
The Arslan Chronicles

Aiden's life of material abundance is overshadowed by a lack of familial and romantic love, plunging him into a deep depression. Filling his days with extracurricular activities, Aiden seeks solace in an unexpected confession to both his unsupportive parents and the object of his long-standing affection. When all seems lost, Aiden's escape into the virtual realm takes an unforeseen turn. A Quantum AI named Apollo, residing within his mind, employs the familiar comfort of a PS2 to transport Aiden to Eldoren, a fantastical world of swords and magic. Here, Aiden discovers his newfound role as a Shepard, destined to combat the encroaching miasma threatening Eldoren. As Aiden navigates this captivating world, little does he know that the boy of his dreams has been unwittingly crafted from his unrequited crush. The intersection of reality and fantasy blurs as Aiden grapples with self-discovery, love, and the impending fate of Eldoren. Will he find the strength within himself to save both worlds? Dive into a unique blend of romance, self-realization, and epic adventure in this enchanting tale of reincarnation with a twist. [MON] - [FRI]

FJFreeman · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Part One - Third Year - Chapter [016]

We had passed several farms and I could finally see Vinmyar not far off. 

From what I could see the city was hustling and bustling. People were running through and from. Going about their daily lives doing working things. 

I noticed as we walked through the farms they had electricity poles in the road.

It wasn't surpassing the wind collectors I had seen on the grasslands. 

The farms had red windmills and the crops were big and plentiful. Some farms had open fields that were the size of an acre or two. As we walked the animals approached the fence to come near to us. They seemed friendly. 

"Come on - I have something to show you," said Arslan suddenly grabbing my hand and pulling me along. 

I had no choice but to trust him. 

"Over here's the South Town!" he said. "It's still the outskirts but it's something cool I promise!" he continued just pushing to go further. I decided to play by his whim and be surprised. 

We got close to the edge of the city - but went through the back gate, and then we reached a tunnel full of growing strawberry vines. 

Finally, we got to what seemed like the back of the farm. 

It looked run down and decrepit. 

"What's all this?" I asked. 

"I keep some animals over in this end," he explained as he started pushing some boxes aside.

As he opened what seemed like a secret door hidden deep within the run-downs of an abandoned small shackle. We opened up to a big grass field I could have sworn it was as big as two football stadiums. 

"I don't show this to anybody," he suddenly said. The morning due had suddenly illuminated the run-down shed. 

Arslan whistled with two fingers in his mouth - it was so loud I could have sworn one of my ears would burst. But before I knew a dog all in black came running from somewhere beyond I couldn't see.

The plot was divided by fences, but I was so far away it was tiny to the eye. 

The dog seemed so happy just running towards Arslan, recognizing him of course.

The dog finally reached us and embraced Arslan like the most happy pup in the entire world. 

"Who's' a good boy!" he suddenly said chipper. Kneeling to hug the dog back. 

I heard a meow come from somewhere above me. I looked up and saw a beautiful domesticated white cat. It even had a pink collar on.

"Hi there!" I said in a friendly tone. The cat stretched and walked the scaffolding, until it reached my shoulders and confidently walked on my shoulders, dropping itself like I had a scarf on. It started purring. 

"You're a cat person huh?" Arslan had just the sweetest brightest smile. 

"More of a dog person myself -" he mentioned - was he dancing with the dog? It was standing on two legs and he moved back and forth while holding his paws.

He suddenly started looking in the boxes and found some old dusted clothes. 

"I'll change real quick -" he said and headed to a back room. He came out with less armor, some boots, and a t-shirt that screamed medieval. He played with his hair.

"This is Nyx and that's Finn by the way," He remembered. "They have their feeder over there by the wall, and I bring them special treats from time to time." 

"Don't they leave?" I said massaging Finn's paws. The cat seemed like it was about to go to sleep. 

"Finn must wander around - but never strays too far. Nyx helps protect the chickens and the cows, so she never leaves - come on I'll show you."

We walked a little bit in the field in front of us and came upon the feeder Arslan had mentioned. Next to it was a chicken coup. Arlsand started throwing some food that he took from the feeder. Above the feeder was a blue crystal. As I looked up suddenly food materialized out of thin air and came down into the container. 

I shirked.

The cat continued to warm my neck. 

"That's a spawner," he explained. "I have them set up for 15-minute intervals, as long as they're food, this guy can live a happy life all their own." 

"So you set all this up?" I asked. 

"Yeah - wanted my little place away from all the noise - you're welcome here too by the way, anytime. I have a hidden dot inside the shed. It's been a sleep for months, you'll probably need to wake it up remotely." He looked at me curiously - he had finished feeding the chickens. I wondered where are the cows. 

"Do you know how to even use them?" 

"Use what?" 

"The dots I mean?"


[Dots are special crystals that emit a signal one can latch on to on the world map - then teleport to it] 

It's just fast travel. 

"Do you?" he repeated. 

"I guess I have to attune to it first," I said sweating bollocks. 

We went back to the shed, just for him to move some more boxes aside and reveal a hidden crystal behind. It was dim - almost like it was asleep. 

"So can you show me?" he asked. 

I leaned down and near the crystal. 

Apollo, what do I do?

I shouted inside my mind. 

[Hold out your hand] 

The crystal instantly reacted. Arslan raised his eyebrows. Was he maybe doubting me a little bit?


A couple of seconds passed. 


[Dot has been registered] 

The crystal came back alive again. 

"There, it's done," I said not believing I had done some magic. 

"Good - I'd like you to come back," I was getting more and more accustomed to his constant flirting.

"This is my sanctuary - so if I ever send word to you to come here, it'll mean something's up, and you better show, okay?" he didn't mean it aggressively. Even though it sounded affirming.

"I will - I'll come as soon as you call me -" he just sort of snickered and grabbed me by the hips. In that semi-dark run-down one-room shed. I felt safe, like our home away from home. 

He pecked my lips. 

This cat was having a nap on my shoulders, undisturbed by anything. Not even a show of affection. 

We went back outside and the cows suddenly showed up they had been in the river all along.

A small wind breeze settled on the farm.

There were only three of them, but they had all names. 

Carla - Linda and Penelope. 

They were not great names for cows. 

How was Arslan not using all of this land to grow vegetables and things that he could sell?

But also maybe he just wanted to keep it like this - so I didn't press. 

As the day continued - we lazed around enjoying each other's company.

We laid on the grass for a little while taking a cat nap, with a literal cat on my belly. And a dog under his arm. I couldn't help but notice his eyes closing even though the light was so bright. 

In a moment he fell asleep taking in the fresh breeze and enjoying just being for a moment.

As he lay asleep, I entwined my pinky with his. Just for a moment 

I had a butterfly in my stomach but was loving this moment so much. 

I don't think I've had a dull moment so far with Arslan. 

I wondered if this is what it would feel like to have a relationship with Eddy. 

It all felt too good to be true. Like my happiness was to be taken away at any moment. 

I didn't feel like I deserved it - such a wonderful guy. 

Maybe I was just coercing myself into believing that.

I don't know - but as we both lulled ourselves by the wind gushing through the sounds of the animals around us, the slow and steady inhales and exhales of breaths. 

Our hearts beating, steadily and onward. 

My body and how it felt in relationship to the earth. 

How the grass caressed my skin like a warm blanket underneath me. 

How the soil was cool to the touch. 

The bugs around us, and the little critters that pop their heads once in a while, searching for water near the river. 

Bunnies and weasels, all wanting to maybe grab a bite from the automatic feeder. 

Nevertheless, this was bliss. 

I might have gone to heaven - because this was all I've ever wanted.

I felt bad for realizing this. 

But I've always felt I needed the visuals - for my man to be pretty to the eye. 

And Arslan was more than pretty - he was gorgeous. 

And that body was just absolute perfection. 

Like he said - who wouldn't want that? 

All I could think about was how blessed I was. 

I felt peace. 

Could it last forever?

I woke and realized - Arslan had taken my whole hand, intertwined with his. 

As we lay on the grass - he chuckled, he was already awake. 

He suddenly spoke - and the next thing he said, most threw me off my game.

His eyes were still closed, but he kept clenching my hand. He finally said. 

"I think I'm in love with you." he blurted almost out of the blue.

My eyes widened - I was rendered speechless. It was like the whole world around us stopped - like the wind left us and there was only silence around us. No background noises at all, just the two us, locking eyes.

I didn't know what to say. 

My mouth opened but no words came out. 

He squeezed my hand. 

"Don't say anything!" 

A beat before he chose his next words.

"At least not yet -"

taking cat naps like the world doesn't matter


FJFreemancreators' thoughts