
Coup de Grace

Shadow's POV

I make it to Mount Weather. It was hard to make it inside but I had figured it out. I get inside the cage room and my heart sinks to see two people having upside down and attached to tubes and blood wires. Then I see Bellamy he's passed out in a cage. I rushed over to it. "Bellamy...." I whispered. "Bellamy...wake up," I tell him. His eyes slowly opened and when begins to sit up. "Ella?" He asked. "Hey stranger" I giggled before looking over to see a woman getting annoyed in the cage next to him. "I'm gonna get you out, hold on," I say to him. I look around for anything to break open the lock. Suddenly I hear the door open "they come! Hide!" The grounder next to Bellamy shouted. I rushed over to the side of the cage and duck down far. Heavy footsteps come closer. "Yup, this one will do" A man's voice stated. Bellamy begins making loud noises, kicking his cage. "We got us a live one" The man chuckled before zapping Bellamy. My heart hurt watching it. The man unlocked the cage before zapping him again. I watched as they dragged him out and hooked his feet to the ankle cuffs and put tubes in his arms before hanging him upside down. The man then leaves the room and I got off the floor, rushing over to Bellamy. "Bell....what have you done?" I asked him before beginning to unhook the needles in his skin. Suddenly the door opened and I turned on my heel, my heart feeling like it stopped. I see Maya walk into the room. "Maya?" I huffed, holding my heart. "Shadow?" She asked, shutting the door. "They said you and Clarke left" She whispered. "We did, I came back to help Bellamy," I tell her. "Here..." she whispered, holding out a tube of medicine. "What's this?" I asked her. "I will wake him up" she explained. I turned, stabbing Bellamy in the leg. He gasped loudly before kneeling down to his face. "It's alright, just me" I smiled. "Who is...that" Bellamy breathed out. "It's Maya, don't worry...we can trust her" I stated, pulling needles out of his arms. When I hear the door open I duck behind the cart and Maya spun around on her heels. "Lovejoy. Hey," she forces a smile to the guard. "What are you doing here?" He questioned. "You're not cleared for this facility," he tells her. "I know. I'm sorry" she tells him. "I just wanted to see what was so special about him..." she glanced over at me. "But he's dead" she lied. "So he is..." he walked over to the machine and pressed the button and began lowering Bellamy to the floor. He then walked over to his feet. "You're a brave girl coming in here alone" he chuckled. Suddenly Bellamy kicked the guard backward and unhooked his feet. The guard stands to his feet and points a gun at Bellamy. "Don't move! Don't move!" He screamed. "On your feet! Get in your feet!" He ordered Bellamy. I rushed over to the medicine and grabbed one before stabbing it into his neck. "Ah!" The guard screamed, dropping his gun and shoving me away before going after Bellamy. I fall onto the ground and pull out my gun. "Stop!" I screamed. "No!" Bellamy yelled at me. "They'll hear" he reminded me before punching the guard in the stomach. I run at the guard and slam him to the ground and kick him in the face before grabbing his throat in between my arms and using my weight to squeeze. He begins to falter before I squeeze harder. Then the man no longer breathes. I let go and slowly moved back, letting out a long sigh. "Thank you...." Bellamy smiled at me. "You're welcome" I stand to my feet with Bellamy. I walked over to Maya who looked at me with fear. "I'm f-fine" she stuttered out. "Help me undress him" Bellamy ordered. "We need to get rid of the body," I say. I help Bellamy take off the man's uniform and hand everything over to Bellamy as he gets dressed. "We can put the body in this thing, Anya and Clarke and me fell down it" I explained. "It's a dumping chut" I added. Bellamy helps me carry the body inside before stepping out and with me shutting the door and pressing the button. The alarm waled before it shut off. I took a deep breath. I approached Maya "You've done enough. You should walk away" I advised her. "I know where I'm going..." I tell her. "No..." she shakes her head. "I'm in..." she hands me my gun and I hand Bellamy the old guards before nodding. "Okay..." "We need to get to the radio so we can contact Clarke" I informed Maya. "We heard Jaspers SOS" I stated. "I helped them set that up. I know where it is" she nodded. "Ella..." Maya choked out. "Your people are disappearing" she informed me. "Two so far, Monty and Harper," she says. "I thought they'd be in here, but-" Bellamy cut her off. "I wanna see the others. Now" Bellamy ordered. "The dorms on the way to the radio" Maya instructed. "Wait!" Maya ripped the tag off Bellamy's guard vest. "Everyone here knows everyone" she explained. She bent down picked up the hat "Put this on and roll up your sleeves" she instructed him. "The tracking chip..." I whispered. "What?" Bellamy asked me. "Anya had one in her arm when we escaped," I asked explained to Bellamy. "It will trip the alarms once we start moving" Maya explained as she grabbed a few things before cutting into Bellamy Ark and getting the chip out. I hand him the white gauze and he placed it in his arm, putting pressure on it. "You should put that in your cage" I suggested to Bellamy. I walked over to the woman grounder. "We'll come back for you..." I tell her. "I promise," I say. "Take me to my people" I ordered Maya. She lead the way as Bellamy and I followed her out of the room.

Lizzy POV

I felt the blade slice into my skin again. "Aaaah!" I screamed. "Please stop!" I begged them. "Please don't...not again" I begged the doctor who starts up the drill. "Let her go!" I hear Monty and Harper scream loudly. I felt the drill begin in my skin. "Ahhhh!" I screamed. Suddenly the doctor stopped. "Mr. President" the doctor called out. "Put that down" he ordered. "Get away from the girl" he adds. "Jasper!" I hear Monty call out. "Monty!"Jasper shouted. "Release them!" The man's voice ordered. "The ground is our birthright," the doctor tells him. "You can't keep us from that" she adds. "Watch me!" He shouted. "Lock her up" he ordered the guards. Jasper and a guard helped me from the bed. "Go back to the fork and tell your friends to pack their things, You're going home" The man announced. "Th-thank you..." I stuttered out. "Take me to my son" the man ordered as the guards pulled the doctor away.

Shadow's POV

We walk along the hall carefully and quietly. "There are 382 people inside this mountain. If any of them realize you're not one of us you're dead" Maya explained. "We're on level two. The dorms on level five" she went on explaining. "There's a camera in the upper right-hand corner. Keep your head down...that means you, Ella. We can't risk them knowing you broke back into here" Maya explained to me. The elevator doors opened and we walked inside. They begin to shut when a hand comes "Hold the elevator!" A colored man entered inside and I put my hair in my face before hiding in the corner. "Hey Maya" he greeted, pressing a button. "You know I missed you in my Expressionist class," he tells her. "Yeah...I...I had some work to do" She stuttered out. "I'll get you the notes" he whispered to her. The doors dinged before opening and more people stepped inside. My heart pounded in my chest and we were about to step out when the man spoke. "Hey, you okay? You're bleeding" he says. Maya's eyes went wide "You've been exposed! We need to retrace your steps" Maya shouted. "You better go!" She tells the man. "What about you?" He asked. "It's my job, I'll be fine" she breathed out as the man stepped away and out of the elevator. The doors closed and I let out a heavy sigh.

We walked along the hall before we heard a bell ring. Maya pushed us back a little and I see it. "Come on" she whispered and we turned the corner and walked further down the hall. "Mister?" A little boy's voice asked. I looked over my shoulder to see a little boy standing in front of Bellamy. "Are you on the ground unit?" He asked. "My dad's training for the ground unit," he tells Bellamy. My heart began to ache. "That's pretty cool up there. I hope he makes it" Bellamy says. The boy runs off and I see the name on the bag. Lovejoy. I felt like I was going to puke. I killed his dad, my eyes filled with tears. "They're just kids..." Bellamy breathed out. "What did you expect to find here?" Maya asked. My heart hurt even more. We followed Maya further down the hall and turned another corner. I see Jasper when suddenly an alarm blares through the air and the doors to the dork shut. "What the hell is going on?" I asked Maya. "I don't know. It's not a breach, but it can't be good" Maya whispered. I see Jasper in the window to the door and he spotted us. All three of us and he looked surprised. "Get us to that radio" I ordered her.

Maya showed us the radio and she showed me how to use it. "Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Anyone read me?" I asked, clicking the button and speaking. I waited for a response before speaking again. "Camp Jaha, this is Mount weather does anyone read me?" I asked again. "E-Ella?" I hear Clarke stutter over the radio. "Clarke..." I giggled. "Are you and Bellamy all right?" She asked. "We're fine," I tell her. "But that's it for the good news. We have to talk fast because something changed" I stated. "Jasper, Monty, everyone is locked in the dorm" I explained. "But they're alive? All of them?" Clarke asked me. "So far. For now" I told her. "Maya says they're already using their blood. Things will get ugly here real fast" I informed Clarke. "Mayas with you?" Clarke asked me. "Yeah, she helped me and Bellamy escape. If not for her Bellamy would probably be dead" I added. "And Clarke. There are kids in here. We need a plan that doesn't kill everyone" I explained to her. "Please tell me that we have one?" I begged her. "I hear you. But we can't do anything until you two disable that acid fog" she explained to me. "Ravens gonna help you," she tells us. "Got it, what else?" I asked. "You have to figure out a way to free the Grounder prisoners" she explained. "There's a whole army has snide that mountain and they don't even realize it" Clarke explained. I turned my head "Maya, is this doable?" I asked her. She shakes her head "It's not a problem..." I say with a smile. "Clarke if we're going to pull this off we need you to buy us some time. It won't be long before they realize we don't belong here" I informed her. "I'll come up with something," Clarke says. "Come up with it quick alright?" I begged her. "Copy that and guys..." Clarke says. "Yeah?" I asked. "You both came through...I knew you would" she stated. "All we've done so far is not get killed" I joked. "Keep doing that," she says. Raven had explained the plan, how to remove the acid fog, and how'd we get out of this alive.