
The Bet

When Jason and Darrelle make a bet involving Darrell's dating life, he thought it would be easy since women were usually his strong suit. What he didn't know is that he would end up with Nia Graham, a lawyer who became well known after defending a wrongly accused black man. Nia had been by herself for so long without a man, she had learned to live without one, her independent nature makes it difficult for Darrelle. Darrelle stays persistent knowing that the Preston deal would be his greatest deal yet, but when Darrelle finds himself falling for Nia will he end the bet? Sneak Peak "What about her?" Andre asked. "Who?" I asked he motioned to a group of women specifically the one sitting down, I couldnt really see her because of the dim lights and the group of friends she had around her. "No," "Why not?" Jason asked I took another sip before saying. "She is sitting with her friends," "And?" Andre asked. "Her friends are drunk," "And?" Jason asked confused. "She is the only one with a beer and look at how she continuously checks her phone every five second," "And?" "The beer isn't strong which means she is the designated driver her friends are drunk which means she has to leave soon, and the phone just shows that she would rather be anywhere but here, like she has much more important things to do. Which let's me know she probably won't give me the time of day because I'm not the most important thing in her life right now," "She is the one, she is the one you got to date"

Honesty577 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 5

Three days later.

Darrelle's POV

I sat there laughing at a dumb joke that Andre made.

"I don't even know why I'm friends with you." I said shaking my head, not believing that this is how I was going to spend my lunch, listening to his bullshit.

I had ordered food earlier for Nia knowing she was probably in her office burying herself in work and completely forgot about food for myself. I also sent the usual roses along with some chocolate.

I had spent the last three days at her office every night and we've gotten closer, I even made her laugh a couple of times.

"How is Dantae working out?" Jason asked me.

"Good, but I don't want him working here forever."

"How is Nia?" He asked and I paused thinking it over.

"Can we call off the bet?" I asked and they both began laughing.

"She isn't that difficult, you're not backing out of this."

"I'm not trying to it's just..." I said pausing and Jason smiled looking at me.

"You're catching feelings?" He asked amused but it sounded more like a statement.

"You in-love, after a couple days." Andre said amused.

"Nobody said nothing about love man, she just... she is interesting... she intrigues me." I finished

"Look at my boy, smiling over a girl." Jason said and I realized I was and I chuckled.

"Alright shut up, so the bet is over?" I said amused.

"Yeah it's over."

"Stop looking me like that, or I'm going to punch you in throat." I threatened Jason and he removed his gaze laughing.

"I'm sorry it's just that I'm so prou-"

"Darrelle there is a Nia Graham here for you." My brother said interrupting our conversation.

"Send her up." I said and he nodded closing the door.

"Are you guys official?" Jason asked standing up along with Andre.

"I'm not even sure if she likes me." I said chuckled walking them to the elevator.

"Damn she got you good." Andre said as they stepped into the elevator.

"Whatever man, remember you owe me that beer."

"Saturday." He said as the doors closed. I was about to walk away when the other elevator opened revealing Nia.

"Hey." I greeted as she walked over to me.

"I know it's your lunch break but my brother wants some things added to the plans." She said and I chuckled.

"And here I was thinking you came for me."

"Don't get ahead of yourself Mr Williams." She said as we walked towards my office.

"Oh, so I'm Mr Williams." I replied amused as I opened my office door.

"You've always been Mr Williams." She told me as we stepped in closing the door.

"It's kinda sexy when you call me that." I told her motioning for her to take a seat before moving to mine.

"So Darrelle wh-"

"I'm Darrelle again?" I asked amused.

"Since the respectful title beings about inappropriate thoughts, I figured I should refer to you by your first name, I'm just trying to remain professional."

"Professional." I repeated smiling shaking my head.

"What's so amusing?" She asked and I chuckled.

"Nothing, let's just get this done." I said and she reached into her briefcase pulling out some papers.

"It's just, every time I feel like I made progress with you, you just-I don't know." I said running hand over my face checking my watch.

"I do-"

"I think it's better if you speak to my assistant, I'm going to get some lunch." I said standing up feeling frustrated, I was walking past her when she held my hand halting my steps.

"I'm sorry." She said softly.

"I never mea-how about I come with you." She added standing up, and I stood there confused as fuck. She was hot one minute and cold the next, I sighed motioning for her to lead the way.

She released my hand, and I immediately missed it. She walked out and I followed her letting her lead the way. She called for the elevator, it opened and we stepped in, she reached over pressing the ground floor.

"Are you upset?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Then why are you so quiet?" She asked looking at me but I kept my gaze straight ahead. I shrugged and I heard her sigh.

"I'm sorry." She whispered and my heart pained slightly, forcing me to turn and look at her.

"I'm not upset, I'm just confused."

"Confused?" She asked confusion drowning in her voice.

"Yes confused."


"Nia for the last three days I thought we had grown to, you know, like maybe you were-" I stopped frustrated.

"You know what forget it, let's just go to lunch." I said giving up frustrated with not only her mood swings but myself and thoughts.

We stepped out, making our way to the diner down the street, awkward silence and unspoken words floating around us the entire time. I opened the door for us, leading her to my booth we both sat down our eyes meeting immediately.

"Darrelle, back again." I heard Katie the waitress said and I looked away from Nia.

"The usual." I said smiling and she nodded turning to Nia.

"I'm fine I already ate." She said and Katie nodded walking away.

"You ate the food?" I asked and she just sat there staring at me.

"What?" I asked when she didn't respond.

"What do you want from me?" She asked softly and I looked at her my face pulling together in confusion.

"What do you mean, by what do I want?" I asked in disbelief thinking that it was obvious.

"I mean, the roses, the late nig-"

"Are you seriously asking me this question?" I asked amused and she rolled her eyes clearly not amused.

"I want you, Nia, I want you to take me serious." I added as her eyes met mine as if searching for something. She looked away rolling her eyes pushing her hair back.

"I'm not gonna fuck up." I added and she rolled her eyes again, I chuckled loving her attitude. I stood up moving to her side of the booth sitting down.

"Are you one of those clingy-"

"No I've never been clingy, but I think I'm about to be." I told her and she sighed leaning back.

"Here you go." Katie said smiling handing me my food. I said a small thank you and she nodded walking away.

"Egg sandwich." She asked cringing and I chuckled.

"Yeah what?"

"That is nasty, go back to your side of the booth." She said seriously making me laugh.

"What you don't like eggs?"

"No, it's nasty, go back to your side of the booth." She said seriously and I chuckled shaking my head doing as she asked.

"Your missing out." I said biting into my sandwich and she looked at me with disgust.

"That came form a random chickens ass." She said and I almost chocked on the food in my mouth. I chewed it quickly looking at her.

"You don't even have anything to drink?" She pointed out and I chuckled.

"Cause I usually don't hav-" Before I could finish my sentence she was off walking to the counter I smiled watching her. Her curly hair falling around her, black dress holding her body perfectly. After a minute she returned with a glass of orange juice.

"Here." She said looking down at my empty plate.

"Your done already?" She asked and I nodded taking the juice thanking her finishing it quickly.

"I wanna show you something." I said taking out my wallet.

"I already paid for the juice, and what exactly do you want to show me?" She told me.

"It's a surprise, I'll pick you up after work." I said placing the money on the table before putting my wallet away.