

3000 years ago, was a bloody time, a time of war. The control over the five kingdoms which was one massive one back then, contained wealth, land, power beyond anything anyone would have ever Imagined so a war broke out against five families that lasted as long as the families had living airs, this caused the empire to split into five kingdoms, a fragile peace but necessary. The Burton, the family possessing the most land, in central, decided to secretly employ a talented clan of blacksmiths.

The blacksmiths clan was a group of super intelligent people mostly consisting of one family, this family was a really ancient order, thousands of years old and the best blacksmiths in the world. They could forge anything, tools, weapons, long ranged and short. The Burton wanted 50 of the best tools and weapons in the empire with this power, he would forge an alliance creating the unified, five kingdoms and set him and his family as absolute ruler.

The blacksmiths had a secret, the secret shared between the members of there blacksmiths clan, the Burton family and the users of the weapons.The 50 weapons were not just weapons. The blacksmiths knew how to forge souls on the weapons, increasing the power and efficiently of their abilities, destructive power and usability. These enchantments this also made the weapons sentient, living, ensuring the bond between the weapon and the user was eternal. Inadvertently making three of the weapons so powerful that they exterminated the entire blacksmiths clan and there secret to bonding souls to weapons with them. The 3 weapons were than sealed and forgotten about forever. This created the 47 wonders of man.

Nobody really understands how the blacksmiths clan was exterminated however it is said that they foolishly bonded 3 particularly powerful souls to the weapons, some even speculated that they where the souls of gods. The weapons supposedly took the form of the weapon most fitting to the user, a dagger, a hammer, a gun. They were called, Chaos, Infinity, Light. Chaos controlled the unpredictable, random power of darkness, only those with stable souls and control of darkness could ever hope to possess such power. Light, controlled the flow of absolute light energy, as it name suggests, only those with total pure of heart has any hope of possessing such a weapon, however the weapon never killed or injured those that tried to wield it. Infinity, held the power of everything in the universe, it would give the wielder the ability to control literally anything, time, space, dark matter. Its pure power had no match, not even Chaos or Light stood a chance of destroying the weapon in any form it decided to choose. Much like the other two weapons, the power of Infinity could not be controlled and nobody dared to try

After 700 years the 47 was scattered around the empire, some even in neighbouring counties. This caused many problems for the empire, as the original purposes of the 47 was to protect and guard the empire, to maintain peace. Without these weapons the empire fell into anarchy and wars for control began again. For some the 47 was way too much to control, the sheer energy contained in the items would tear apart the welder. Power cannot be controlled. Power cannot be contained. The ignorance to the human race caused many deaths and casualties whether it was from war, or the 47 them self however it was a discernible fact that man cannot control the full and absolute power the 47 possessed. However, some did, in fact, quite a few people possessed one of the 47. Eventually the weapons would grow loyalty to particular families and would be passed down through generations. Some of the 47 refused to be used for hundreds of years. After all, they are sentient, they think and feel, but odd for a simple tool to think and feel but that's what happens when you bind a soul to a weapon.