
The Arslan Chronicles

Aiden's life of material abundance is overshadowed by a lack of familial and romantic love, plunging him into a deep depression. Filling his days with extracurricular activities, Aiden seeks solace in an unexpected confession to both his unsupportive parents and the object of his long-standing affection. When all seems lost, Aiden's escape into the virtual realm takes an unforeseen turn. A Quantum AI named Apollo, residing within his mind, employs the familiar comfort of a PS2 to transport Aiden to Eldoren, a fantastical world of swords and magic. Here, Aiden discovers his newfound role as a Shepard, destined to combat the encroaching miasma threatening Eldoren. As Aiden navigates this captivating world, little does he know that the boy of his dreams has been unwittingly crafted from his unrequited crush. The intersection of reality and fantasy blurs as Aiden grapples with self-discovery, love, and the impending fate of Eldoren. Will he find the strength within himself to save both worlds? Dive into a unique blend of romance, self-realization, and epic adventure in this enchanting tale of reincarnation with a twist. [MON] - [FRI]

FJFreeman · LGBT+
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48 Chs

Part One - Third Year - Chapter [017]

I had no idea what to do with this newfound information, but the fact he had confessed already gave me a sort of confidence boost that I couldn't be happier with. 

I still didn't know my answer - but I already knew I wanted this relationship to work, and I was going to do everything that was in my power to make this thing that was flourishing with the two of us. 

It had all happened so fast, but maybe what he had said to me had been a slip of the mind, something that he didn't want to say or tell. But let out anyway.

But he did and now maybe he might want to take it back - but the past in the past. 

I've always been on the opposite side of this type of thing, so I don't know how to act or what to say. 

You know it felt like it wasn't real. Was I going crazy? Was this happening? 

So the next couple of moments were critical - After some time of us just being together not saying anything - feeling the wind on our faces, listening to the grass blades flutter as they moved with the slow rise and fall of the waves of the wind. 

I don't know why but I took his hand.

Just the pinky, intertwining mine with his, in a soft tender touch. 

We didn't look at each other. 

Just stared at the sky, and let time go by. Wasting it away. 

I was happy to be with him - lying together on the grass field, eventually, he migrated his hand, with mine - intertwining our fingers together, and my blushing level went up to a maximum. 

My face blushed blood red - my body had a strange physical reaction where I started shaking, as the spring breeze left me ice cold, shivering as I had just jumped into an icy pool with negative degrees - but at the same time I was melting, sweating buckets and like the snow was melting around me. 

Then I just heard his voice - one word - like an echoing sound from a deep sweet restful slumber. Like having a small bite of the best ice cream you have ever tasted. Like having a bite from a freshly baked chocolate cake. Like sipping one tasty sugary drink. 

There was a pause. 

And then finally it touched my ears. 


He said it like he understood how I felt. His single word managed to calm me down in the span of a second. 

I dropped aware of what my breathing was doing - I was taking in air. I remembered to breathe. Fill in my lungs with the air around us. 

It was fresh - I became aware of one thing. 

The sky was blue - so azure that I could see it through the horizon. There were clouds and mountains - but the horizon looked ever so beautiful. More beautiful than I had ever seen. 

Of course - there was no pollution here. 

All of the wind energy turbines I had seen as we had walked the grasslands were probably how they kept all of the lights on in this place. 

There was a jolt that made my body move - but I had another realization, if I moved on my right side, I would have to break contact with Arslan. 

I thought about it, so I turned over on my left side. 

He ended up cuddling me like I was the little spoon.

I remembered something I had to check. 

I had to really - really - check something.

Back in the tiny shed we had come first into this wide open space - that when you looked at it was some sort of massive open field that led to a river, some sort of natural reserve, that was not open to the public otherwise you came with the right person. 

And his name was Arslan.

The shed had a single light bulb, it was right there, just as inconspicuous as it had been just as I entered and not paid attention to it. 

Right now I was in a sort of fantasy world. 

And there was electricity running? 

I turned over - unfortunately - breaking physical touch with him. 

"Where do you get electricity from?" I blurted out. 

"What's this now?" Arslan said - raising one eyebrow - probably thinking me mad. 

"Electricity - you know of it right?" I asked - it was a little dry but I said it anyway, wanting an answer.

"Ummm…" he stammered. He blinked a couple of times, however, I kept eye contact. 

"You know -" Arslan stuttered. "From like - the white windmills - and the dams all across Eldoren - and the - umm - caves that excavate the earth crystals - they're like connected to earth or something - I wouldn't know - you're a healer right, how come you don't know about the earth crystals?" 

"Of course, I know about it, pfffttt," I made a sound with my mouth. Immediately I went back to lying down, with my hands over my head. 

I kept our conversation going. 

"Yeah - I just wanted to know how much you pay for it," making hardball assumptions here. 

"Oh-," he said. 

Had it worked?

But he immediately copied my body language.

I knew something along the lines of what he was going to say next. 

"Why does that matter?" He said.

I delivered my next answer.

"Sorry - I just wanted to know," 

"That's okay -" he continued. There was a sigh. He closed his eyes. However, he kept saying words.

"I'm just of the thinking that if I can afford to keep them on - then what happens in private spaces goes between me and the other person - don't you think?" 

"Right - of course!" I said.

"See you do get it," he said before I could have another thought.

I couldn't say another word.

Our conversation ended there - and saying any other words felt out of place. 

The silence between us fell at an impasse. 


medieval times didn't have electricity, so this ain't no medieval times. hmmmm ????

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