
The Absolute Beings Strut!

The Absolute Being of the fractality reincarnate themselves. [Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN MHA OR ANY WORK I”LL BE USING. ALL MATERIALS BELOW TO THE RESPECTIVE CREATORS]

Timothy_Pope_4016 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 5

As Shivena bolted towards the imposing robot, a wave of astonishment swept through the crowd of onlookers. Their gaze tried to follow her, some filled with concern, others with disbelief.  They questioned whether she was either incredibly brave or recklessly foolish, given her headlong rush  into apparent danger,  seemingly indifferent to her own safety. 

Despite the attempts of one bystander to intervene, Shivena's speed was just too great, propelling her past any obstacles in her path. Even the seasoned heroes who were overseeing the examination couldn't hide their surprise at her actions.

'Is she going for the zero-pointer," asked Midnight, her tone a little somber. "Yes, I believe so," Eraserhead commented, his expression betraying no emotion.

"I have to keep an eye on this one and the other boy named Izuku Midoriya," he thought, making a mental note.


Once Shivena got close to the zero-pointer, she jumped with every ounce of strength [Enhanced Body] allowed her to. Shivena propelled herself upward, her muscles straining against the force of her leap. The enhanced capabilities granted to her by [Enhanced Body] surged throughout her body, granting her the power and agility needed to reach heights beyond her usual limit. Throughout the exam, she tested out most of her abilities except four of them.

As she soared through the air, her heart pounded with adrenaline for the first time, she closed the distance between herself and the huge robot. Each moment her heart pounded faster and faster feeling like her heart would burst out of her chest, as she neared her target. "Yes!," Shivena yelled out. "This is what I was looking for," she thought.

Shivena reached the apex of her jump, her body suspended in mid-air for a fleeting moment. In that split second, she tapped into her quirk and summoned forth a multitude of swords with the remaining reserves of stamina. Each Blade materialized in a dazzling display of power, each sword was huge and shimmering with an otherworldly energy as they hovered around her in the air. 

She positioned all 20 of the swords in front of her, with the blades pointing at the zero pointer. With a surge of focus, she swiped her hand down, unleashing the barrage of swords, channeling the rest of her stamina into the onslaught. They all went forward with incredible speed, hurtling toward the zero-pointer with deadly intent.

Each sword sliced through the air with ferocity, and with a resounding impact, the swords struck the mechanical behemoth, piercing through its defenses with a relentless force. The zero-pointer staggered under the onslaught of swords, its metal quivering under the assault of Shivena's relentless barrage. The air crackled with tension as the examiners watched in awe, stunned by the sheer power Shivena showed.

Shivena was falling and fast at that, she didn't have any more stamina but who was Shivena. She was an absolute being, who has been around for eons.  So, she pushed her body even more, drawing upon every last drop of stamina she had left. Even though her body may seem like it was out of stamina it wasn't. Her subconscious mind of hers limited her usage of her stamina, for this moment right here.

As she plummeted toward the ground, she summoned two of the swords she had previously wielded to destroy the zero-pointer. She strategically positioned them beneath her feet as she hurtled towards the ground. Using the swords as a makeshift foothold, she propelled herself from one sword to the next, slowing her descent just enough to mitigate the impact upon landing.

However, despite her best efforts, her calculations fell slightly short and landed with more force than anticipated. The impact jolted through her body, and she felt a sharp pain shoot through her ankle as she touched down on the ground.

With a grimace of pain, Shivena realized that she had sprained her ankle in the landing. Though the injury may seem like it hurt, for Shivena it didn't. She pushed through and with each step she took, Shivena could feel the spring healing, thanks to the [Enhanced Recovery] from [Enhanced Body].

"That was fun," Shivena thought while walking out of the exam area. "I'm feeling tired, my body is exhausted, but throughout this exam, some people have been watching us. It should be the examiner's right" she thought. Shivena halted in her tracks and turned to face the direction of the gazes, her eyes sharp and narrowed in a focused gaze. 

Once Shivena spotted the camera, a knowing smile graced her lips. "So they were watching. Well, it is to be expected." She turned away from the camera and continued on her laid-back walk toward the gate.

As she was walking out of the gate, there was an elderly woman with gray hair, styled into a netted bun. She was wearing a doctor's lab coat and a dress with yellow and red vest-like designs on either side, two yellow buttons, and a belt with a pink "R"-shaped buckle. Shivena tilted her head, questioning the elderly walking toward her with a smile on her face.

Chiyo Shuzenji, better known as Recovery Girl, made her rounds among the applicants, thanks to her many years of healing heroes and immense medical knowledge, her keen eyes caught sight of a girl with white hair emerging from the gate. She recognizes that her foot is injured, so Chiyo makes her way to the girl, her quirk  [Heal] at the ready, which allows her to amplify and speed up the human body's natural healing process by planting a kiss on the injured person. 

"Hello there, dear. I noticed your foot is injured," Chiyo said with a gentle smile that radiated a motherly aura. "Would you like some healing?" she asked. Her gaze met Shivena's gaze for the first time. 

Chiyo is an elderly lady with a wealth of experience and wisdom accumulated over the years. Once a hero herself, she had witnessed countless atrocities, things which no one should experience. She also guided a generation of heroes through their darkest moments not only with her quirk but also with her wealth and experience. 

As Chiyo locked eyes with Shivena, she felt her instinct kick in. Despite the smile that was on her face, Chiyo saw behind the mask she presented to the world. And behind the mask was indifference towards those around her.

Even though Chiyo somewhat saw through Shivena it didn't deter her or anything. She was a naturally kind and compassionate person, and she treated everyone kindly.

'Sure, that'll be nice," Shivena said. Once the recovery girl got her confirmation she gave her ankle a kiss using her quirk, speeding up the recovery of her ankle even more. "There you go dear, all healed up," she said.

"So her quirk uses the life energy of the person she heals," Shivena thought, looking at the old lady in interest. "I am Shivena Bright, thank you for healing my ankle," she said, walking off.


[Word Count]: 1,162