
Web of Attraction

King Xavier, was gearing up to welcome the convoy from Illusontis as per Queen Niamh's promise to lend help towards the monster problem. Security has been beefed up around the royal palace following the unexpected scene caused by the captured werewolf. Things naturally pined on Nezeira since it happened under her watch. But, she went and explained what exactly happened. The King and Queen were embarrassed to death to hear Nezeira. Yet she withheld the other shenanigans of the prince out of sheer respect for them, as they are visibly troubled by this rowdy son of theirs.

While in conversation the king informed Nezeira about the sorceresses from Illusontis who will be sent here to help them. Nezeira bowed and took note of it and promised to comply. After coming out of the palace she received a call from Yihan.

"Yes, tell me," she answered.

Yihan, "Mr. Malcolm is on a business trip to another province and will return after two days. I am afraid you gotta wait till then."

Nezeira let out a sigh and said, "I see. Ok."

She was about to hang up when Yihan interjected, " Hey listen, can we talk."

Nezeira, "No."

Yihan, in his usual cheeky tone, "Come on, please I have to say something to you. It's important."

Nezeira, "Is it about the monster issue?"

Yihan, "No, no its personal."

Nezeira, "I already told you if it's not about the problem then we have nothing else to say to each other."

Yihan, "Please, just once. I promise I won't say anything nonsense."

Nezeira, "Alright, for this once."

Yihan, "Not on phone. Let's meet. How about at the racing track?"

Nezeira, "When?"

Yihan, "Evening, 8 pm?"

Nezeira, " Ok."

Saying that she abruptly disconnected the phone. Yihan was sitting at his agency's office designated to him. While he was talking his best friend Emmet was there with him as well. Emmet was a racing superstar who participates alongside Yihan and is the only person who has ever defeated him without facing consequences. For Yihan, Emmet is like a little island in the middle of the ocean for he was the only one who knows and sees him for who he really is. As his best friend, he is also secretly worried about Yihan's rowdy nature and has covered up for him countless times. Also, it was he who introduced Yihan to bikes and racing. It is only in front of Emmet that Yihan is himself.

Emmet was shocked to hear Yihan plead on the phone. Yihan might take his guard down in front of Emmet but he sure never saw him beg someone like this. So after hanging up he asked in bewilderment, "Bro! What is up with you? I just heard to literally beg this person on phone to meet up."

Yihan, in a sulky irritating mode, "Remember I told you about this lady who is here for the monster incident that happened on the awards function day? How should I say this, I wanted to teach her a lesson for ignoring me. But she proved to be shrewd and one step ahead every fucking time. Now she holds leverage against me and I need to get her off my hook. Oh, thanks for helping me with Mr. Malcolm's case. I am just waiting for an opportune moment, Emmet."

Emmet, sensing Yihan has been up to no good, alarmingly said, "What the hell did you do Yihan?"

Yihan, with a smirk, "Ruined her reputation kind of. How dare she ignore me like that. Isn't it rude and obnoxious to glare and ignore someone who smiles at you?"

Emmet, "I don't think you are listening to your own words friend. You have gone crazy. It is my fault. I should have kept you in check with your shenanigans all this time."

Yihan, "Yo, how can my best friend say that to me? You know how much I look up to you, come on man help me out this once."

Emmet rolled his eyes and said, "Look dude, this lady you told is a vampire right. I am not sure if I feel alright saying yes to you. If anything goes south, let me tell you, I am off. I don't care about you. Deal?"

Yihan, "Nothing will go wrong. She is not dangerous per se. Really."

Emmet, "How can you say? Do you know everything about her?"

Yihan, "I don't need to. I have seen all I have to see and trust me it's fine. She is not like the other vampires."

Emmet sighed and half-heartedly complied and left for his practice. Yihan went off for his shoot. In the meantime, Nezeira rode her bike through Leopolis according to the GPS map. The location was provided by the mysterious caller who provided Nezeira with information about the famous jeweler Mr. Malcolm as well. She left the city and crossed the bridge over the Golden River into the country landscapes of Cresia. After almost half an hour of riding, she reached the edge of the dense pine Shade Forest. She left the main road and entered a natural road within the forest and rode for about ten minutes before reaching the edge of the forest near a dilapidated cottage. The cottage has shrubs and weeds grown into it. Memories flashed in Nezeira's eyes. But she remained calm and expressionless like an ocean, deep yet silent. She started to walk up the cottage except to turn a little sideways crossing it and arriving near three tombstones. She looked at them steadily, replaying strings of memories that came gushing down her mind. Being a vampire comes with its own unique traits. One of which is emotional control. It's a mind switch that one can put on and off. Nezeira has put her emotions off since she became one. Emotional switches are tricky and can be undone by a special person or incident which can remind of an emotional memory. For Nezeira, neither was there to undo her switch. Even King Zacchaeus's affection could not bring down the stiff wall of the emotional block she built up inside her. This is why the tombstones which reminded her of something distant and old failed to make her move emotionally. It is like there are emotions in her except they are locked away closed up in a tight space and the key to that space is lost somewhere.

Nezeira stood there for a long time before she turned towards the cottage. She walked through the half-broken gate, into a small pathway through the front lawn full of weeds and termite mounds before reaching the steps of the wooden veranda which made a creaking sound once she stepped onto it. She crossed it and pushed open the main door entering, what can be called a living room with a fireplace. She quickly became alert. On a nearby table, she can see remains of burnt candles with the chair and the worn-out couch seemed comparatively cleaner than the dusty surroundings. Soon, her pupils dilated as a familiar smell hit her nose. She swiftly followed the trail of smell into a nearby room. As she stood in front of it the smell's severity hit her squarely. She kicked open the door and was taken aback by the scene. Two human bloodied bodies lying dead. Both had severe bite marks on their neck with a trail flowing onto the floor. Nezeira, went on to check the bodies and found they have been dead for a little over twelve hours. She stood up and made a call to Ywain.

"Yes Princess", he replied

Nezeira, " Found something. Need you to come here once the sun sets."

Ywain, "What is it?"

Nezeira, "It's a cottage on the edge of the Shade Forest. Two bodies drained of blood. There are burned candles and signs of habitation. Inform the Chief as well. The families need to be informed."

Ywain, "Alright Princess I'll have it done."

They both hung up. Nezeira came out of the cottage. Before mounting her bike she turned an took one momentary look at the house before rising out of the place. As soon as she left a shadow appeared from behind the tombstones behind the house followed by a deep voice saying,

"She just left Master!"

The other side replied, "Ok, keep tabs on her. I want nothing missing."

The person, "What about the bodies inside?"

The other side, "Leave them be. They can't catch up to us."

Nezeira checked her watch and it was around six in the evening. Ywain had called up a few minutes ago to inform us that they have started for the cottage to secure the bodies and any other evidence. She was scheduled to meet Yihan as per their conversation earlier in the morning. So she went to the motorbike racing course track and waited. There were several racers practicing in white riding uniforms. After waiting for about half an hour she decided to give it a try at riding one. So she went to the borrowed a practice uniform and a bike before hitting the tracks. As an already ace in motorbike riding she did not have a problem rushing through the tracks like a pro racer. She didn't realize when time went by and she was just warming up to the idea of motorbike racing when her digital watch beeped. It was a call from Yihan. She stopped her bike, lifted her helmet, and answered,


Yihan, "Where are you? We are here near the podium."

Nezeira, nonchalantly replied, "I' 'll be there in a minute."

She hung up and raced up the bike. Yihan and Emmet were standing waiting for her. Yihan was more anxious and worried but Emmet had excitement and inquisitiveness which he was trying hard to pass off under a subtle tone of relaxed appearance. For some reason, he had a strange adrenaline rush in him. They were chatting when a loud sound of a raging bike made them look up. A white practice bike approached and stopped a little distance away in front of them on the tracks. The rider came down and started walking towards them while unfastening the helmet lock and slowly taking it off.

Nezeira had put up her hair in a half-up ponytail which, while wearing the helmet was kind of huddled up inside. So when she took it off they fell like a cascading waterfall all over her back. The two men standing instantly went petrified with awe as Nezeira walked up to them. Emmet felt a wave of goosebumps all over him and he was spellbound, enchanted by the vampire, about what he had heard so much from Yihan. Normally, vampires are the species that do not sit well with humans irrespective of the fact that the kingdoms are in a truce and mutual respect to prevent mindless killings by the vampires who are stronger than humans. But, Nezeira strangely never gave off any hostile vibe to anyone in Cresia till now. A little strange or unusual maybe but not hostile.

Looks like for Emmet time just stopped right there. Nezeira's unusualness hit him so hard that he lost control of his soul it seems. The intensity Nezeira gave off made Emmet fall hard. He kept staring at her approaching them. Yihan on the other hand had a shocked feeling giving she proved to be an ace motorbike rider. It somehow knocked out his superiority complex. His temper towards Nezeira churned violently as he saw her effortlessly ride the bike as if she was gliding. Yihan is like that bully, who will keep others bothered as suited to him. If anyone proved to be better than them, he will instinctively try to bring them down. Till now Yihan's efforts to subdue Nezeira have been thwarted and not just that she gained an upper hand in subduing him. All these extremities Yihan felt, however, could not shake off the initial attraction he felt for her. The feeling made its strong presence and seeped within layers of his male ego, narcissism, and rowdiness.

Ruffling her disheveled hair due to the helmet she came and stood in front of them. Before Yihan could say anything, she threw a crude statement,

"Under no circumstances, I will give up the footage."

Yihan sighed closing his eyes in frustration, "Hey, come on girl. I did what you asked."

Nezeira, "You are wasting my time Your Highness! I suggest you stop doing that. I am leaving."

Yihan sprang in front of her and blocked her exit. She frowned in irritation. Yihan then spoke,

"Please, I beg of you. Don't do this. I said sorry, right? Please consider my request. I promise I won't bother you again."

Nezeira paused and said, "Will see and decide. Till then, it's a no."

Saying that she left. Yihan clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, fuming in rage. He stomped on the ground in anger and turned and left. However, Emmet did something unexpected. Without following Yihan, he ran behind Nezeira. Reaching her he called out,

"Your Highness, Princess!"

Nezeira stopped and looked back. Emmet stood at almost Yihan's height, he is well-built and had a tanned complexion. He has well-defined features and a very gentlemanly demeanor, a sharp contrast to Yihan's. He has never been into any women ever, after a tragic incident that claimed the life of the woman he loved. But meeting Nezeira changed that. He could suddenly feel the fire of feelings inside him lit up. As he stood face to face with her, she spoke,

"Your Highness, please can you reconsider my friend's request? I will promise you that he won't cause any problems. I will be responsible for him."

Nezeira, "I don't know you and you ask me to trust you. Listen, here friend of His Highness, I don't trust humans, especially your kind so stop whining. I'll let this go once my purpose has been fulfilled. Good day!"

Normally if this was someone else the blatant rejection would have made them irritated whereas else for Emmet it was disappointment yet he was feeling good about her. Nezeira, as usual, was unfazed by any of such things for a long time. Her time as a human was so heart-wrenching that she grew hostile toward feelings and emotions. She left the ground and headed back to the palace. On her way through the gate, she could spot a couple of luxury cars lined up near the grand portico. She deduced that the convoy from Illusontis must have arrived. But Nezeira took no particular interest in it and rode away towards the parking. There she found Ywain and his team. They just returned from the cottage.

Ywain, "Princess, we have brought the bodies. We will carry out autopsies to get into further details."

Nezeira, "This is taking too long. I am afraid we don't know how long we will have to stay back here for this."

Ywain, "I understand Princess. We will give our best and won't rest until we hit something."

Nezeira nodded and was about to leave when Ywain called her back and said, "Princess, I almost forgot to tell you. The Queen has asked for your presence tonight for the reception of the convoy from Illusontis,"

Nezeira, "Ohhh when?"

Ywain, "I think maybe right now. As per reports they have already arrived."

Nezeira, "Ok, I'll head there then. You guys get on and call me if you hit anything."

Ywain, "Yes Princess."

Nezeira arrived at the royal courtroom and was received by the King and Queen. As she entered, three sorceresses turned around to see her. Their expressions were as expected; awestruck to see the unusual blue-eyed vampire princess of Vladmore. One of them the red-tipped small-haired black suited sorceress came forward and laid out her hand for a shake and said in a silky tone,

"Your Highness Princess, of Vladmore, it is an honor!"

Nezeira bowed a little and said, "It is an honor too, Your Highness Princess Euphenia!"

King Xavier, "Now, great. Since we all are here we can work towards solving this menace. Princess Nezeira has uncovered some crucial evidences and we hope with Illusontis we will find more."

Queen, "Also, with such a rare congregation happening of the kingdoms I have organized a ball tomorrow evening and request your presence."

They all bowed and left. Nezeira headed back to the guest house as her cell phone beeped with the restricted number on it. She answered it and the voice spoke,

"Goofy, we need to meet up. It's damn important."

Nezeira, " What is it?"

The unknown caller, "Something mysterious enough to baffle the cold-hearted Princess of Vladmore."

Nezeira, "Fine. When?"

The unknown caller, "Day after tomorrow. I have business tomorrow so."

Nezeira, "Ok, text me the time, I'll be there."

The call disconnected.

Princess Euphenia and her associates were made to stay in the lavish guest room of the palace. They had been given three separate suits to stay. Once inside her, Euphenia closed the door, and astral projected to connect with Rhain. She informed the developments and their plan till now. After that Euphenia sat and prepared something regarding their plan for the next step for the next couple of hours. Feeling a little claustrophobic she decided to go out and explore the palace a bit which will also help her to be familiar with the surroundings. She went out and started exploring the palace. Walking along the wide corridor she realized that it was the left wing of the palace. Just before the last large entrance of what can be called a grand suite, there was a staircase heading down in a swirling style. The stairs were grand and wrapped in expensive velvet covers. She went down and came across two grand doors. One was the records and another was the library. She sensed something inquisitive about the records so she looked around and found the area deserted. She flicked her hand and with one which unlocked the door and went inside. It smelled musty yet was clean and maintained. She brought forth a light charm as it was dark. But suddenly she heard voices. Most probably the patrolling security personnel. They spotted the door open and rushed inside switching on the light. Panicking, Euphenia quickly cast a charm that made them not see her. And thus she slipped out somehow. Euphenia started to run upstairs to flee. As it happened, when she reached the grand door of the last suite more security personnel were heard coming towards her. If she got caught then it will be a questionable thing of the Princess of Illusontis to wander around the palace at an odd hour. She thought that she was almost caught when suddenly catching her off-guard, someone pulled her backward through the door into the grand suite.

Euphenia's heart gave out in panic as she faced the person who pulled her in. Then she saw him. The slender, athletic-built man. His slanting eyes filled with a certain rowdiness and a mischievous smirk. His hair was messy and wet and he was wearing a towel which meant that he came out of the shower. The musk perfume smell he gave off baffled Euphenia and she stared at him lost in those flirty eyes. He was still holding her by the waist with her hands on his bare wet chest. Euphenia could feel her knees growing weak as she got drowned in those eyes and her soul crushed with the smell he gave off. Her heart raced in his embrace. After some time the guy spoke in a deep voice,

"They are gone it seems."

Euphenia jerked back to reality yet she was so smitten with him that she forgot to speak and stared blankly at him. The guy then spoke again,

"You must be the Princess right?"

Euphenia, answered like a mechanical doll, "Yes, I am Princess Euphenia."

Yihan, "Euphenia! That's a sweet name." As he spoke he caressed a lock of hair from her forehead.

Euphenia found herself falling for this guy so much that she totally forgot why she is there and the purpose of the visit. Yihan, like the annoying flirt he is clutched Euphenia's waist a little more tightly and said,

"I am Yihan, the second prince."

Euphenia just stared at him. At that moment Yihan knew this girl fell for her badly. Something which he relished in women. He smirked and said, "Since you are here in the palace we can catch up here at my place sometime. Will you allow me to do that honor Princess?"

As expected Euphenia nodded positively. Yihan then said, "You should go back to your room as of now Nia. Can I call you Nia?"

Euphenia nodded, enchanted by him. Yihan then held her right hand and placed a kiss on it before sending her off. Closing the door, he smirked and thought.

"Girls should be like this one. Sweet and obedient. Not like that stone head cold-hearted vampire lady."

He then went and lay on his bed and closed his eyes smiling in satisfaction with the encounter he just had. But as he did, sudden flashes of a face appeared spontaneously in his mind. Fragments of Nezeira's image especially the one during the awards function. The way she jumped and lifted her face. Those electric blue piercing eyes and a demeanor were unlike any woman he ever came across. Yihan opened his eyes and sat up. He felt uncomfortable yet a strange feeling crept into him. A sense of strong attraction' something he never felt in his life. An invisible pull that makes him think of nothing but of that person he despises.

Meanwhile, in the guest house, Nezeira was reading a piece of an ancient scanned copy of scripture with the depiction of a bracelet and a blue sapphire center stone. The phone beeped with a text message,

"Read that Goofy, it is something I manage to dug out from somewhere. Will tell you more when we meet. Goodnight."

She ran her eyes over the scripture and fixed on a writing which was not English but what she knew as the language of the ancient gods thousands of years ago. She managed to learn the basics of it years ago so she was fairly good to read it. Slowly she read what was written and figured out that it was "The Bracelet of Uraos" and the sapphire gem was called "Eye of Ayelet".