
CHAPTER 1 PART1: The eastern night

The sky is dark. I look up into the deep void, I see no colour. There is no glistening bright stars that shine upon the earth with a light starry radiant light. The sky is dark, black, like the abyss, nothing. There is no silvery moon, that reflects light from the dim sun from the other side of the world. The sky is dark, as i stare up into the night sky. It's easy to describe nothing, just describe everything and simply say that it is redundant. The sky is dark. Most people cannot see through the dark nothingness, I can. The sky maybe dark, but there is wonders like nothing in this world, descriptions that cannot be described and observations that cannot be seen. And yet, the sky remains dark, the wonders of the universe covered up like a thick black sheet smothering the world. The sky is dark, it is a discernible fact and yet when I gaze upon the night sky I see everything, and nothing at the same time.

You used to be able to see the stars, the beautiful night that could be brighter than the day's sun. It would be the most marvellous thing you could ever see, the shear wonder would entrance you for hours as you lay back against the moist grass and glare at the sky, you would start drawing lines in your mind joining the stars together to form pictures and images that you would later find out to be constellations after reading some books on ancient astrology. Leo the Lion, Virgo, Aquarius, they were all there given the time of the year.

It was a late Thursday night, I gaze upon the empty sky, as usual. Even when there was nothing to see, I still found the sky beautiful, nothing, to me, seams beautiful if you understand it properly. I lifted my head up and sat up straight. I had a small fire lit, you could see the pulsating, marbled colours of the flame chaotically fuse together. It was like a dance in the darkness. Fire symbolizes destruction, and yet it fuels humanity with energy and power.

The charred black wood ley solid under the crackling fire. You could see the wrinkled texture on the worn, black wood surface like a desert from the sky on a hot day. The wood was stacked in an unorthodox way, random and funky looking. The 4 thick trunks lay around the fire, indicating a danger zone, the wood was lightly burned and they lay in an inefficient parallelogram.

Although dark you could see the landscape around the dim light of the fire, I was camping in a flat plane, you could only see a couple trees around the fire. In all honesty I through the trip east would be way to dangerous for any common traveller anyway. The five kingdoms of old.

The five kingdoms combined formed an empire of monarchy the five kingdoms dubbed, north kingdom, east kingdom, west kingdom, south kingdom and the central kingdom. Central, ruled by the emperor and the other four kingdoms ruled by the sons and daughters of the empire. The entire family had deep golden eyes and glossy blonde hair, genetics. My journey took me from my small house in the east across the cold south and past the border into the east. I'm camping not far from that border. My trip took me weeks, I can't even remember why I came east. I was probably after something.

I clawed my way through my pack, empty pack, and fell back to the tree log I was leaning on, it was hard and hurt slightly when lay my back against it. Twelve silver and no food and my sword shattered on the way through the south. To be fair, the blade cost me pretty much nothing so it was bound to break, i'm better with daggers anyway. I through the shattered parts of the blade into a hedge and stood up hastily, grabbed my things and started to walk east.

I headed for a small town called Norton, two days walk from here, owned by a wealthy family and rich with markets and possibly work, I'd rather take my chances with work than go back to the west. Something, powerful, compelled me to continue my trek east. A gut urge, or possibly Black magic nothing I had any control over, I just new without any doubt that I needed something in the far east.