
The Artist Who Traversed Another World

What will you do if a dangerous person is coming at you at a high speed? Will you dodge? Block? Fight? Or flee? Any of these choices may kill you accidentally even if you know what you are doing. And our female protagonist is one of the unfortunate one. But fortunately, God gave her a new life were she can explore a new world. Would that world be peaceful? Not sure. No world is perfect. So it seems that for our female protagonist to enjoy exploring the new world, she has to face many unknown challenges and hardships This story is made by Tibakas337 (My account in Wattpad)

Daoist0Wk0r2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


3:30 pm, the time when school ends

Students start to walk towards the exit with their friends.

[Student 1]: A-Alice... would y-you like to come with us and have some iced tea together?

[Student 2]: Ye-yeah! It would be nice if you could come...

The lady they asked turned elegantly to them and said

[Alice]: I am delighted. But I have important things to do before I go home. You may go now. See you tomorrow

[Students]: Ye-yes! Sorry for the trouble. And see you tomorrow!

The students left the classroom with sad faces, while their legs are shaking. Why are their legs shaking tho?

She then later stood up and walked through the hallways of the school.

The surrounding students stopped by and looked at her with admiration, while others shook from nervousness.

Even now, she doesn't know why some are shaking when they see her. But she just took a bow and smile at those people who had eye contact with her.

Some people almost fainted from the glimmering sight they saw. But when she saw that, she almost wanted to say why are you guys so weird?

A few more walks later, she reached the room where she was headed.

In front of her was the art club room. Despite it being a club room, she is the only member.

It will soon be closed down if no more students apply to this club.

But she didn't care about that, because she will soon graduate, meaning she will soon leave this place.

So instead, she wanted to be the last member of this special room. The special room was meant just for her, for her peacetime.

Once she got in, she drop her bag down and grab a chair, a canvas, a paint stand, and the other art materials.

She wore an apron to avoid staining her clothes.

She then just sat there as she paints the canvas


Later that day, the time was now at 5:10 pm

Teachers started to go home as well.

But she still remains inside the room with a brush in her hand.

Stroking the canvas in front of her elegantly and beautifully.

And that lady is me.

And yes, I'm now narrating myself this time because my mind is floating away. I need to talk to myself to entertain myself

So as I continue to paint using a paintbrush with these dirty but colorful hands, I tend to immerse myself in the masterpiece I am creating.

Resulting in me forgetting the world around me.

It's not that it's bad to immerse myself in art.

But like right now, I didn't know It was already this late because I was too focused.

But with just a few strokes left for my painting, I decided to stay for a bit longer in this room and paint.


And now it's 6:00 pm.

And it's done~

I pick up the canvas and put it beside my other collections.

This is so beautiful, but this one feels a bit more special.

The art that I created today was a big tree, filled with different variety of fruits with different colors of leaves.

And all the other art that I created was because I was inspired by something in this world.

But this masterpiece was not from inspiration by this world but by my dream.

That dream felt so real that I had to draw it no matter what to make sure I won't forget it.

I felt so content and happy with what I created.

I then suddenly felt someone's presence behind the door. Before I stood up, they knocked on the door and open it

[Mr. Liam]: Hey, Alice kiddo! You're here again this late? Go back home already!

Oh, It was just the usual patrol guard of the school, Mr. Liam. I sighed with relief

[Alice]: Ehehe, sorry~ I just finished my masterpiece, so I should be going now after cleaning for a bit, thank you for reminding me.

[Mr. Liam]: Hmph!, Just make sure you give me the key to this room first before going home alright? But you sure do act differently when you're alone, huh?"

[Alice]: Hehe~ well... I have to act like that because I'm the daughter of the owner of this prestigious school, after all.

As the daughter of the owner of this prestigious school, this is just part of my daily life to protect my and my father's dignity and reputation.

[Mr. Liam]: Yeah I know, seems rough, huh? But as the daughter of the owner of this prestigious school, you shouldn't be staying this late!

[Alice]: Ahaha... you don't hold back, do you? Alright then, I'm just gonna clean before I give you this key, ok, Mr. Liam?

[Me. Liam]: Alright then. Make it fast. I also need to go home now for my family. Just meet at my guard post as usual.

Mr. Liam then walks away and closed the door.

He is one of the people who knows my true personality. I was worried about it at first when he accidentally found out when he was patrolling. But after talking to him that day, he said he won't say anything since he believe that everyone has the right to have a secret. He also is a nice guy. A nice guy towards his family and friends, so I didn't need to threaten him that day.

[Alice]: The sun is descending, I must make haste.

I picked up my art materials and put them inside the cabinet.

Then I took the broom to swipe off the dirt from the floor.

After that, I wipe off the excess paint that fell off on the ground with my delicate hands.

[Alice]: Agh~ Is there no one who will help this young and beautiful frail girl?"


As expected, Even if I'm famous, no one came and the room remained silent. Life isn't a Romcom story, girl~

Ignoring that cringe act I did, I continued cleaning the room I was in.

A few minutes later, everything is back to how it was before I came here.

Since I was already done cleaning, I took my belongings and was about to head outside.

[Alice]: Oh!? Wait, I almost forgot

I turned back and picked up the painting I just created and then locked the door after heading outside the room.


[Alice]: Mr. Liam~ Here's the key~," I said with a joyous voice.

After finishing my task in the art room, I went to Mr. Liam's guard post to return the key

[Mr. Liam]: Hmm... Good! You may now go kid. It is quite dark outside already, so you should go home immediately, alright?

[Alice]: Yeah, it is quite dark outside now. I should go home now. Goodbye then, Mr. Liam.

We both waved our hands before I walked outside the main gate of the school.

As I walk beside the streets, the lamps started to light up.

My house was just near the school, so I said I didn't need someone to drive me home.

[Alice]: Hmm... The night sky looks amazing as usual...

I look above as I was walking and saw the beautiful stars that lit up during the night.

Looking beyond the sky always makes me wonder if there are other living being alive outside...

[Woman]: Someone! Help me! There's a thief that stole my bag.

As I was thinking and gazing toward the sky, a woman's scream suddenly emerged from my surroundings

A thief? Where? Oh? Wait...is he approaching me? He also got a knife in his hand. What should I do? There are also children nearby...


My heart is beating very fast to the point I can't think. But my subconscious mind chose to fight instead of fleeing, so I immediately used what my hands were holding to block the incoming knife


[Alice]: Agh!

[Thief]: Ah!? What the...

I managed to stop the thief's momentum by blocking him using the canvas in my hands. His whole arm passed through the canvas using the knife and managed to scrape my flesh. It hurts, but the adrenaline in me is so high that I did not notice at all. But with this, I managed to lock his arm in the canvas by twisting it.

I then kicked his legs and made him fall to the ground, making him lose his grip on the knife. I immediately took it the moment my eyes saw it. Probably because of fear of what the man may possibly do to me the moment he stands up, he may also have a gun. Tons of possibilities are possible. So I used the knife to stab his thighs to immobilize him.

[Thief}: AHHH!!! DAMN, YOU B*TCH! WHAT HAVE you done...

I was too stressed, so it can't be helped. You deserve it you know? But why do you look like you're dead? I only stab you once in your thigh though.

[Alice]: Agh!!!

Then, an incredible pain suddenly emerged where my flesh was wounded. It was so hot and painful that I lost my standing. Later, my heart was also in pain.

[Alice]: (Hah...hu...hu..Was there poison on that knife? Oh my gosh... I can't breathe...)

Sweat started to drip around my body. And my body is becoming incredibly hot. My vision is also starting to darken. The voice surrounding me was in a panic a moment ago, but now, the noises have all disappeared

I reached out my hands to my damaged canvas...

[Alice]: I... haven't... shown it to my... siblings...yet...

My consciousness then blackout. Like a void that is meant for the dead.

Wait? Am I dead?


[???]: And that's how you died.

[Alice]: Oh...

So that's how I died... Oh! Hello there! Just as you see, I died, And the person, or should I say a white light that's talking to me is God, since that is how he introduced himself.

[Alice]: I didn't expect that a normal thief would put poison on their knife... hai, I shouldn't have blocked him.

[God]: But if you didn't, a child would probably be in your position now, right?

Oh yeah. I didn't realize that was also a reason why I blocked the thief,

[Alice]: Well, what I meant to say is that I should have been more skillful in dodging. Ha...

I sigh so loud that the colorless room we're in echoed

[God]: Well, the past is the past. Don't cry over spilled milk. So now that you know what happened to you, shall we get in business then?

[Alice]: Wait! Before that, can I talk with my family? I mean, you know, in a dream?

[God]: Hmmm...why do you think I can do that?

[Alive]: Cause you are a god?

[God]: Good answer. Sure then.

Oh? I was ready to be rejected, he then saw my shocked eyes

[God]: Hahaha! I'm not that cruel, I mean, you were just going home from school and met an unfortunate accident. That is sad you know. So I'll let you record what you wanna say I you look into their current selves.

A ball of light appeared from God, then it magically became a mirror in front of me.

[God]: Come, think what you want to see and the mirror shall reveal it to you. And say what you want to say, I'll record it.

[Alice]: Hmm, thank you

I slowly walked towards the mirror and saw my reflection in it. I touched the mirror and think what I wanna see.

[Alice]: I want to see my family one more time...

I think of my loving family. I wished so hard, for it will be the last.

Moments later, the light lit up, revealing tons of people in a certain place.

I hear voices of sorrow and despair.

I looked towards those who were near a rectangular box, which seems to be my coffin.

I also saw my pretty face lying. I don't know how many days passed by since I died but I guess they now need to put makeup on my face huh? I also look paler, I mean I'm dead so that obvious.

The people near my corpse were my family. My father, and my older sister and older brother.

I didn't expect I'll be next after my mother died 3 years ago.

My father was looking at my coffin with a depressed face. while my older sister was crying uncontrollably while my older brother consoled her, he kind of also wants to cry but I guess sis just cries a lot haha...

Oh... Mr. Liam is also here, I didn't expect that. I hope he doesn't feel guilty since he was the one who last saw me.

[Alice]: Haaaahh...

I put my forehead on the mirror as I sigh

[Alice]: My dear family... I hope you lived well and be happy...

I then continued speaking for at least a few more minutes


[Alice]: Haah... I'm done now, God.

A ball of light appeared at my side as soon as I said that

[God]: Are you sure? Time here doesn't move, so you can take as long as possible, you know?

[Alice]: Yeah, I'm fine now. There's no going back anyway.

I said so as I wipe my tears

[God]: Sure then.


As soon I heard that flick, the mirror slowly vanish. I watched it disappear completely before facing God

[Alice]: So... what's the business we'll be talking about? Being reincarnated in another world?

[God]: Yup!

Wow! I was just kidding... But this is common in novels, so I guess it's kind of normal. no?

[God]: I'll give you two options on how you'll be reincarnated. 1.) You'll be reborn in another body in another world. 2.) You'll be reincarnated with your old body.

[Alice]: So in short, either I became a baby again, but in another world, or my body again in another world.

[God]: Yeah! Your choice

Hmm... let's think about it clearly. If I choose no. 1, There is a possibility the body I was born with is not strong, making me meet God again a 2nd time. Pessimistic? I'm just thinking clearly. And If I choose no. 2, there's also a possibility I'll be transferred to an unknown area. Or worst, in someone's territory with a bad temper.

I'll just have to ask God first if I can make more requests, but he suddenly spoke.

[God]: You can. But you'll lose your opportunity to choose your own powers if you do so.

Eh!? He can read my mind? Well, he is a god, so that's easy for him, I guess.

If that's the case. then I know what to choose.

[Alice]: I then pick no. 2

[God]: Are you sure? why?

[Alice]: Well, picking No. 1 doesn't have a perfect chance that I'll be reborn into a noble or rich family. Even if I did, there's gonna be a lot of family problems, that's for sure. And I'll have to live again as a baby with an adult mind? Like, no. That'll be so boring.

[Alice]: But if I choose no. 2, I can immediately adventure throughout the new world I'll be reincarnated. And I can practice my powers immediately. There'll be hardships that's for sure, but I prefer to be adventurous in this world.

[God]: Reasonable reason. I shall then reincarnate you in another world with your old body.

[God]: And now! The most important part! Your hero skill!

My what now?

[God]: Your hero skill

[Alice]: Please don't read my mind...

[God}: Haha! Well, that's fine, it's not like I read your mind all the time. As for your hero skill, we'll decide it by rolling a die.

[Alice]: A die?


God flicks his invisible hand once again. And a die and aboard pops out from nowhere.

[God]: I'll explain first what we need to do. A die has 6 sides, meaning there are 6 numbers. And there are what we call odd and even numbers. There are two results we could get from the die. If you manage to get an odd number, We'll use the die again to pick your hero skill. But if you got an even number, you get to create your own hero skill.

[Alice]: Ohhhh... nice. But why not use a coin instead? I mean there are only two outcomes after all

[God]: And there's a reason for that. There are at least 3 numbers that are odd and even in a die. The higher the number is, the higher the level of your hero skill is.

There's also a level-up system?

[God]: Oh yeah! Almost forgot, there are grade rankings in every power. The weakest is the F grade while the S grade is the highest. To evolve your powers to a higher grade, you need to continue leveling them up starting from level 1 until they reach their limit. The skill will then ask you for materials for it to evolve. The higher the grade, the rarer the materials will be needed to evolve. You'll know what level your skills are once you say [Screen].

[Alice]: Let me try that. [Screen]. Oh! A screen pops out.


Name: Alicia Mai O. Fernandez

Age: 18

Race: Human (Earthling)

Title: Reincarnator, Hero

Hero Skill: None

Active Skills: None

Passive Skills: None

State: Dead

Apparently, it is stated that I'm dead. Yep. I know that. No need to tell me again, screen-san

[God]: I'll explain the other things you need to know later, grab the die first and roll your fate.

I then grab the die on the ground and prepared to throw it.

[Alice]: *inhales...*exhales haa...

I then threw the die on the ground lightly.

The die bounced and spanned around many times before staying still.

I then went over to see the results of the die.

[Alice]: It's... Number si-Kyah!

A party popper sound then suddenly came out from behind

[God]: Congratulations! You can choose your own powers! And that power will start at level 3 since you got no. 6! Screen!

After shouting the word [screen], a tv-sized screen pops out in front of him.

That screen then moved towards me.

[God]: Just write what power you like to have. You can put what kind of power it is. I'll give you the powers later after you reincarnated

I thought for a while about what kind of power I would like to have. I can only have one power, but it will be beneficial to me if that power can do almost everything.

After thinking for at least ten minutes, I finally got an idea. But... How do I write? Is it a touch screen?

[God]: Yes.


Don't read my mind, please...

Ignoring that, I then wrote the power I want to have.

After writing using my fingers, the screen disappeared

[God]: Very interesting power. Almost the same as mine. Well, are you ready now?

[Alice]: Oh? I thought there was another game?

[God]: Well, since you got no. 6, there is no need for picking your own power or hero skill, is it? Well, if you think having one power ain't enough, don't worry, I'll gift you other powers and skills.

[God]: So, are you ready?

[Alice]: Ready for what? Oh! You mean my reincarnation... Is the world safe there?

I asked so because I don't want to live a hard life... I honestly just want to draw or to sleep...

[God]: There are some monsters and stuff... But it depends. You'll know it when you see it. I'll also give you an [Introduction to the World] Archive.

[God]: I'm gonna send you now, alright?

I nodded my head as my reply. My surrounding began to crumble and disappear before my sight.

The ground I was on cracked and I fell into the void. I squealed as I fall.

[God]: Good luck, my chosen one!

My chosen one!? What does that mean? Before I can even stutter these words, my consciousness disappeared.


After many retries, I finally decided to start the story I created a few years ago. This is a bit long since it is about how our protagonist went to another world. Hope you enjoy!

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