
Chp-51 A Dryad.

Rimuru Pov.

"So what do you say to working under me until this crisis has been solved. After that you guys are free to choose what to do."

I asked as I sat in my slime form, before five orges.

It has been a few days since Shizu san died.

A few things has happened in between. Other than the Village now rapidly transforming into a Small City, we had an encounter with a group of these orges.

Initially they mistook me for someone else, but after a short battle and one of the two girls in the group who looked like a typical Ojou-sama, persuading the rest, all was well.

We then found out that their Village of 500 had been destroyed completely by the Orcs, only they were the sole survivors of this massacre.

"I, as the head this group and of whatever is left of my clan, accept your offer. I am ready to serve under you." The red haired Orge said as he knelt before me, followed by the rest.

"Alright! It's good that you guys accepted my offer. Anyways, it's too annoying to call you without names so I will be naming you now!"

"Wait Rimuru Sama! Please consider this carefully, naming us could have serious consequences for you.." The red haired guys said.

"Don't worry, I have done this before." I reassured.

"Then, we will gladly accept you kindness." They boweds as I started naming them.

"And you will be named....aare? What is..happe-ning?" As I completed the naming, a sudden Darkness hit me, sending me into sleep mode once gain for the second time.


"Mhn....huh?..where am I" I groggily woke up and started to see the surroundings when I found something heavy and soft on top of me.

Looking Up, I saw one of the most beautiful and bountiful valley I had ever seen. Those curves, that largeness..as If I could complete disappear in it.

"RIMURU SAMA! are you awake!!" My admiring was interrupted by Rigurd who stormed inside the house I was in, flexing his muscles...

"Yes..Rigurd..I am awake.."

"Rimuru Sama, do you recognise me?"

The woman on whom I had been sitting this whole time asked. As I looked through her valley on her face, I noticed the resemblance it had with that other Orge girl holding a giant mace.

'How did that Fierce Girl transform into this beauty?! And why is she so human like?'

[Report: This is due to them having evolved into a rare sub species called Kijin. During the evolution process they took your desire to have human features and added on themselves.]

'So my desire effected them on taking more human features?'


"Rimuru Sama, I hope You are well." A sweet voice echoed from the entrance on the house as a pink haired lady walked in followed by four males. All of them had horns on their heads.

I recognised them instantly to be Shuna, the Ojou sama looking girl, Benimaru, the red haired guys, Soeui, the ninja looking guy, Hakuro, the old one, And Kurobe, the...normal looking guy?

'Its relieving that this world still has average looking guys.' I cried in slimes as I greeted them.


After Benimaru and the rest accepted my proposal, we held a meeting to discuss what was happening in the Jura Forest.

Just a few hours before, a bunch of Lizardmen led by a rather stupid lizardman came to our village. They came to propose an alliance where we will be under them, clearly we refused but that guy didn't understand our meaning and unnecessarily tried to instigate us.

Luckily our prodigy goblin Gobta taught them a lesson and now we are here.

"I believe whatever is happening in the forest, it will need everyone of us to deal with it, even those lizardmen.." I started.

"Hm, you are right Rimuru Danna." Kaijin concurred.

"I scouted the Orcs, they numbered in 500 thousand and by their trajectory and the pace they were marching from the river towards North, I believe they will reach The Swamps by Two days." Soeui Reported.

'As expected of the reliable ninja!'

"I also have a report to mention...Soeui, did you find anything?" Shuna asked.

"No. There was no body at all..not even the fallen orcs." Soeui answered.

"By body you don't mean?" I asked.

"Yes. I asked Souei to go back to our village, to see whether there were any bodies. But our suspicions were right." Shuna said.

"An Orc Lord..." Kaijin exclaimed.

"That legendary unique monster that consumes even their kins fear?" Realisation hit me. By consuming, it doesn't mean eating their enemies and their kins right?

"Yes...no ordinary Orc can command such a large number of orcs. They are chaotic and unlawful by nature. Only an Orc Lord can pull off such a feat." Benimaru spoke.

"Hm!?" Suddenly Souei jolted in shock as we looked in worry of why he did that.

"Rimuru Sama, one for my body doubles have been contacted by an individual, they wish to have an audience with you." Soeui spoke.

"Audience? I hope they are not weird like that lizardmen." I sighed out. One wierd encounter is enough for today.

"I will not say they are weird...but It is a Dryad."

'Ohhh! A Dryad!! A legendary tree spirit who guards the forest in games?!'

"Call them in."

Suddenly, a large amount of Magicules concentrated in the middle of the table as a been sprouted from the table . The vines converged to and the extended to reveal a beautiful figure.

"Greetings, Ruler of Monsters and all those loyal to him. I apologise for such an unannounced visit. I amTreyni, a Dryad."

The figure introduced.


Sitting on the chair, Treyni seemed like she owned the place as she sipped the tea and ate the potato chips. Well she is the guardian of the forest and we are in her home persay.

Anyways, contrary to her calm behaviour, the rest of the council seemed a bit anxious over a Dryad sitting with them.

"So, Treyni san. Why did you ask for my audience?" I said, trying to steer the awkward atmosphere that has formed with her presence.

"Oh?..As you might know, there have been a sudden influx of a large numbers of orcs in the forest. And they aim to completely destroy the forest. I as a Guardian of this forest am naturally against it. Thus, I come before you, Oh ruler of Monsters. Please help us kill the Orc Lord." Treyni revealed.

"So it is true..there is an Orc Lord behind this whole act." Kaijin spoke.

"By now, the presence of an Orc Lord was just an speculation by us. How do we trust your word?" I asked.

"We Dryads know everything that goes on inside this forest. That Orc Lord has a Unique Skill called Starved. It is something like your Predator."

'She really knows everything huh?'

"Then...our kin..?" Shuna asked.

"It is not actually as you might think. You clansmen is safe, we most of them." Treyni said.

"What do you mean? I found no traces of their bodies.." Soeui asked.

"Not even blood or their clothes right?" Treyni smiled.

"You don't mean?!" Shocked Soeui asked.

"But..who would help us?" Benimaru asked.

"That unfortunately I don't know, they didn't reveal themselves but just as the orcs and the orges started fighting a massive magic circle formed on the whole Village, teleporting everyone within it." Treyni said.

"A large scale Teleportation.... clearly there is a larger figure behind all this. No random Majin could have done this." Hakurou said.

"At least they are safe for now..I hope.." Benimaru said.

A large magic circle of that scale..Hey great sage how much would it take from me to do that?.

[Reporting: Calculating the amount of Living beings getting transported, with the area of the circle, it can be said that You will die due to Magicule Exhaustion..]

That's a rather dark way to put that. But regardless, it can be confirmed that whoever is behind this, he is not weak..

"So, I once again ask this. Will you Ruler of Monsters, help us in this crisis?" Treyni asked.

"Wait a minute, before this, why do you want to drag us into all these. You Dryads are the guardians of this forest. Isn't this your responsibility to solve this danger and not push it over to someone else." Benimaru asked.

"We are Dryads, we are connected to the sacred tree and are restricted on where we are allowed to take our main bodies. Our only defence is our brothers the Treants. If those orcs reach the Sacred tree and destroy it, we too will die." Treyni said.

"Don't worry, our Lord Rimuru Sama will definitely agree to this. " Confidently declared Shion.

'Oi Shion Don't you want to ask my opinion as well?'

"Then I am glad you will accept the task. Oh Ruler of Monsters."

"Hah.. Alright, I was already going to deal with this issue. Now that we have a proper reason to do so, let's no delay any longer. Soeui, can you contact the chief of the Lizardmen? I want to form an alliance with them. Considering where this fight will take place, having an ally familiar with the battlefield will be advantageous."

"No problem" just uttering such words Soeui immediately disappeared.

'No hesitation at all! He's so confident!!'

"Then, everyone prepare to set out. Our destination, the Swamps." I said.

"Yes!!" Everyone chorused.

I don't know what will happen tomorrow. I don't know who is behind all this, which demon lords are involved or who saved Benimaru's clan. But this is for sure. I will definitely win.
