
The Adventure Addict

What if monsters, magic, other-worldly beings, and even gods existed? Adventure. This one word has driven Leon for as long as he could remember. With his passion, he has never stopped striving to be the adventurer he heard from the stories his parents told him as a kid. The way people split seas with a stroke of a sword or the glorious tales of heroes who slew demons and even challenged the gods. However... there is one issue. He is extremely weak for an adventurer, oftentimes mistaken as a normal person, though he never gave up. After accepting a job from his guild with the boring tier of 'F'. His boring-looking mission will change Leon's life as well as the fate of the rest of the world. Most gods are inspired by real-life mythology. Side romance including prime-tier waifu. Cover credit to az_sven

Kakashi_PCB · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
164 Chs


While sitting down, Leon looked up at the serene baby blue sky. Just for a moment, Leon entranced himself with his surroundings by closing his eyes. The smell of dirt and blood, the sounds of the wind flowing against the leaves sat on the trees, and finally the feeling of sweat and dried splotches of blood all over his body.

Leon's eyes fluttered open at the sight of the little bell icon flashing. He clicked on it to reveal the notifications the system had sent him.

<You have four notifications>

-You have leveled up two times. Your stats have increased normally, however, due to <Ultimate Blessing from ??????>. You have been granted additional points to invest in your stats that have been tied to your class. +3 for each level up. Current Total: 6 unused points

-New Passive Skill Learned: Knowledge of Monster Language

-New Skill: Dagger Throw

-You have met the required conditions, level 5, to receive a material gift from <Ultimate Blessing from ??????>

Leon's eyes enlarged at the sight of the two notifications. He had never heard of someone underneath a rare class being able to invest extra points into their stats, nor had he ever heard of anyone getting a direct gift from the system or blessing. Usually, one who had been blessed by a deity had to go to a temple of the deity, where they would show proof of their blessing to have the potential to receive a gift.

Leon wondered.

'Who did he free, back at the monument? How powerful does and deity have to be, to have a blessing this powerful.'

Leon decided to go through the notifications in order. He tapped his Stat Sheet to test out the Skill Points and check out his new skill.

Level: 5

HP: 24/41

Experience: 7/55

Title: The Liberator of Gods

Class: Wind Walker

Mana: 32/32

Vitality: 23

Strength: 25

Intelligence: 29

Agility: 45

Luck: 23

Blessing: Ultimate Blessing from ??????

Additional Attribute Points: 6

Stat Sheet: Hidden

Skills: Backstab, Dash, Stealth, Slash, Dagger Throw

Passive: Sword Knowledge, Dagger Knowledge, Language of Monsters

Leon tapped the Additional Skill Points and tried to think what a good investment would be.

After minutes of deep thought, Leon decided and input his investments.

+ 4 Agility

+1 Vitality

+1 Strength

Level: 5

HP: 24/41

Experience: 7/55

Title: The Liberator of Gods

Class: Wind Walker

Mana: 32/32

Vitality: 24

Strength: 26

Intelligence: 29

Agility: 49

Luck: 23

Blessing: Ultimate Blessing from ??????

Stat Sheet: Hidden

Skills: Backstab, Dash, Stealth, Slash, Dagger Throw

Passive: Sword Knowledge, Dagger Knowledge, Language of Monsters

Leon tapped on the new skills he learned and the stuff he never investigated.


Beginner Adventurer - You have signed with a guild. You have just started your own journey. Bonus: None

The Liberator of Gods- You have encountered a god and somehow even managed to free the deity. The deity has recognized you as its liberator. Bonus: +20% Exp. Bonus

Skill: Dagger Throw- After throwing and luckily hitting your first dagger, you have finally learned of a new way to use your dagger. As the level of the skill increases, so will the accuracy and delivery time.

Passive Skill: Lvl 1. Language of Monsters- Due to <Ultimate Blessing from ??????>, you can understand monsters. The higher the level the more you can understand and eventually speak. This ability is unique, only a few have this skill.

Leon looked satisfied with the progress he made today. As he was getting up, he remembered that he never opened the box. He tapped the notification and the system asked a question.

-Do you wish to open the box? Y/N

Leon tapped yes. The moment he did a box of Iron the size of a hand appeared. The box was carved to represent the giant deity, that he had freed. The silver color of the box reflected and strained Leon's eyes from the harsh sun beating down. Leon examined the box for a way to open it and eventually found it. Located in the middle of the carvings was a square peg, Leon pushed it in with his thumb and the box popped open.

The moment the box popped open, a sword jumped out of the box and the box started to get progressively smaller. At first, it shrunk to the size of Leon's fist, then the size of an apple, it repeated the process until it completely vanished.

Startled, Leon flung himself backward at the spectacle that just occurred in front of him. The sword lodged itself in the ground where the box once stood. As Leon approached it, he carefully examined the sword. The white blade with stripes of silver itself was as long as a long sword, however, it was three times the size. The hilt of the sword was made of a dark soot colored material, unlike any Leon had seen before. It was long enough to be held with two hands, however not so long that one couldn't wield it one-handed. As Leon stood within a foot of the sword, he noticed the strips of silver were slowly moving in an unsteady path across the blade. Almost like the wind itself was etched onto it, Leon wrapped his hand around the hilt of the sword, and the moment he touched it a crash of energy forced itself into Leon's body.

The wave of energy flowed throughout Leon's entire body and shook him to his core. Leon tried to let go of the sword, but it simply stuck itself to his hand so all he could do was stand there. Soon the flow of energy calmed itself and simply felt like a soft breeze throughout his body, a notification popped up for Leon.

-Notification: The sword 'The Eye of the Storm' has linked itself to you. You can now analyze it without having the appraisal ability.

Leon swallowed the dry saliva and clicked on the sword's description.

Name: The Eyes of the Storm

Type: Sword

Rarity: World Class

Description: A self-evolving weapon. This weapon adapts with its owner and can take any path the owner decides to take. Since it can evolve itself, the weapon itself can change between a sword from its original sword form, once it evolves and adapts. Since the bond with the owner is so strong, the weapon will only allow the owner and those the owner deem worthy to handle it. The Eye of the Storm was originally birthed from the most powerful storm to touch this world, due to this fact the potential power and the sheer uniqueness of this sword classify itself as a World Class item.

Leon lost his balance as he read everything.

Leon tried to stay calm.

'A World-Class item? I've only ever possessed common gear with the highest rarity was the rare dagger I was given by my parents. To think the next rarity I would see was a World Class item.'

Leon took his new weapon and started his way back to Verin.