. After the look was completed Nezeira stood in front of the mirror with the Queen and her stylist gasping at the transformation. She herself was surprised too but didn't show it. Since there were no masks left Nezeira had to leave without one. But that is probably for the best given the rareness of those eyes. It is better they are seen and not covered by a mask.

The ballroom was now full of guests. Ywain the group of vampires was present wearing tuxedos, with Euphenia and her two fellow sorceresses dressed extravagantly in embellished gowns and holding their masks. Euphenia looked beautiful in her black gown which was bell-shaped and heavily embellished. She wore black gloves and her hair was styled in a full updo. Yihan has been flirting with her all along and dancing, laughing, and chatting. Emmet was patiently waiting for someone who left almost an hour ago. The music was being played by the orchestra and people were dancing in couples. Yihan and Euphenia were all over each other. Earlier, after the encounter with Nezeira, Yihan felt weird and restless so he went and met Euphenia and asked her to be her date for the night, which she readily accepted.

The crowd chitter-chattered with the music playing. The King and the Crown Prince were in a deep conversation. Emmet stood alone near the wine corner with a champagne glass in his hands, when suddenly his eyes stopped dead at the person behind Queen Chang, who appeared on the top of the staircase leading to the ballroom. Emmet could not move his eyes any longer and not just him the whole ballroom went drop-dead silence as Nezeira stepped into view. There was not even a single whisper. The Queen lead her down the stairs and wore a satisfactory smile at her creation. Nezeira felt uncomfortable with all the gazes transfixed on her. It is not that she was not used to the strange gazes of people wherever she went but this was different. She looked here and there trying to adapt to the situation when her eyes met with a lone person standing in the far end near the wine table. She remembered the person from yesterday, the second prince's best friend, who is a gentleman, unlike him. Emmet found himself walking towards her as if there were no one else around. He stepped forward as Nezeira took each step forward. On the other side by the center of the ball Yihan had long stopped dancing abruptly, taking Euphenia off guard and she almost tipped due to the sudden break in the flow of the dancing. But Yihan paid no heed to her or tried to help her. His eyes were fixed on Nezeira like glue. He looked exceptionally dashing wearing a golden printed tux with black trousers and a shirt with a golden mask. The Queen abruptly announced to the crowd,

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Princess Nezeira of Vladmore!"

As Nezeira walked through the clapping crowd towards Ywain and the other Nightshaders group, heads turned in awe looking at her, the woman who was the plainest dressed in comparison with any other present there yet the most attractive and exceptional. She reached the Nightshaders group and everyone bowed and Ywain spoke smiling,

"Princess, you really look awesome tonight. This is my first time seeing you in a different avatar."

Another vampire, "Yes Princess, it's good to see you in this get-up. I have always seen you work not taking any day off or in leisure. Please enjoy tonight."

Nezeira never smiles but their compliments made her feel good so a faint smile appeared on her face. The next moment a deep voice spoke,

"May I have a dance, Your Highness?"

Nezeira turned around to see Emmet standing. Looking like the perfect handsome gentleman with the jet-black tuxedo. He had taken the mask off, out of decorum towards Nezeira as she had no mask on. Nezeira could not help but accept the invitation that the Nightshaders too encouraged. As Emmet took her by her hand away on the dance floor they smirked at each other. Nezeira nervously looked around and spoke to Emmet,

"I cannot dance. Not my cup of tea. It will be an embarrassment to you."

Emmet, whose eyes were locked on Nezeira said in a calm yet warm tone, "It's alright Princess. Just follow my lead. And, you are definitely not an embarrassment."

They glided with the music and other couples joined. Yihan took Euphenia and danced too but his eyes were glued to Nezeira, which was noticed all too well by her. She could feel the heat radiating from Yihan. She then asked him,

"What is it? Are you alright? Looks like you don't like the Princess."

Yihan, gritting his teeth, "Ohhh I hate her to the core."

Euphenia, "Why? The princess is a little rigid and upright and weird, yes, but she is well-behaved."

Yihan, unconsciously spoke without realizing what he was blurting out, "How dare she? How dare she wear those clothes? And that color particularly."

Euphenia, "What's wrong with the color?"

Yihan, "How dare she wears my favorite color and dance with my best friend?"

Euphenia was taken aback by Yihan's words. She could not fathom how wearing a particular color can offend anyone, even when it is their favorite. And also who his best friend dances with shouldn't be a concern as it's just a dance. But she chose to not say anything. Euphenia has a habit of not pushing a person too much. She is more of a self-centric person. Yihan then suddenly held Euphenia by the waist and pulled her close planting a kiss on her small lips sending her into shock. Before she could speak Yihan whispered in a seductive angry tone.

"Spend the night with me will you?"

Euphenia could not believe her ears the words Yihan spoke and it felt like jabs in her heart. She nodded her head as a mechanical doll whose control button was in Yihan's hand. She then said,

"I will spend the night with you. Yes."

Yihan gave out a wicked smirk and went ahead and kissed her again. Then they continued to dance.

While the palace was enjoying the ball a shadowy hooded figure landed silently on the roof of the guest house where Nezeira was staying. It then slid into the room through the window and stood in the darkness, with eyes glowing red and white fangs.