
The Beast Princess is chased by the Crown Prince

After being betrayed and killed by her loved ones, a modern western girl somehow is reborn into an ancient cultivation world. Raised by the beasts their human princess is sent back into human society and catches the eye of the Crown Prince.

Mum0f5 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 24: A Fairy Princess

By the time Long Junjie, Fu Bohai and Hu Feng had explained about both the bracelets and Leng Ling's Phoenix Ring, Leng Ling was back in the hall.

Time flowed much faster in her ring now and something that would have taken her the several hours to do in the real world only took her 10 minutes in reality. The rest of the time she spent in her ring that took her the real world hour was setting up the array materials for her new brother and friend as well as a bracelet each for them. She had a feeling they would ask for those as well, now that they had seen them.

Indeed, the minute she popped back into the hall the two men were clammering for bracelets.


Leng Ling sighed and handed out a bracelet each. They were quick to drop blood on them after putting them on their wrists excitedly. She found it amusing these two grown men were behaving like children with a new toy.

After a while, she shooed them away and ran through the rules in a meeting with her new servant heads. They were quick to pick up what was needed to be done and what didn't. Before long, she had sent them off as well and left for the back woods with her wolf siblings.

"""Sister Ling'er! Sister Ling'er!"""

Leng Ling was quickly surrounded by her beast friends. It had been a while since they managed to spend time together since she had been busy setting up her own residence and the array at Long Junjie's residence. They managed to spend a happy evening together eating the meal that Leng Ling cooked as well as singing, dancing and little entertainment skills. The beasts loved the stories that Leng Ling performed for them with her cultivation skills.

Unknown to Leng Ling, some of the beasts had used their bracelets to record her performances and sent them to their Tribe Kings. Leng Ai had also sent recordings to both their parents and to their human friends.

Long Junjie and the four others gazed at their recordings the entire evening. It was the first time any of them had seen anything like it. Long Junjie watched with particularly burning eyes at Leng Ling's figure creating magical scenes that told stories he'd never heard of. Some of the songs she sung were in a language he'd never heard of. It was neither the human language nor the beast one. He felt that his little Beast Princess held a lot of secrets still.

The new servants who were curious about their new master watched hidden from a distance. They were amazed at her singing, dancing and little stories. They had never heard any of them before. Their eyes began to shine with wonder and their new master became a magical being in their eyes. The flower crown sitting on her head gave her a fairy princess appearance.

"She's beautiful."

"She's a fairy!"

"She's a princess!"

"She's like a God!"

Before realizing it, they had drifted closer to their new master and her beast friends. Rather than being chased off, the beasts welcomed them into their gathering and offered them food. It wasn't long before the servants and beasts became friends under Leng Ling's guidance.

Some time around midnight, Leng Ling retired to her room with instructions for everyone to rest and a reminder that work would begin in the morning. The new servants left for their beds happily feeling like they had joined a family. Their new master now took a strong hold in their hearts and they made the decision to serve her wholeheartedly.