
The Adventure Of Felix Grindelwald In The Harry Potter Universe.

A 20 year old orphan died while saving an little girl from an incoming truck, Good news the girl survived bad news he died or good news i think. Anyways the [@#£&] seems to be amused by the guy's bravery so he reincarnated him, With an gift. -End Of Synopsis ... ... ... ... ... (A/N: This is writen by an 15 year old loner that has no social life be warned force plot and weird [REDACTED] that won't add up ahead.) (A/N: Im gonna post 1 chapter a day.) (A/N: Don't read this is wish fulfillment in a way.) (A/N: This is slow paced.) (A/N: Don't get mad because im boutta school life this [REDACTED] For 100 chapters.) (A/N: F*ck you're stones go trow them at someone else just give me memes that i can copy.)

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16 Chs



[🔥Every Character Would Be Introduced In Order Of Them Being Introduced🔥]

[🔥Spoiler Alert🔥]

🔥Felix Rosier Grindelwald

[Main Character]

Date Of Birth: 1977 August 2

Age: 11

Wand: None

House: None🔥

🔥Dolores Smith

[Orphanage Matron]

Date Of Birth: 1954 August 8

Age: 35

Wand: None

House: None🔥

🔥Minerva McGonagall

[Hogwarts Proffesor]

Date Of Birth: 1935 October 4

Age: 53

Wand: Made of Fir Wood, Dragon Heartstrings Core, 9

½ inches, Stiff, Suited For Transfiguration.

House: Gryffindor🔥

🔥Lucas Rosier Grindelwald

[Felix's Father]

Date Of Birth: ???

Age: ???

Wand: ???

House: ???🔥

🔥Linda Goldstein Scammander

[Felix's Mother]

Date Of Birth: ???

Age: ???

Wand: ???

House: ???🔥


[Leaky Cauldron's Current Owner]

Date Of Birth: ???

Age: ???

Wand: ???

House: ???🔥

🔥Oswald Zaz

[Gringotts Wizarding Bank Employee] [Grindelwald Family Manager]

Date Of Birth: ???

Age: ???

Wand: None

House: None🔥


[Gringotts UK Employees]

Date Of Birth: ???

Age: ???

Wand: None

House: None🔥


[Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions Owner]

Age: ???

Wand: ???

House: ???🔥