
The Blind Saviour:Aether New Start

After the battle with Fafir has ended, Luna and Silvia have been married and their first daughter is born. A girl named Oceilia. 19 years into the future not only has little Ocielia grown exponentially, but the Aetherling race has as well. New adventures await the young daughter of Aether,can she adjust to the many obstacles that await her? Or will she crumble? In addition Luna's sister Azou has also gave birth to twins. They both have grown into beautiful buxom young women. Maxine and Nyx are their names. As for Ourana and the other characters in the past, what are they up to now? Who knows,only time will tell.

Blind_Writer22 · Fantasia
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Return of Ourana

On Neo deep within its lust and vast forest sensing a very distant yet potent power,there was something very off.

As soon as me and Ocielia returned home five days after our stay with the Aetherlings, I figured it was time to head home, shower,get changed into our pjs and just chill,but for some reason..that wasn't the case. Near the forest behind my house was this alluring yet dangerous scent of power..w..what exactly is that..and..an I scared? I literally fought monsters, giantess,crazy knife wielding freaks and even simple arrogant fools,yet..Fafir was my biggest challenge and I have the sword scar to always remind me..technically..I lost..but due to the plot armor I rose from the dead hehe.

"Sorry..writer of my book..I'll fix this fourth wall soon enough don't you worry." I mumbled. We get ready to head inside, but Silvia opened the door for us and had dinner prepared already.

"Bout time you two got home. I was just watching the news and rumor has it. Fafir's evil energy and power are being placed in a unbreakable orb by Nea? How is that even possible? Isn't he a god?" My wife asked. I shrugged my shoulders and kissed her on her lips.

"You needn't worry about stuff like that. Trust me..I'm sure MANY and I mean MANY people could break that plastic lookin orb,but it's within Nea and soon Destiny's hands. After all Nea passed the torch to her. I just hope Destiny doesn't considering modeling far more important than um..being Neo's head honcho." I giggle as I see Destiny in tv,she looks a bit worried..not sure why though. Isn't this a great time to celebrate instead?

Hmm..maybe just having her father's literal evil energy all forced into one container and placed under her care. I assume that would make anyone nervous. Fafir did a lot of unspeakable things..sadly I was one of his victims and suffer even til this day with my..ailments. The doctor said I have PTSD and Stockholm Syndrome. I was diagnosed three months after Oceilia's birth. Anyways..I hope she deals that accursed orb somewhere safe and hidden..I rather not my Aetherlings nor Oceilia ever go through what I did. Hours later into the night Ocielia is for some reason sleeping on me. Her heavy frame is not making this easy.

"Mmm..chocolate sprinkles hehe..Momma so soft..I don't wanna leave." She says in her sleep. Some habits never die. The small white haired dullahan girl I birth has always sat on my lap,snuggled under my chin and slept there. It's cute to be honest,but..annoying at the same time. "Your tits are literally pillows of your own..use them you gremlin!!" I say patting her on the butt. She just ignored me and wrapped her arms around me instead. "Momma..mmm..I love my Momma..mmmmmm." My daughter said as she wiggled her butt..Guess Silvia was right..Oceilia does have a big butt..Man..When she gets a boyfriend or girlfriend their gonna be lucky.

"Gasp!! Whas that!!? I..is someone out there Mommy Dearest!? Is someone in that forest behind the house!!?" Oceilia said as she headbutted me. "Ow!! your big head almost chipped a tooth of mind..Grr..sigh..It's ok beautiful..I just..look I sense the same thing also. Oh and before you ask. No you can't go see what it leads to. It could be a trap." I say making Oceilia noticeably sad. She puts in this show were she quivers her bottom lips and widened her eyes making her even cuter..I try to look away..but she's..so cute..

"Ocey. Get off Momma sitting like that. For goodness sake girl I can see your panties. Put some pants on next time at least." Silvia says making her blush and rush to her bedroom. The door slammed shut and we heard a muffled scream. Typical Oceilia. Kinda a scatterbrain in some ways and others..not so much. Silvia takes Oceilia's place and sits on my lap. She looks at me and we kiss passionately for quite a bit.

"Wow..someone has been practicing since we left hehe. I knew ya missed me but..wow. Come and see your Aetherling children. It wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for you. Ya know." I tell Silvia. She takes my cell phone and searches for pictures of the aforementioned Aetherlings. I had tons of photos ready for her. Pics of mostly Neoka cause..to be fair. A chaos gremlin. The girl almost ate my phone five times.

There were photos of Nagantha and Poma even. Oma was shy as always so I had to calm her down. She's my baby though."To think technically..we have a LOT of kids hehe. This little blue one is hilarious. Let's have three of them spend time here. Or is that not allowed Oh Mother of Aetherkind?" Silvia says as I slapped her butt.

"Wow..you're gaining weight far better than we first met. Personally some muscle would do you good. Not to much..I like my women curvy and sexy..my men..mom hehe. Muscly or scrawny." I lewdly say smiling.

"If you wanna not make Oceilia a only child so much. Just say so hone. My..parts are open for business, we just need a special toy." Silvia says chuckling. I sense that weird and chaotic energy again. It has a nausea effect to it even. Silvia asked what's wrong and I tell her.

"Oceilia and I manage to have this weird scent of a person or maybe more..possibly living deep into the forest behind the house. Ocielia wanted to check it out,but what do you say dear?" I ask a partially dressed Silvia. She had just dropped her shorts and panties. She lifted up her oversized shirt for me to see her pussy this time was wet and ready to be taken. "I say you grab that special toy and but a baby in me hehe." She seductively smiled.

"That can wait. For now that energy..guhh..oh..feels sickening..what is that?" I said falling to a knee feeling nauseous. Silvia got dressed and grabbed a plastic bin for me to vomit in. Just in case. Suddenly Ocielia came downstairs dressed in a red tank top,brown short shorts and black combat boots. I had no idea where she gets those. Maybe Azou.She does like that kinda stuff.

The home phone rings and speak of Fafir, it was indeed Azou on the line. She mentioned her and her girls also felt this immense pressure..One thing for sure. Ocielia wanted to go see."Please pleaseeeee. I promise I won't get hurt." She begged. I looked at Silvia and she nodded.

"Fine..I'll have you go with your Auntie Azou and your crazy cousins. The three of you of you were merged together may very well save the world one day hehe." I say as I giggle to my self. I still feel a a little nauseous so I sat down on the couch and Silvia brushed my hair to keep me distracted. Ocielia awaits a knock on the door and soon after my black haired,pale blue skinned sister and her mini mes arrived. All in..leotards for whatever reason and I of course got dragged along. I just wanted to spent time with my wife. Is that too much to asked.

"It's okay Luna go keep our baby girl and our nieces outta trouble. Nyx and Maxine our a oodle of surprises." Silvia laughs. We leave immediately at walk down the long forested trial. Nothing but dirt,rocks and the open space planted by plenty of trees.

"Younger sister Luna. It certainly is good to see you again. I mean though we live no less than five minutes from one another it's always good to have our "litters" play with one another hehe. Wouldn't you not agree?" Azou slaps me in the back. "You definitely gotten stronger that's for sure,before your hits matched a mere bug,now they match the might of a Ulmus.

Impressive." I say complimenting Azou. She proudly chuckles as our kids walk ahead of us. Maxine and Nyx obviously towered over Oceilia, but it was very clear who was the leader of there group. "So if I'm not mistaken that weird energy is near here girls. My question is..should we be worried?" Ocielia asked her taller cousins.

"We literally have your mom who is a powerful as a nuke. If not even stronger than that behind us. Why should we be worried. If they wanna fight..oh boy hehe. Ol Nyx and Maxine got hands for em." Nyx says as she pounds her fist into her open palm. The girl definitely takes after my grandmother Yvonne. Nea rest her soul.

She passed after Fafir was defeated by ten months. Rumor has it..well according to Auntie Haze and my mom. Yvonne was a humble, yet striaght forward kinda gal in her youth. It was only due to her old age she became outspoken and would stare you down. Those magenta eyes could pierce even the coldest of souls. "I miss Granny Yvonne. Don't you Azou?" I asked.

"Mom says I look like her. Tall,sorta slender, high cheekbones and her long black hair. What a woman. She must've been a catch in her heyday." Azou responded.

The three girls snickered and Maxine asked Azou more about her great grandmother. "What else did she do? Was she evil like Granny Skyra?" The girl curiously asked in childish wonder.

"She was the one your Granny Skyra had to respond to if she got in trouble. Granny Skyra was always a open book..and opened her legs,but at least Yvonne never murdered thousands all because of a corrupt organization killed her unmercifully." Azou said hoping to satisfy her daughter's knowledge.

Instead Maxine seemed to be frightened to realize that her grandmother used to sling leg left and right..and uh..was pretty much a ruthless, cold hearted killer that puts Fafir to shame. "She isn't like that any more though. Maxy,trust me if she was..I don't know if I could ever handle having to..end my own mother.

Sure me and Granny Skyra argue and she does it with Luna, but she's calm down a lot for a women in her fifties." Azou says reassuring Maxine her grandmother isn't evil anymore. "First time Momma told me about Granny Skyra it was alarming. Than she told me and Nyx in person. We understand why she snapped, but it's not like we agree with murder,heck we were taught to never do such a thing." Ocielia chimed in. Azou smiled and hugged me.

"May your wisdom you get from our father continue to shine. Zuma is and will always be very proud of you. This is his one thousandth and uh..nineteenth year as a god..so let's continue to make him proud sis. Okay?" Azou smiled. I hugged her back and kissed her hand since I'm short I couldn't reach her forehead. "Likewise Azou. Now come along my family let's continue on this path..ooh..very bad energy here. It's feels like hostility and rage. Girls guard yourselves..I think we are here." I say sensing a strange familiarity about this forest..we seemed to have walked further than..anticipated.

"Interesting..Fafir had his campsite here long ago..perhaps some people have come to pay their respects. I sure hope they won't try to harm us." Azou said as she smelled the air. We came up to a sign and couldn't make out what it said..All I know of this forest is several of Fafir's men died here.

"Why would anyone wanna live here? Don't they know the history behind this place? Our teacher even warned to never come here. She just says..She is the vindicator, She is the princess of absolution,SHE shall not be disturbed..lest you offer up your life." Oceilia says creeping us all out. We passed that weird sign and all five of us are walking on a narrow trail. It's dark here and the stench of fear and intimidation is far more present than it was a few seconds ago.

We five keep walking and suddenly Ocielia gasped. Motherly instinct kicked in and I stand in front of her and my nieces. Also does so as well. We look up and on a distant yet tall hill. A feminine silhouette just menacingly stands there.

The sky grows a eerie red,the trees become black as night and the moon grows drastically in size. "Is..is this a alternate dimension? It's just like my dream. I remember..everyone listen to me.I had seen this before. What we need to do is follow that lady. If we don't she may kill us on sight for trespassing." Oceilia says with confidence.

Azou and her daughters disagree. I keep my eyes on the sky and that woman is gone. I push all of us forward and have Ocielia lead the way. "Just a little bit farther family. We almost our there. Now according to my dream when I met this woman..she was cloaked in darkness never to be seen. I never knew what she wanted cause I always woke up at the wrong time..maybe we'll find out of we confront her. This way ladies!!" Oceilia says running ahead of us. I reach out my hand and try to call out to my excited daughter but she was already to far ahead for her to hear. Azou takes the leadership role and we safely and carefully dive deeper into the scary forest. Each tree looks the same and red is not my color. If anything blue is.

We soon come to a stop and see Ocielia at the base of a tall hill. But she was looking up at the shadowy figure. This time two glowing eyes eminated from it's being. The creature jump so high I whispered to Azou this creature is far from human. Maybe far from being Neotic. Once it landed. Not only a dust of smoke form and disappeared but I could make out a bit more. I squinted my eyes and recognized this creature. "Silver eyes!?? Only one person had those..Azou it's..it's!!" I exclaimed.

Azou caught on and also recognized the figures shape. "Long time no see Aether and Ojoo Mother. Seems you two been very busy. A little stock of your own huh? Man three little mini mes, time surely has gone by. But it hasn't just for you all,but for myself as well. Behold..the daughter of the defeated Primordial." The girl said looking very eerie in the red area and dark shadows. The soon brighten and there stood a good friend of me and Azou's. "Ourana the daughter of Fafir and Panna has returned. I have witness the countless slaughter of my father by books yes,but to see what he did do you Luna..I apologize in his behalf. Tell me..is the Beast God..my father still alive?"

Ourana ask as she step further into the light. Girl is taller and leaner than the last time I saw her. She looked to be in her twenties if not mid twenties even. Her abs she proudly showed along with those toned legs and well built arms. Ourana was almost unrecognizable. Frankly I was shocked. She still kept that brown bandana and now adorns a metal plated chest piece of armor for a top and a long somewhat turned black loincloth for the bottom. "Uh..as far as I know..I like to believe he's alive and kicking,but no one is allowed to ever see him unless your a tormentor." I nervously said trying not to anger a more powerful and mature Ourana.

Man she was just a kid when I saw her last and now..her long crimson red hair glowed a threatening scarlet red. "I see..Nea enforced such a thing to my father and my mother Panna..she unfortunately passed due to a unknown sickness..someone lied..she died due to being poison by a false Fafir soilder..They took it as there final hurrah before renouncing their servitude to him." The girl said with anger and regret in her eyes.

"I must admit..he didn't get away for long..I..I..took his life from him and..I hate that I did that. I've never been able to forgive myself for it,but now..a small group of runaways, former bandits and ex criminals have joined me at my camp. They call me the Beast Princess and ya know what I say to that Luna and company?" Ourana paused and stared at us. "W..what your majesty?" Nyx said fearing for her life. "Your damn right. And Beast Empress sounds Oh so better. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate you for what ya did. You had to act out propechy and your destiny.

Speaking of,we have talked numerous times. At least with my elder sister ruling I am at peace. No one bothers us here and we are safe. All in all..Thank you Luna for saving us and thank you for being Aether. And thank you Azou the mother of Ojoo Kind, because of it. I've met a few. I also know of the Aetherlings..hehe rumor has it a little blue one has been exploring too and fro. What was her name..hmm.." Ourana paused.

The girls calmed down and the eeriness of our situation subsided. I folded my arms and wondered why Neoka..just why must you be so curious. "Bad Neoka very bad!! Guess a spanking is in order when I see her next." Ourana looks to me confused."Who's Neoka..the blue Aetherling I saw had yellow fur as well. Azou tensed up and so did I.

"VexNix..of course just like Neoka but pushed to eleven. How long ago had she been doing this Ourana? Is she here now?" I asked the red headed girl. "Yep. I caught her..well Destiny did as she somehow teleported to Nius and then caused chaos by acting like a monkey and breaking everything.

She then crash landed in the Galpean Sea and swam to here. Destiny said to talk with you about this Lulu. " Ourana informed. Also..Lulu? I haven't been called that in a long time. We go to Ourana's camp and sure enough Vex was there. Her beautiful blue and yellow fur entranced Oceilia. A usual Aetherling greeting took place and everyone welcomed us. "Your in so much trouble VexNix I told you to stay home!!"I yelled. She shrugged her muscly arms and rubs her abs. A cocky smirk also form as she began to speak. "Beasty Girl here definitely took care of me hehe.

I can't be in trouble if I'm this cute huh? Plus I'm a Rare Aetherling just like Pomu. What other Aetherling do you know has golden scleras, navy blue messy hair, brilliant blue and yellow fur and knows how to sew clothes hmmm? By the way like my outfit. Figure I keep the goods on lock down haha." The fool laughs. I pinched her cheek and take her far away from every one else. Everyone laughs and all is well..Well except Vex.