
The beastly tycoon.

The Advent of mana. A mysterious event that has yet to be unveiled. One day, the cosmos exploded with a bright light, no harm was done, there was only light. From then on a new kind of energy spread throughout the universe. For its similarities to what's described in fantasy books, the humans named it "Mana." New lifeforms birthed and bred unceasingly through the cosmos. The races already existing evolved to something greater. Intelligent lifeforms predicted the worst and started to seek and secure resources around them. Factions formed and war ensued. To cease the endless self-destructive wars. Two neutral factions were formed from all kinds of races. The Universal Merchants, and the Alliance of the greater good. Laws of war were enforced amidst the chaos. And thus the law of the strong took place. Weaker races were given a chance, a test. If they failed to prove their worth, the race that discovered them gained the rights of ownership. They were tyrannized, stripped from their knowledge, and the planet would be exploited for its resources. Eventually, a blue small planet brimming with life was discovered. and various factions coveted its resources. The Federation of the greater good and the Universal Merchant intervened and bestowed the test. It was time for humans to struggle for survival. ----- "What are you doing?" "If I own the world, then I can be more motivated to protect it right?" *** Davi Reis, the man who used future knowledge to dominate the world!

Stupid_villain · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Trade Secured.

"Hey, Lucio What do we do!? These monsters seem to be intelligent!"

The handsome Jonas asked anxiously, while Lucio kept his eyes on the sudden guests.

Both sides were on high alert.

The shriveled dark skinned elderly man stepped forward slowly, with his hands extended in front of him.

But the aspiring five only grew more restless, some people after they awakening managed to manipulate elements with the palm of the hands.

"Human, we're the dark elven race."

"W-What is it saying we can't understand it!" A girl wearing armor and sword tremblingly said.

"Lucio we should attack first!" Jones anxiously yelled.

Their nervousness rubbed the other side off and the elderly man was pulled back by his guards.

Two tall dark skinned beings stood with their spears ready.

The other girl wearing dress aimed both her palms in their direction, forming a small ball of fire. The creatures with black skin squinted and their weapons glowed with a golden glow.

"Forget it, Lucio, if you're not going to lead then I will!"

Jonas Jumped Five steps behind, he stood like an archer. Ice formed and molded into a Longbow and arrow. His eyes shone clear blue. He pulled the string all the way back.

Two tall dark skinned warriors stepped forward.

"Huaap" Jonas exclaimed and released the string.

The arrow flew.

The eyes of everyone flashed. After the first attack, anymore holding back will only put them in a disadvantage.

Lucio put his tall shield in front of him and got ready to stop any counter-attack.

The elderly man on the other side sighed with sadness.

The Arrow beelined towards him. The spear warriors moved to defend while the elderly man chanted something under his breath. and lightning formed in his hands.

A sudden wheezing sound distracted them. it flew faster than the ice arrow, it brushed past it from the side, turning its aim to the ground.

With the dull sound, it sunk on the dirt

With it, a man in a suit fell down and stood between both sides.

In Jessica's basement, Julia widened her eyes. "What's he doing when things turned south like this!?"

Davi looked a the elderly man's eyes. And pointed at his throat. The elder, seeing his mask and then at the five young humans nodded in understanding.

Hopeful for a communication chance, he used his magic. A symbol shone on his skin and magic flowed into Davi's neck. He spoke in a completely different tone of voice.

"Tell your guards to calm down, these five are young, and don't qualify to represent us, they attacked out of panic."

The different language flowed fluently from his mouth.

The elderly man widened his eyes, life showed in his yellow eyes again. Then his mouth went wide and he pointed behind Davi

"Behind you!"

There wasn't time, the burning sensation assaulted his shoulder, through the back. at once twenty-five percent of his mana was moved there, and the ball of fire dispersed. leaving a gaping burnt bleeding flesh wound. The top right of his back was scorched black with streaming streaks of red.

The start and pain woke something inside of him. His blood boiled, Davi's eyes locked into the little girl, who shot it. He was ready to throw a rock and crush her head.

His menacing eyes froze the girl.

Deep in his conscience, a voice resounded. "Not children."

And a sudden flush of memories passe by his eyes. He had just entered the slums. His beautiful mother and elder sister grabbed the attention of the uncles at the bar, the envy of other women, and greed of the drug lords. He knew he had to act. But he also knew his nature was evil and selfish. As it was told him from a young age. So he went to the drunken priest for guidance.

For a five real deal, the priest stipulated the rules for him to live by.

1. Regardless of the situation, children must be protected.

2. Don't kill on impulse.

3. Care for your own, and those of your own.

4. Don't seduce women in happy relationships.

The priest laughed while speaking of how these rules were more reasonable than the 10 commandments of the lord.

Davi tried to follow those very basic guides. And most of the time succeeded.

The menace in his stare disappeared and he repositioned himself.

"I'm Human." His voice completely different from usual resounded. And the aspiring five were astounded.

"These are Dark elves, They had been watching us for as long as we were here, and decided to make contact today. It so happens that they met you on the way to the Hunter Academy."

"How did you know all that? you only spoke two to three words with them."

Lucio apprehensively asked. Through a small crystal on his ear. The voice of an old man in a luxurious room reached his ear.

[Be aware, that it might just be another of them, it could all be a trap. Stall, then retreat. If you engage you might suffer casualties.]

Davi looked at the tall shaved-head Lucio, he could come up with some bullshit, but he just sighed. "Just do your thing and get out."

[He has abnormal senses, know their language, a person like that has yet to appear between us. He's most likely an enemy. Retreat at once!]

Lucio took all of his members position in. e slowly lifted his hand to the com radio in his ear.

'Jonas, cease the stream. Silvia, I want you to distract them with a sudden 'flare' at my signal.''

Jonas acted slowly and calmly cutting the connection. While Silvia the petite girl wearing a white dress looked trembling at Lucio and tried to get up. The armored girl was too tense to help the small Silvie up.

Lucio calmed his nerves and assessed the situation, there was still some distance between them and the dark skin creatures the man in a suit was in the middle. The rock he used to bounce the arrow out of the way showed his good aim but not strength, and his wound isn't light. They felt threatened but not in actual danger. It was more of an instinct.

'What if....I catch him?' Lucio thought. He looked at Silvie that was still trying to get up and a plan forme din his mind.

Davi saw the light in his eyes and sighed. 'One of the reasons, we lost.' He thought.

"Silvie do it now!" Lucio yelled, flustered and panicked the girl just did it. A small ball of fire exploded with light, Blinding everyone.

Davi extended his hand out using more twenty-five percent of his left mana. A small Air-ball formed and launched upwards.

the light was gone. The ball of air hit the shied of Lucio who was coming from above to Crush Davi. The air-ball stopped his momentum and pushed him back. The shield covered half of the impact but his eyes went blank and the air was gone from his lungs.

The momentum sent him back to his team. Jonas grabbed him mid-air in panic. He looked ahead and saw Davi stepping forward, his heart sunk and he screamed! "Retreat! Retreat!" He grabbed Lucio and jumped backward.

The armored girl went to drag Silvie but Lucio who manage to take a deep breath shouted.

"She's just a daughter of my subordinate. She's useless anyway use her!"

The woman looked a the stunned Silvie.

"Don't blame me for this, it's just how things are."


Silvie felt the leg plated with cold steel hit her torso, then saw the sky passing by. She hit something but the kick turned her entire body numb and she didn't feel anything. Her last vision was of the clear sky.

The scenes were she played on Lucio's house from young to old, how he brought her along in travels, even helped her enter his prestigious school. All played in her mind. But now thinking about it, the clues were there, The words between his servants. the other students' mean whispers and rumors... All pointed he was using her, she denied it and so did he. Then she awakened and was invited to his team. Her father cleared any suspicion she had. 'I...I was being used by both of them.' Her mind faded.

They bolted like beasts without looking back. Davi, holding the girl who smashed into his chest, coughed blood, but just laughed and turned away.

He walked to the dark elves who were obviously fearful of him.

"I'm physically and magically weaker than any of you." He said.

The elderly man sighed "Rationally, they know. But your Aura, it has an innate aggressiveness to it. I'm guessing small beasts don't go near you?"

'I know all too well old man, I couldn't even have a cat because of that.' he thought to himself and ignored the question.

Davi laid the girl on the ground and draw a circle around her.

"Can you heal at least her worst injuries?" He asked.

The elder nodded, he recited a chant and blue mana enveloped the girl. while it did, Davi spoke.

"Humans are not ready for an alliance yet. But they also won't find your base in at least two years. Until then, I can sell your people new technologies, and knowledge. Of course, I'll bring proof that you're not being left behind, so, just don't engage in war with us."

The blue mana on the girl dispersed and another went to Davi's back. The old man spoke sternly.

"I'll believe in you, as long as you keep your word." The elder handed Davi a black leaf

"With this, you can reach our home' The elder didn't question Davi on how he obtained his knowledge, why he was there or why at that exact time. He delivered the black leaf and left.

Now healed, Davi took the small girl on his arms and grinned 'Trade route with the dark elves secured. Now I'll have the monopoly on pure mana and healing spells.'

With a smirk, He went away.

After they were all gone, Behind a tall tree a hundred meters away, A woman with silver hair and ethereal white eyes stood to hold a heavy long sword, her whole body was adorned on a white armor. with a steel long skirt.

She walked to where everything happened. She crouched down and took a small, barely visible piece of clothing, She could feel with her heightened senses a faint salty smell of sweat.

She kept it in her pocket and activated her com. "Prepare for a throughout DNA examination."