
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 25: Fu Family Residence

The following day, Leng Ling was followed around like a mother hen and her chicks by Long Junjie and his friends as she set up Hu Feng' residence then Tang Tao's residence with their Mini Eight Quantum Arrays.

Other members of their families looked on in amazement at this strange beautiful girl wandering around the two men's residences. It didn't take long for gossip between the servants to reveal her identity as the Crown Prince's fiance.

Throughout the day, that gossip began to head out into the Capital. Both servants and resident family members were excited by the news. It was followed by gossip from Leng Ling's own servants who were still on a high from the night before. Leng Ling's beauty, singing, dancing artificer skills and array skills became hot topics and it wasn't long before the news finally found it's way to the Fu Family Residence.

Fu Meilin pulled off her face veil as she entered her bedroom in a temper. Since being whipped by that bitch she still hadn't recovered her facial beauty. No matter what creams or pills she used, her face remained scarred.

It had been several days since then and she was not only ignored by her own brother but even her cousin Fu Ru had been avoiding her. Every time she visited their courtyards, the servants refused her entry, saying they were not in. By this time, Fu Meilin felt so insulted that she swiped the delicate and fragile items sitting on the nearest table. The crash resounded around the courtyard and brought servants inside in a hurry to clean it up. One maid was kicked by her as she knelt down to pick up sharp pieces. Other than a look of pain crossing the maid's face, she was too scared to cry out. This was not her first time being abused by the Fu Family Miss during her temper.

Su Wan had also followed the noise into her daughter's bedroom.

"Mei'er! Whatever is the matter? Why are you throwing a tantrum! Quickly stop! What if your father, Uncle or brothers hears it?"

Fu Meilin pulled a sour face at her mother and threw herself onto the nearest couch.

"My brother won't care. He's been ignoring me. So has Brother Ru! None of them will see me when I come visit them."

"What nonsense are you talking about, Mei'er? Neither of them have been home recently. They've been out with His Highness visiting the other Young Masters in the capital. They aren't ignoring you!"

Fu Meilin looked up at her mother in hope.

"They really aren't ignoring me then? They really are out of the residence?"

Su Wan bent down gently to wipe the tears off of Fu Meilin's face.

"Silly girl. Of course they aren't. You're the princess of the Fu Family and the Crown Prince's fiance. Why would your brothers ignore you?"

Fu Meilin's face twisted at that.

"Brother Hai'er says I'm not His Highness's fiance. He said the marriage contract has nothing to do with the Fu Family itself."

"Silly girl. What does your brother know. You're the only Young Miss of the Fu Family. Of course you're His Highness's fiance. I promise you'll be the Crown Princess Consort in the future. Now dry your tears"

Fu Meilin pushed herself into her mother's arms then in joy.

"You promise?"

Su Wan patted her head gently.

"I promise."


The next day, Fu Meilin got news that both her brother and eldest cousin were finally in residence. Rushing to her brother's courtyard first, she was surprised to find both men there along with Long Junjie, Tang Tao, Hu Fang and that bitch that whipped her face to shreds. Glaring at Leng Ling before ignoring her, she turned to Long Junjie to greet him first as the highest ranking person.

"His Highness, Crown Prince! Young Master Hu, Young Master Tang. What brings you here? Are you visiting Brother Hai'er and Brother Ru?"

Long Junjie's face darkened as he realized she had completely ignored Leng Ling. He turned his back to Fu Meilin in response. Tang Tao and Hu Feng followed his example and turned their backs on her also. Fu Ru and Fu Bohai looked at her sternly before her brother opened his mouth.

"What are you doing here, Mei'er? You know you are not allowed into my residence without my permission. Which servant let you in?"

Fu Meilin looked at her brother in shock.

"Brother Hai'er, what do you mean? I'm your sister! How could I not be allowed into your residence to visit you?"

"Yu Jao! Remove the second Young Miss from my courtyard and find the servant that ignored my orders and allowed her entry. Send them for punishment. They will no longer be serving my courtyard."

A middle-aged man bowed as he entered the room.

"Yes, Second Young Master. I will do as you say. But... If I may ask... Why did you call Young Miss as the Second Young Miss?"

Fu Bohai looked at his servant in surprise.

"You didn't hear the news already? My cousin, Aunt Di's daughter, the First Young Miss has been found alive and well. She's standing right here."

Yu Jao stared at the beautiful girl standing beside Long Junjie in surprise and delight. Warm tears began dripping from his eyes.

"Is it true? First Young Miss is found? First Young Miss is beautiful. You look just like the First Miss, your mother!"

Leng Ling smiled at Yu Jao.

"I thank you for your complement. Was my mother well liked among the servants?"

"She was! She was! First Miss was kindness herself. She always had medicine to help us when we weren't well. It was a blessing whenever we were assigned to be her servants!"

Leng Ling smile grew brighter. The beauty of it stunned the men around her.

"I am very happy to hear that. If you ever need my help, please come find me at my Beast Princess Residence. I believe it was previously called the old Mo Residence. Just ring the bell and one of my guards will let you in."

"Thank you First Young Miss. Thank you!"

"What nonsense are you saying Brother Hai'er! I'm the only Young Miss of the Fu Family. I don't know where you found this wild bitch but she is not the First Young Miss!"

Fu Meilin stamped her foot at this moment. Her reputation as a gentle woman completely collapsed at this moment to the ones viewing it, especially for her cousin, Fu Ru.

A loud smack resounded the air at that moment. Although no one saw her move, Leng Ling was suddenly standing in front of her wiping her hand with a tissue as blood dripped out of the corner of Fu Meilin's mouth. Long Junjie very quickly took over the tissue to wipe her hand.

"Was the whipping you received the other day not enough of a warning to you? Barking dogs should learn to be quiet when their Masters are around. Not only were you using my Mother's precious whip, but you were trying to claim my fiance as your own. Who do you think you are to call me in such a way? I really am beginning to think that the way the Young Misses of the Capital have been raised is rather poorly!"

"Brother Hai'er! Brother Ru! Are you seeing this? How could this wild bitch be the First Young Miss of the Fu Family? She's horrible!"

Neither her brother nor her cousin looked at her with sympathy, however. Suddenly a laugh sounded from Tang Tao.

"All I see is a Master disciplining a stray barking dog. I fully see why you called her a banshee now, Sister Ling'er."

Fu Meilin's eyes grew large as her face turned red in anger at his words. However it was her cousin's words that shocked her the most."

"That reminds me, Fu Meilin, how did you get hold of my Mother's whip? That was prepared for Ling'er and was supposed to be locked up in the family treasury. Who gave you permission to take it?"

"W... Wha... What do you mean, Brother Ru? Aunt Li gave it to me last birthday?"

"Mother Li gave it to you? I wonder who have her the guts? Is there anything else you have been given that belongs to Mother? You had better return it fast."

"N.. N.. No, Brother Ru. Please... Don't make us return them... "

Fu Meilin was scared of her cousin at this point. The truth was that everything that Di Li had owned or prepared for her daughter had been distributed between her Aunt Li, her mother and herself. None of it remained in the treasury.

Fu Ru's expression darkened and his voice got colder.

"Us? Who is 'us'? Are you saying that more of Mother's things have been stolen than just her whip?"

Fu Meilin dropped on her knees in fear. The sound of her kneess hitting the ground was loud.

"Au... Aunt Li and m... mo... mother also have stuff belonging to Au... Aunt D... Di."

"Is. That. So.

Yu Mao. Order the servants to search all 3 residences for Mother's things and return them. Make sure you check all universal pouches as well. I want everything returned to me in pristine condition or they will be compensating me for it. Take Second Young Miss and send her to the Ancestry Hall for reflection."

"Yes First Young Master."

A second middle aged man who looked similar to Yu Jao stepped forward and bowed in response before clapping his hands. Two guards entered and lifted Fu Meilin up before dragging her frightened limp body away.