

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

The Calm Before The storm

Asura walked through the ruined landscape, stumbling over debris from the fierce battle. He spotted a nearby cave that seemed untouched, providing a sanctuary for him to rest and recover his strength. As he entered the cave, Asura saw a small pond nestled in the back lit by a shaft of sunlight from above.

He slipped into the healing waters with relief, feeling his wounds begin to close and his energy return. Asura reflected on the inevitability of conflict finding him, even as he pursued a simple life. But each trial made him stronger, sharpening his skills for the greater purpose of protecting others.

After soaking in the healing pond for some time, Asura felt restored enough to make the journey home. Asura had now reached the pinnacle of the second stage of the spiritual realm. If Asura had trained by conventional means, it would have taken more than two months for him to reach the peak of the second stage of the spiritual realm; however, after his life-or-death fight with that magical beast, Asura became a peak second stage spiritual master.

This showed that for Asura to grow quickly, he required life-and-death battles. If he had depended solely on his cultivation talent, it would have taken him longer and he never would have been able to compete with the geniuses around the world that Asura had yet to encounter.

He exited the cave into the golden light of late afternoon. The battle was won for now, but the true victory was having the wisdom and will to walk the warrior's path with compassion. With renewed purpose, Asura headed back towards his home awaiting the next challenge that would no doubt find him soon enough.

Asura picked up his pace, rushing back to his humble home on the outskirts of the kingdom. When he arrived, out of breath, his mother was sitting outside waiting. Upon seeing him, relief washed over her face and she ran to embrace him.

I'm sorry for not telling you myself where I was going, Mommy," Asura said.

His mother smiled gently. "Don't worry, my son. Fatty already informed me of where you had wandered off to."

In reality, Asura had been the one who requested that Fatty inform his mother of his whereabouts so that she would worry less. His actions demonstrated his filial affection and care for his mother's peace of mind, though he forgot to tell her directly.

Asura replied sincerely, "I meant to tell you myself but the matter arose so suddenly. I will not have you worry needlessly again. Forgive my negligence, Mother."

His mother caressed his cheek lovingly. "There is nothing to forgive. A warrior's life brings unexpected dangers and duties. All I ask is that you remember to cherish the time we have together, however brief it may be."

"I will, Mother. You and Ling'er give me strength for what I must face."

His mother embraced him. "And you bring us joy simply by being here, my precious son. That is more than enough."

Asura entered his home to find his little sister, Xie Ling, sitting at the kitchen table. Her face lit up upon seeing him and she ran into his arms, giving him a gentle hug. Asura received the hug with a smile on his face, thinking to himself that his home was the most peaceful place for him - where he could forget all the negativity of the outside world.

Xie Ling gazed up at him joyfully and said, "Big brother, you're finally home! I've missed you so."

Asura knelt down and hugged her close. "And I've missed you, my dear sister. It comforts my heart to see your smiling face again."

Xie Ling beamed at his words. "Come, come, Mama has made your favorite dishes. She said you must be famished after your journey."

Asura inquired, "How did Mommy know I was coming home?"

Xie Ling replied "The tournament is about to start, and Mommy knows you will rest for a few days at home before competing. Mommy also had a feeling that you would return today, so she began preparing your favorite dishes."

"If you hadn't come home today, all these delicious foods would have been mine!" Xie Ling added in a mischievous tone.

Asura chuckled. "Is that so? Well, we shall see who can eat the most dumplings then!"

Xie Ling's eyes lit up in delight at the challenge. "You're on, big brother!"

Together, they laughed and made their way to the table where their mother waited, a loving smile on her face. Though outwardly a noble warrior, here in the presence of his family Asura could truly be himself - a brother, a son - enjoying simple pleasures and finding strength for the challenges ahead.

Asura allowed his little sister to lead him to the kitchen where delicious aromas filled the air and his mother turned to greet him with a warm smile. He felt the cares and troubles of the outside world melting away as he sat down to a meal with his family, enjoying the simple pleasures of home that he wanted to protect at all cost.

He finally sat down at the table where his mother placed a bowl of steaming noodles and dumplings in front of him. Asura closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in the peacefulness and love that filled this place - his sanctuary from the harsher realities of the outside world. Here, he was not a warrior but a son and brother, and for now, that was enough.

Asura also knew these peaceful days were fleeting and this was the calm before the storm. He wanted to spend his remaining precious time fully present and mindful.

He savored each bite of his mother's delicious cooking, savoring the rich flavors on his tongue. He laughed freely at his sister's jokes and teasing, enjoying the joyous sound of her laughter mingling with his own. And he treasured the comforting silence as his mother gazed at him with nothing but love in her eyes.

Asura was deeply grateful for these moments of respite where he could recharge both body and soul. The pressures and dangers that awaited him beyond these walls felt far away for now. Here, surrounded by the warmth and comfort of family, he could feel at peace.

Too soon, the meal drew to a close. Asura hugged his mother and sister tightly, etching the feeling of love and comfort into his memory. He knew these moments of tranquility were fleeting, but they sustained him through even the darkest hours. And for that, he was deeply thankful.

Sorry for the late upload,

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