
The Blind Saviour:Aether New Start

After the battle with Fafir has ended, Luna and Silvia have been married and their first daughter is born. A girl named Oceilia. 19 years into the future not only has little Ocielia grown exponentially, but the Aetherling race has as well. New adventures await the young daughter of Aether,can she adjust to the many obstacles that await her? Or will she crumble? In addition Luna's sister Azou has also gave birth to twins. They both have grown into beautiful buxom young women. Maxine and Nyx are their names. As for Ourana and the other characters in the past, what are they up to now? Who knows,only time will tell.

Blind_Writer22 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: The Nature of Aetherlings

The following evening as I awake from a pretty good nap,I'm cuddled by two very cute and curvaceous Aetherlings. These furry,yet humanoid beings I dare say are my greatest work,but nothing is as perfect as my own daughter Ocielia. Speaking of,I see she is a bit curious about the whole Aetherling way of life. What she obviously notice was that..uh..the males and females are naked.

Minus the fur that adorns most of their bodies. "How come you no have fur Ocey?" Nagantha asked as she combed Neoka and Oma's hair. Embarrassed I'm sure she could had came up with an response,it's just Ocielia is a bit shy when discussing certain topics this is one of them. She walks over to me and asked the same question.

Way to throw me under the bus you little gutter snipe. Mm..well..How am I suppose to tell her that she doesn't grow fur like her Aetherling-Siblings. "THAT IS KINDA WEIRD DON'T YA THINK MOMMY DEAREST?!! Ocielia said obviously trying to prove a point. I place my hand on her shoulder and look down into those beautiful green eyes.

"I can't give a logical reason for that. But the good news is perhaps maybe you could transform into a Aetherling sooner than later,after all their DNA is yours as well. When you were born even, I knew that you were indeed the FIRST Aetherling well minus Neoka hehe. Also there are a rare variation of your fuzzy siblings as well. One has been seen on top of a mighty mountain. Don't disturb her,she may get startled easily". I tell a all too curious Ocielia. She hugs me back and kisses me on the cheek. Sigh. To think I used to change her diapers and now..she's a young lady. What a time to be alive.

I watch her walk outside and observe my little darlings in their natural state. I hear her gasp in awe,probably because she's seeing a lot of her siblings naked again. "This is goin to take some getting used to. First that little hut you had us sleep in and now this. Lemme ask you girls a question." Ocielia paused as Nagantha, Neoka and Oma looked at her. "What?" They asked in unison. "So..how do you guys..ya know..do it?" The curious white haired girl asked.

Blushing from this Oma spoke up and tried to dodge the topic altogether but it was no use. "Too complicated?" Oceilia asked the pink furred Aetherling girl. "Uh..no..it's just we can reproduce asexually and..um..the..other way. It's a manner of choice per se. Look..I'm a virgin.s.so are Nagantha and Neoka w..we have little to no experience in this regard." Oma shyly said as she hid behind Neoka. "We've seen other Aetherlings..do it though." Nagantha added in as she rubbed the back of her head. "Mmhm. I guess you could say that uh.

Mating season usually happens for three to four weeks. The females and males come together and go to secluded areas to do the deed. If out in the open..from what we seen..it's forbidden to look..everyone needs their personal space. " Nagantha says as she covers her face from embarrassment. I see Ocielia take out a notepad and write down this info. I get dressed and head over to the four and ask if I as their mother and creator could fill in any blanks.

Ocielia was about to respond but Neoka spoke up first. "Not right now mama. We gotta go explore and stuff!" She grabbed Ocielia's hand and ran off. "M..Mama? Awwwww so cute. I mean she isn't wrong I am the Mother of the Aetherlings, so girls feel free to call me Mom,Mommy,Mama,Mother or even Ma hehe. Why don't you two go help out the other trillions of Aetherlings okay? Looks like their building something." I smile as Nagantha and Oma kiss me on my cheeks and fly away.

"I can't help but wonder what that massive mountain is all about." I say as I see a small red dot on it. " Wait..is that? Hmm..let's have a look see here." I say as I take off and fly soaring to the sky. As soon as I land two small Aetherling fuzzballs are seen holding..uh..spears. "Their only babies? Who would give babies spears?" I scratched my head and pick them both up. They purr like kittens and play with my necklace Silvia bought for me.

"Oh my! Easy kiddos. Now were could your Momma and Da Da be huh?" The baby Aetherling just laugh and gingerly take me by the finger and lead me to the very peak of this massive mountain. There I see a Aetherling unlike any before them. Long wavy black hair,skin a similar grey to Gala and Nagantha,the fur was white and red along with yellow markings covering most of their body. "Whoa! I made that?" I whispered to myself as the baby Aetherlings went back to the mountain base. Once I turn I was met with curious eyes.

"Who are you? No one else was ever allowed to set foot here." The red Aetherling asked. Obviously this is a female. Her features indeed clarify that point. Her scleras were red as her fur,yet she carried a air of mystery and maturity around her like no other Aetherling I've seen so far. I smile and watch as she poked my face,arms,shoulders and thighs for what ever reason. She then stared at me making me slightly uncomfortable.

"You smell nice. You're also a woman." She said. I nodded my head. "Yes ma'am I am. Um..so are you like the Queen or something?" I asked. "What is a queen?" The strange creature asked me. I facepalm at the fact I forgot to teach the Aetherlings about government and monarchies, oligarchy, monopoly, all that economical stuff. Anyways. This Aetherling sure was something. She stared into my soul. "Look I'm Luna or Luna Aetheria as everyone here calls me.

I think I do remember creating you. Now let's see..hmmm..what did I name you again?" I say intriguing the red Aetherling woman."I'm Aelita. Aelita Fireheart." She replied back. "Mm..I don't think that was the name I was thinking. Oh! It was Celestia right?" I asked. The girl smiled. "You did create me! But if you indeed are Luna Aetheria then my name should come to you in three..two..one." The girl counted down as I did remember.

"POMU!! That's your name!! Pomu hehe. You got so big since I last saw you. You looked liked those babies even." I laugh as she hugs me tight and giggles also.

"Pleasure to see you again Mother Aetheria. And yes I was a little fuzzball like those two down the mountain,but it's MY mountain now. The last guy lost it to me in a game of Aetherball." Pomu smiled showing her pointy and cute teeth. "He was pretty strong too,but not as strong as me! I'm glad I could keep this place a sacred area for any Aetherling seeking refuge." Pomu Finished.

"Aetherball? Sounds like fun." I agreed.

"There is something private I would like to talk to you about. I overheard Ocielia and her fellow Aetherling sisters talk about..mating. You make those two fuzzballs down there? Am I a grandma already? Hehe." Pomu escorted me inside this massive cave and sparked two rocks together to make a fire. She easily moved a giant boulder to cover the opening of the cave and smiled.

"Super strong and super pretty. Girl you have it all." I commented. Pomu was confused as she had no idea what I meant. "Anyways,we'll discuss that later. Back to the talk of mating. How long has this been going on? Last time I was here there was like at least a million of you,now there is trillions upon trillions." I asked. Pomu blushed at the topic and shyly giggled.

"Mother. I can explain everything."

"Please do." I responded.

"Okay. I know it was a long time ago,but I'm a special kind of Aetherling. I am a Rare Aetherling apparently. That's what they call me and not to brag but..most of them are kinda..dumb..Well I am too just..not as dumb as Neoka or Naggy hehe." Pomu chuckles to herself. It was true their intelligence was lacking in certain parts,but I made them that way because I rather them be humble then prideful.

"As you can see,I have a higher intellect and knowledge than my fellow brethren. My purpose for being created was to protect and teach the younger generations,plus..well I'm a female. The girls have more fun." Pomu said. I could read my Aetherling daughter like a book. I folded my arms and crossed my legs as I sat on the hard ground. "Your a virgin too aren't you?" I bluntly said catching Pomu off guard.

"M..MOTHER!!?? I..I'M A GOOD GIRL I SWEAR ON..ON THIS LITTLE ROCK HERE!! Pomu does not..mate..at least...mm.mmm..not.yet." She cutely said pulling at my heartstrings. She did seem pretty lonely on this mountain,but the other Aetherlings needed her also. I patted her back and hugged her close. "Mama loves you Pomu."

I smiled and she hugged back. "I would've been able to smell it if you had sex. Whether it be the normal way,oral or anal. " I said making Pomu blush even more. She hid a lewd smile under her arms,yet failed to cover it. I raised a eyebrow and chuckled. "You wanna know how it feels? You wanna learn? That smile said I'm sick of being celibate. I wanna feel something new. Well..your a big girl. Both literally and metaphorically, but I advise this: NO SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE. However if ya do..well at least marry the girl..or guy. It only makes sense." I say making Pomu shyly laugh. She softly pummels me with her little grey fists and lays on my lap.

"I love you too Mother,but..do you want me to engage in..s..s..sex? I..I must admit..being up here on this mountain and avoiding mating season has been difficult. Most males...they have rather..large...members. What's a Aetherling girl to do when they come to my humble abode and expect...t..the deed to be done?" Pomu asked confused. I saw drool started to form and slip out her mouth. Girl was turned on by the idea,yet she tried to hide it.

"Mama can help you." I said rubbing the girls ears. She purred in response and smiled. "Really? How are you gonna help me? Do you know someone who could satisfy me?" Pomu asked as her breasts wobble along with her...exaggerated movements. I think to myself why did I make Nagantha, Oma and her so chest heavy,yet Neoka has more butt then most Aetherling girls. Guess for ingenuity sake I suppose.

"I'm going to help you. If your worried in fact the next mating season for you Aetherlings appears soon. If you are worried,don't be. I just want you to be safe. Wear a condom which is this rubber thingy the guy puts on his peepee and their is one for girls but it's the inverse." I explain further to Pomu. Later on I also explained this to all the trillions upon trillions of Aetherlings that gathered or may have been layin' in a dumpster somewhere by now heh." I chuckle. Ocielia hugs me and lays on my shoulder.

"No but seriously can I participate in the next Aetherling mating season? I'm old enough now." Ocielia asked. I shut that nonsense down immediately. "Absolutely not. When pigs fly and a new evil awakens. Your staying a virgin until you get married. The only reasons I allowed your Aetherling-Siblings to mate at all was to bring life to this dimension, world and their future. Also ya see these little huts here,well my hope is they build even greater things in the future." I smile and pat Oceilia on her head. She pouts and puffs her cheeks at me. I poke her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

"Just as cute as the day you were born. Nineteen years ago. Wow what a wild ride."