
The Artist Who Traversed Another World

What will you do if a dangerous person is coming at you at a high speed? Will you dodge? Block? Fight? Or flee? Any of these choices may kill you accidentally even if you know what you are doing. And our female protagonist is one of the unfortunate one. But fortunately, God gave her a new life were she can explore a new world. Would that world be peaceful? Not sure. No world is perfect. So it seems that for our female protagonist to enjoy exploring the new world, she has to face many unknown challenges and hardships This story is made by Tibakas337 (My account in Wattpad)

Daoist0Wk0r2 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Chapter 1 [My New Beginning & the Introduction to the World]




What are those sounds? Quite noisy... But comforting...

Wait... Am I sleeping?

I opened my eyes and saw a small blue and white colored bird standing on my chest.

[bird]: Tweet?

The bird looked at me while tilting its head.

[Alice]: Oh... Hi there. You're quite a cutie.

I slowly reached the bird with my hands.

The bird slowly went towards me. When the distance between my hand and its head closed, I pet the bird slowly.

[Alice]: Woah~ I'm actually petting a bird. A wild bird at that.

I was amazed at how gentle and calm this bird was. Does it not know humans can be deceiving?

I continued to pet it for a while and a few seconds later, the moved away its body from my hand and flew away with its friends nearby.

[Alice]: Ahh... Bye birdie, hope we meet again...

I waved my hand until I can't see it anymore.

[Alice]: Anyways... Where is this place?

I looked around my surroundings and found myself in a very natural place.

[Alice]: I seem to be in a forest. But why? Hmm...Oh! I guess it would be weird if a reincarnated person suddenly pops out in a town out of nowhere. Wait... reincarnated... Oh right! [Screen]!

I remembered that there is a [Screen] thing that I could use before I was even reincarnated.

After saying [Screen], the magical screen then popped out.



Name: Alicia Mai O. Fernandez

Level: 1

Health: 100/100

Mana: 50

P. Defense: 0

M. Defense: 0

Strength: 10

Magic: 20

Occupation: None

Age: 18

Race: Human

Title: Reincarnator, Hero

Hero Skill: [Art Creation Magic (S) Lv. 3]

Active Skills: [Artist's Mistake (A) Lv. 1]

Passive Skills: [Artist's Time (S) Lv. 1]

State: Alive


Hah! I'm alive now! It says I'm alive. So I really got reincarnated in another world...

The screen also kind of looks different than before. Some information was added like my health bar. I guess it was not there before because I was dead haha 💀

But what I'm interested in is...

[Alice]: Art creation magic... This is the power that I requested, right? I did know how I want it to work, but did God did some changes?

I clicked the skill on the screen and it showed the information about the skill

[Art Creation Magic (S) Lv. 3]

"This skill can create anything based on the skill's level. Since this skill is created by the user itself, the skill is not restricted. Meaning the power can be more stronger and unique based on how the user wants to use this skill."

...is what it's written

Does it mean that as long it is related to art creation, it can be used using this skill... I don't know if I understand the explanation, but what I do know is that this is what I wanted, the power to create things through art. Let's check the other skills while we're at it.

[Artist's Mistake (A) Lv. 1]

"This skill can make anything not look good or beautiful. And it can also be used to erase any existing things except living things based on the skill's level"

So I can make someone ugly with this skill, huh? This is useful for pranks since this skill's casting can be erased.

[Artist's Time (S) Lv. 1]

"This skill immediately activates the moment the user uses any art-related activities, magic, or skills. Once it activates, the user can either be more faster than the rest of the world by 10x. Or the world stops for 5 seconds and activates once again after 2 minutes of cooling down"

So this skill can make me paint faster or the world stops. Pretty cool. As an artist, this is very useful.

[Alice]: All of these skills are high grades. And my hero skill is level 3 just like what he said. But why do I have the other skills? I'm pretty sure I only asked for the art creation magic.

I was thinking about it for a while when suddenly, a notification bell pop out of the screen.

[Alice]: A notification? What? Can you use [Screen] to also message someone? If so, that's neat!

I clicked on the bell icon. And the contents of the message then was revealed

"Did you like the skills that I gifted to you? I hope you do since these are skills that are related to the hero skill you wanted. I'm also pretty sure that you do not have any goals right now since you were just technically have been born* in this world. So a notification on the screen will pop out once in a while and then give you a quest that you can do so that you have a goal that you can do. Of course, you can decide not to follow this quest. But these quests have exp. Meaning you can level up. So it will be better if you do. And also, you can use the [Introduction to the World] Archive to know more about the world. Once you also interact with someone, whether it's a person, plant, monster, etc, it will be added to your [Lists]. It will instantly be organized so that it won't be confusing. I hope you enjoy your time in this world. If I have anything to say, I'll talk to you through here. Bye then!" - God

That was a long message...

But anyways, it seems that it was God that gave me those other skills. Well, I do kind of remember him saying he'll give me something.

After reading the message, I closed it and then opened the archive where the [Introduction to the World] is.

[Alice]: Let's read it then...



The universe was once a void where no living beings exist.

After billions of years, the first light of the dark void appeared.

Illuminating the dark space that was once a place full of darkness.

The first light then multiplied itself multiple times as years pass by. Engulfing the universe that was once called the void.

A million years later, the lights have scattered throughout the universe. And the first light became the 1st God of this universe.

The God of Light and Hope, Elpízo

As the 1st God, he wanted to create where life exists and can live peacefully.

Thus he created the world of the living, Thisavrós.

It took him a year to complete the world of the living.

And it took him 10 years to create every living being.

And he rested for 1 year after completing the treasure he created.

After he slept, the other light that exist after the 1st light began to form and became gods as well.

They were inspired by the beautiful creation Elpízo made

Soon, they created their own world based on their own desires.

Million of years passed by, and all the lights became gods as well and created their own world.

But the void had enough. He tricked the last light that became a god that he will give him the greatest power to overcome everyone, even the 1st light.

But he refused. Because despite he does not desire anything but the world he created for himself.

The void was angry, but he cannot do anything with the gods. So he targeted every world the gods created.

Infecting them with darkness.

The creation of every god that was once perfect and holy was now contaminated by darkness and evil.

Demons and monsters started to emerge in every world and started to destroy the living. And he used the dead to fight the living as well.

Every world was in chaos. Thus, the 1st light, Elpízo, cast his blessings to every world so that the people of those worlds may be able to defend themselves from the abyss that came from the void.

He then sealed the thousands of worlds so they may not be contaminated by foreign existence again.

Out of anger, Elpízo ordered everyone except the last light, Omega, to come with him and attacked the void.

No one knows what happened after that, after all, I, Omega, was not with them.

Thus, the last light continued to manage and protect the thousands of worlds that his ancestors and friends created.


[Alice]:...Am I reading a fantasy novel or what?

I put my hands on my temple as a sigh.

[Alice]: I thought I was gonna read about the history of this world. Well... This world is probably part of the thousands of worlds that the lights created. And the god that I talked with is probably Omega. But that void... It seems that there's already an enemy that I need to be careful of. If it still exists, that is.

I swipe the screen and saw more texts

[Alice]: Oh!? There's still more?

Since there were more left, I decided to continue reading the archive.


Omega, the last god in this universe, then created a system for the living beings of every world.

So that he could easily monitor every living being's status.

The blessings that Elpízo gave became powerful aid that help every living being to fend off the incoming disasters from the abyss.

The living beings were united and were successful in stopping the invasion of the abyss.

Most of the abyss became wild monsters that lived in places where living beings don't exist. But in rare cases, some of them became dungeons. Where treasures can be found.

The living beings that discovered it was amazed at this discovery and told everyone.

Everyone was happy. But the abyss invasion has also affected some of the living beings' emotions. Thus, the 7 cardinal sins were born deep in their hearts.

War broke out because of the existence of the dungeons and many living beings died in the process. The once-called united living beings were now scattered and called themselves by their own race

Some classified themselves as humans, some as elves, some are dwarfs, and many more.

And the world you are now in is the world the 1st light created, Thisavrós.

The living beings of this world created their own kingdoms and government.

And owned lands based on the geography that are good for them.

The rulers of these lands and their people talked about the dungeon so that no unnecessary death will happen again.

That is how it went for many years. Until the signs of the abyss appeared once again...


[Alice]: And that's how it ends... It is interesting. But it said that the abyss is starting to appear again, right? And he said I'm the chosen one... I hope I'm wrong tho.

I stretched my body after reading for a few minutes.

[Alice]: Well, enough about that, let's start trying our skills!

As soon as I said that, a notification appeared.

[Alice]: What's this... Oh! A quest! [Learning the basics] quest. Oh, Nice! This is helpful for beginners like me. Let's begin then, Screen-san.

I clicked the quest to accept it.


I decide to add a little bit of history story in this chapter so that this chapter becomes a bit longer haha. The chapters onward will mostly now focus on how our protagonist learns and explore her powers and the forest.

Daoist0Wk0r2creators' thoughts