
The Alpha in the MCU

A young man named Mark finds himself at the crossroads of life and death, struck by the fateful "truck-kun" and offered a chance for reincarnation by a higher-dimensional being known as ROB. Given the opportunity to start anew, Mark, now reborn as James Logan Howlett, enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Armed with the combined abilities of Wolverine and an Alpha werewolf, James now as one of the most formidable beings in existence, he navigates his new life. ---- Kara, Natasha and Wanda are the only mates for Logan. I'm not planning to add more.

Kakarot1809 · Filmes
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22 Chs

The Wolverine

Later that night Logan and Kara made their way home in their sleek car.

They can teleport to their house but they wanted to enjoy traveling in their car and enjoy the view of city.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the city.

As they are talking about some random things, Logan's thoughts drifted to the recent developments in Stark Industries.

A month ago, he had instructed Kara to start buying shares, anticipating the drop in stock value after Tony Stark's shocking announcement of closing the weapons division.

As they discussed, Logan asked, "How are the shares of Stark Industries looking?"

Kara, sitting beside him, nodded. "We're up to 38 percent now. Stark's shares plummeted from the announcement, and we seized the opportunity to buy more."

Logan smirked, pleased with the outcome. Earlier because of the high value of Stark shares they didn't buy much but with a single announcement from Tony, all that went down hill.

He knows that in the future it will be very difficult to gain shares. So, he wanted to have as much as possible now.

But as they continued their conversation, Kara's heightened senses picked up something—something familiar, moving swiftly in their direction.

Kara's eyes narrowed, her senses telling her something was approaching. She turned to him, her expression turned serious.

"Something's coming," she said, her voice tense.

Logan nodded, his gaze steady. "I know, I've already sensed them. They're heading in our direction. Let's go."

Without hesitation, Kara reached for her sling ring, gesturing quickly to open a portal directly in front of the car.

The beta who is driving stepped on the pedal to increase the speed after seeing the portal. He didn't need any Confirmation after hearing the discussion they had.

As the vehicle sped forward, they drove straight through the swirling portal, the city street disappearing behind them. The portal closed the instant they passed through, leaving no trace of their presence.


A minute later, back on the street they had just vacated, a massive metal figure crashed down, its red and gold armor gleaming in the night. Iron Man was locked in a desperate struggle with the towering Iron Monger, Obadiah Stane's monstrous suit of armor. Stane was relentless, battering Stark's smaller, more agile suit with overwhelming force.

The towering figure of the Iron Monger suit, piloted by Obadiah Stane, loomed ominously over Tony Stark's sleeker, more compact Iron Man armor. The two clashed leaving countless lives hanging in the balance.

Tony, already worn from the night's events, initiated the first move. He raised his hands, unleashing a barrage of repulsor blasts aimed directly at Iron Monger's chest. The beams of concentrated energy struck true, lighting up the night with sparks and bursts of electricity. But the Iron Monger was designed to endure damage, and Stane barely flinched from the hits.

"Is that the best you can do, Tony?" Stane's voice boomed from within the armored behemoth, mocking and confident.

Tony didn't respond, instead opting to stay on the move. He engaged his thrusters, darting to the side as Stane fired back with the Iron Monger's shoulder-mounted missile launchers.

A series of missiles streaked through the air, their paths erratic but deadly.

Tony weaved through the barrage, his HUD lighting up with warnings as explosions erupted around him. One missile clipped him, sending him spiraling into a nearby car, which crumpled under the impact. Stark pushed himself off the wreckage, systems in his suit scrambling to compensate for the damage.

"JARVIS, I need more power to the repulsors," Tony ordered.

"Diverting power, sir," JARVIS responded calmly, and the suit responded, diverting the power.

But Stane was already advancing, his massive suit thundering with each step. He swung a colossal fist at Tony, who managed to fly out of the way.

The ground shook as the blow missed, leaving a crater where Tony had just been.

Tony retaliated with a unibeam blast from his chest, the concentrated energy beam slamming into Iron Monger's faceplate. The force was enough to stagger Stane, but not enough to bring him down. Stane growled in frustration, his eyes narrowing behind the helmet.

"You're out of your depth, Tony!" Stane roared, deploying the Iron Monger's gatling gun. The high-caliber rounds spewed out in a deadly stream, tearing through cars and concrete as they chased after Tony.

Tony using his thrusters and detection systems flying in the air avoiding being hit.

"Come on, Stark! Stop running and fight!" Stane goaded, his voice filled with venom. He reached out, grabbing a nearby sedan and hurling it like a toy. The car exploded on impact, sending debris flying.

Tony dodged to the side, his thrusters sputtering under the continued strain. He knew he couldn't keep this up; Stane's armor was built for sheer brute force, and it was clear that in a battle of attrition, Tony would lose.

He had to think strategically. As he dodged another wild missile from Stane, Tony's mind formed a plan. He has to take Stane to the upper atmosphere.

Stane looked at something and grinned wickedly. "Let's see how you save them." he sneered and moved towards tha car.

Following Stane, he saw it—a Car, its windows filled with terrified passengers, stopped in the middle of the street.

With horrifying ease, Stane reached out and grabbed the car, lifting it off the ground. The screams of the passengers filled the air, and Tony's heart sank.

"Don't do it, Stane!" Tony shouted, his voice tinged with desperation. "This isn't about them!"

But Stane's mind was made up. He swung the car like a club, aiming to crush Tony beneath it.

Tony acted on instinct, boosting forward with everything he had. He collided with the car mid-swing, using his suit's energy output to and diverted the vehicle's path.

The car was placed in the ground, the armour buckling under the impact but sparing the lives of those inside.

Tony used his repulsor to fly into the air immediately after putting the car down, but soon landed on the ground as the maneuver costing him dearly. His suit's systems were red-lining.

"JARVIS… reroute… power," Tony gasped for air.

"Rerouting, sir, but we're critically low on reserves," JARVIS warned.

Tony barely had time to process the words before Stane was on him again. With a roar, Iron Monger's massive foot came crashing down, pinning Tony to the ground. The weight was unbearable, his suit's servos screaming as they fought to hold up against the pressure.

"You're finished, Stark," Stane snarled, applying more force. "This is what happens when you forget who's really in charge."

Tony's mind raced, searching for a way out. He couldn't overpower Stane, not like this. He needed time, a distraction—anything. But as the pressure mounted, hope began to slip away.

Suddenly, a portal opened nearby, and Logan stepped out, his posture relaxed but his eyes blazing with intent. He with his hands in his pockets began to walk towards them.

Stark, noticing Logan's presence, called out desperately, "Stay back! This is—"

His voice cut short from another push from Iron Monger's feet.

But Logan didn't hear—or didn't care. His focus was solely on Stane, who had slammed Tony to the ground with a heavy metallic foot.

Stane lifted Iron Man with one hand and flung him aside into the bus, focusing his firepower on the bus and blasted it.


Tony was thrown away from the impact.

Seeing Logan approach, Stane turned his attention to this new guy. Then he fired Bullets from his gun but Logan took them head on.

Logan didn't suffer any damage aside from his clothes.

Stane growing impatient launced series of rockets, and repulsor blasts tore through the air, aiming straight for Logan.

The onslaught was fierce, but Logan kept advancing, the barrage doing little more than shredding his clothes. His body remained unscathed, his expression one of calm determination. The distance between them closed rapidly, and fear crept into Stane's voice.

"What the hell are you?!" Stane shouted, his tone a mix of disbelief and panic.

Logan grinned, his eyes glowing a fierce red. With a metallic *snikt*, his claws extended from his fists, shining under the moonlight. In a blink, he vanished from Stane's view.

Before Stane could react, Logan reappeared behind him.

With a swift motion, the Iron Monger armor began to fall apart, chunks of metal clattering to the ground, severed from their joints. Stane, now exposed and vulnerable, fell to his knees, looking up at Logan with terror.

"What..... What kind of monster are you?" Stane gasped, his voice trembling.

Logan crouched down to meet Stane's fearful gaze. "The Wolverine," he replied, his voice low and menacing.

With a final, decisive strike, Logan's claws flashed through the air, severing Stane's head from his body. The fight was over before it had even begun.

Logan turned his attention to Tony, who was slowly recovering from the earlier blast. Stark's armor was battered, but he was alive.

Without a word, Logan slipped the sling ring onto his finger, opening a portal back to his home.

He stepped through, the portal closing silently behind him, leaving the wreckage of the battle behind.


Back at home, Kara was waiting for him, sensing his return. As Logan headed towards the bathroom to wash off the remnants of the fight, Kara called out, "How was the hunt?"

Logan paused, glancing back at her with a faint smile. "Boring as usual."

Kara chuckled softly, turning towards the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Logan stepped into the bathroom to clean his body from the smell of gunpowder, the night's events already fading into the routine of his immortal life.

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