

Kimon watched Lord Gawyne observantly. He had fulfilled his end. Now it was Lord Gawyne's turn.

It was clear by now that Kimon had delivered a sound curation procedure. He was too invested in his deals with Lord Gawyne that he wouldn't even think of running away when Lord Gawyne partially fulfilled the end of his deal.

"Are you still chasing my father's journal? I don't see it assisting you in your endeavors. Everything written in it couldn't help my mother, even after death," sighed Lord Gawyne. 

Kimon's tone softened, "It has something I need. Something I want. You wouldn't understand, and I don't need you to understand."

Lord Gawyne looked at the blue moon as he spoke, "I might not understand but I recognize that fervent desire burning in you. It is the same flame my father bore, and it killed him! He turned his back on his family, and in the end...."