

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasy
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132 Chs

Asura v/s Ferrous Magical Beast

The beast's thundering roar shook the very earth as it charged toward Asura.

Asura quickly summoned his spiritual energy and formed a protective barrier around himself just in time to deflect the beast's massive tusks as it slammed into him. The force of the impact almost shattered his defenses, but he held strong.

Asura responded by firing a barrage of spirit energy blasts at the beast, hitting it directly in the face and chest. The beast bellowed in pain and anger, charging again with devastating force. This time Asura dodged to the side and unleashed a whirling vortex of spiritual energy that struck the beast from multiple directions. The beast stumbled and fell to one knee, dazed from the onslaught.

However, Asura knew this beast was immensely powerful and one misstep could mean defeat. Gathering his spiritual energy into a concentrated blast, Asura took aim at the beast's head as it charged once more. As the beast closed in, Asura released the full power of his attack directly into its forehead.

His powerful blast struck the beast directly in the forehead, causing a small crack to appear in its thick hide. However, the crack was so minuscule that it was barely perceptible to the naked eye.

The magical beast withstood Asura's full attack with seemingly little difficulty, demonstrating its immense toughness and durability. Had a normal human cultivator taken that same blast, they likely would have sustained at least minor injuries, if not serious wounds. However, the beast took the full force of Asura's strike without appearing visibly harmed at all.

The toughness of this magical beast was now clearly evident; if Asura's most powerful normal attack could only produce a crack so tiny as to be nearly invisible, overwhelming the beast's defenses would prove extremely difficult. Asura realized he would have to utilize his trump card, in addition to sheer force, if he wished to emerge victorious from this battle.

Asura said "Let's use Heaven Breaking Fist first"

The magical beast charged again at full speed, fangs aimed straight at Asura's neck. Asura stood his ground, gathering his Martial energy into his muscles.

As the beast closed in, Asura abruptly blurred into motion. He blurred towards the beast, slamming both fists down on its head with tremendous force. "Heaven Breaking Fist!" Asura roared.

The beast bellowed in agony as cracks began snaking across its nearly impenetrable hide. Asura pressed his attack, raining fists down on the beast's head and neck at blinding speed. Each hit caused the cracks to deepen and spread.

The beast thrashed about wildly, trying to knock Asura off. But Asura remained locked on, relentless in his onslaught. Eventually, the beast's toughened head could take no more. With a thunderous crack, its skull finally shattered under Asura's Heaven Breaking Fist.

Asura exclaimed, "I was unaware that the Heaven Breaking Fist is so powerful; it appears this Battle Skill technique is more intricate than it seems initially."

Though Asura's Heaven Breaking Fist broke through the magical beast's impenetrable hide and battered its skull, it did not quite manage to kill the creature. Instead, the powerful technique left the beast severely wounded but alive.

Though severely injured by Asura's Heaven Breaking Fist, the magical beast was not ready to die just yet. As Asura gathered his spiritual energy for a finishing blow, the beast suddenly let out an enraged roar that shook the very heavens.

A dark red aura began to emanate from the beast's body, dripping from its wounds like blood. With newfound strength, the beast pushed itself up from the ground and turned its fearsome gaze towards Asura. Its one good eye burned with madness and fury.

The beast charged at Asura with incredible speed, moving as if unhindered by its grievous injuries. Asura hastily threw up a barrier, but the beast barreled right through it with its tremendous strength. Asura was sent flying by the impact, crashing through several trees before skidding to a stop.

Asura struggled to his feet, coughing up blood. He realized the beast had tapped into some reserve of dark power, unleashing its full wrath and pushing past its physical limits. The injury-induced rage had driven the beast into a frenzied berserker state, impervious to pain and fueled only by homicidal fury.

Asura summoned his spiritual energy once more, ready to face this new threat. The beast charged again, and Asura met its headlong rush with another Heaven Breaking Fist. Though Asura's strikes landed with their usual force, the beast's rage protected it from further harm. It smashed into Asura, goring him with its horns and razor-sharp tusks.

Asura landed in a crumpled heap, his own attacks glancing harmlessly off the beast's scales. He realized he must end this battle quickly before the berserk magical beast killed him in its frenzied state. Focusing his spiritual energy to its limit, Asura prepared one final strike capable of stopping even such madness incarnate.

Asura gathered all his remaining spiritual energy and focused his mind. With a mighty shout, he released his ultimate technique. "Total Annihilation"

A massive column of Golden spiritual energy erupted from Asura's outstretched palms and struck the charging magical beast head-on. The beam turned black on touching the beast and it enveloped the beast, burning away its protective aura of darkness and madness. The beast roared in agony as the spiritual energy seared its flesh and blasted through its defenses.

Asura poured everything he had into the Spiritual Beam Attack, relentless in tearing down the beast's berserk resilience. The beast turned into dust in a few seconds not only the beast but his surrounding area of one meter also turned into dust which was black in color, Black which couldn't be more black.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the magical beast was defeated.

Asura released his Spiritual Beam Attack and collapsed to one knee, completely spent. He watched the beast turn into dust, making sure it would not rise again. After several tense moments, it became clear the beast had finally been defeated - its berserk fury extinguished by Asura's ultimate technique.

Rising unsteadily to his feet, Asura felt both exhausted yet triumphant. Though an arduous battle, he had once again proven himself the master of both physical and spiritual prowess. With a weary sigh, Asura turned to find some place to heal peacefully. He looked forward to returning home after healing from this ordeal and resuming his normal life for a few days because the tournament was at hand.