
The Arslan Chronicles

Aiden's life of material abundance is overshadowed by a lack of familial and romantic love, plunging him into a deep depression. Filling his days with extracurricular activities, Aiden seeks solace in an unexpected confession to both his unsupportive parents and the object of his long-standing affection. When all seems lost, Aiden's escape into the virtual realm takes an unforeseen turn. A Quantum AI named Apollo, residing within his mind, employs the familiar comfort of a PS2 to transport Aiden to Eldoren, a fantastical world of swords and magic. Here, Aiden discovers his newfound role as a Shepard, destined to combat the encroaching miasma threatening Eldoren. As Aiden navigates this captivating world, little does he know that the boy of his dreams has been unwittingly crafted from his unrequited crush. The intersection of reality and fantasy blurs as Aiden grapples with self-discovery, love, and the impending fate of Eldoren. Will he find the strength within himself to save both worlds? Dive into a unique blend of romance, self-realization, and epic adventure in this enchanting tale of reincarnation with a twist. [MON] - [FRI]

FJFreeman · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Part Two - New World - Chapter [035]

We had started packing together - we were only allowed to bring one backpack, that I was meant to carry because otherwise we wouldn't fit. 

We were waiting for the owl to arrive and let us know where to go next, as the High Council of Guilds had already decided or so Arslan had gotten word. 

He seemed to enjoy spending his time in short shorts and sleeveless t's around me. 

Not that I was complaining, or maybe that's how he felt most natural, but whenever someone came to look for him to tell him important stuff, he would only peek through the a short sliver of the door.

He was comfortable showing off around me not so much around other people it seems.

Now that I had thought about it we hadn't left the room since this afternoon. 

How many hours had already passed? 

"So-" he perked up as I started, breaking the silence. 

In silence, it seemed we both had our little worlds. 

"About this bike, you mention - what type of bike were you referring to," 

He raised his eyebrows. A half smile crept on his face. 

"Oh, you'll see…" he teased. 

I smiled with a dry laugh and went back to packing, we had flowed into a rhythm as we packed things into the bag. 

A flutter of wings, and then a small tap on the window. 

We both looked to see a brown owl standing outside.

More importantly a brown great-horned owl, its tufts of feathers sticking up on the side of their heads 

It looked so handsome and dashing, with two yellow piercing eyes. 

Underneath its head, wrapped around in a collar, a small clear tube encasing a yellow parchment paper. Arslan went to open the window and softly unfastened the hilt of a small belt. It looked rather dashing with the cute belt like that. 

The owl didn't fly away or get scared as if he already knew Arslan by face. 

Even as Arslan tried unfastening the belt, and failed miserably, his hands too big, the owl cocked his head as if to make room between its features and the belt itself. 

I couldn't help but chuckle in admiration. 

He finally got it and removed it from the brown owl. 

He then whistled a two-tone and with that, the owl knew to fly away. 

It was probably the most interesting interaction I've seen come out of him. 

"Finally it's here!" He said unrolling the paper inside the clear tube. 

Inside a letter. 

"Dear Arslan -" he started reading out loud.

It was addressed to him instead of me - fine… I rolled my eyes either way. 

"We hope this letter finds you well, in good health, and in high spirits. We are writing to you because it's much faster than having a meeting in person. We appoint The Lions of the Red Sea as the official bearers, protectors, and shields of the newly appointed Shepard."

"That's you -" he said looking up. 

"As is tradition - The Shepard must prove himself of his power. To do this he must obtain the four crystals - and purify them. Then and only then can he travel through The City of Blight and descend upon the depths of The Great Hallow Oak Three. With the four crystals in hand, he must also purify the Oak and seal the miasma. If he fails the miasma will overrun across

The Kingdom of Eldoren - make haste to the first crystal located in the Valley of Lucile, up through the Hill of Miter, and into the Crystal Cave. Beware for monsters lurk about the Outlands."

He looked at me and then back at the letter. 

"As you know, a Shepard must carry a warrior inamorato - we are happy to see The Shepard won't be needing to find one. For now, that is all, wait for our second owl, our world is in your hands."

"We are prepared to accept any outcome and have made preparations for whatever happens."

"P.S. Xander will join you in the Crystal Cave" 

"- Regards" 

The letter ended.

"Oh my god - why Xander of all people?" He growled. 

"What's wrong with Xander?" I chatted. 

"He always treats me like his little brother - it's annoying."

"Aw - he cares," I said faking empathy. 

It got a laugh out of him. 

"No - you don't know him," he said wagging his finger at me. I just chuckled and started tickling him a bit. 

"Stop we need to finish packing!" He shouted as he felt my tickles. 

"Okay - fine - fine…" I said backing off. 

We finished packing, he changed into something more battle-ready - Arslan wore a red cape, that covered only his shoulders, like his sleeveless t-shirt this too showed off his arms.

Underneath he wore a sort of fitted vest that was rather sturdy, black pants that looked comfy. Two black shields across his forearm. Most importantly he went to his closet and then hit a secret switch on the side, the position was rather obtuse, and seemed that only he would know where it was. A secret door opened, and behind it, two very shiny, golden boots. 

As he pulled them out, I couldn't help but gasp, the feet had this sort of texture that seemed like it was moving, fire breathing through the gold. My mouth was agape!

"What?" He said oblivious. 

"You gonna tell me a story?" I asked pointing at the boots. He shied a little. 

"It's my secret weapon -" he said putting one on, it fitted like a glove. 

"Uh-hu…" he looked me in the eyes as I sassed him. 

"It's my special grade S weapon," he mentioned. 

"Do they have a name?" I mentioned. 

"I call them my Levin boots" my eyes glazed over him. The name was kinda smart. 

"Nice name…" I said. He stood up, was he even just a tad bit taller? He looked like a giant.

And I was only 5'2"

"All right - come on," he said carrying the bag. Our only bag. I had to fight him for hygiene products - but still, we had some. We carried a light load, he did mention we would buy whatever we needed as we reached cities and towns, but that as we left Vinymar we would only find grassland for a while. The next town over was around two days away.

He had already theorized they might send us to the Crystal Cave.

And just like that - we had our quest.