
Chp-52 The Orc Lord.

3rd Pov.

In Deudenia.

Inside the throne room, Bael sat on his throne while Medusa as usual stood beside him as a dutiful Wife.

"So it begins." Bael uttered as before him floated a Large Mirror laided with gold engravings. On the mirror, instead of a reflection, it showed a scene of another place.

Specifically the Great Swamp of the Jura Forest. Where a battle had currently begun.

The two sides consisted of a 500 thousand strong Orcs, unrelenting and Unfearful, while on the other a measly 28 thousand Lizardmen and Goblins.

It was clear who was going to loose. And it was going as predicted but as the Lizardmen and Goblins got surrounded and were going to get killed, a group of Direwolf riders led by Gobta reached the encirclement and saved them.

"I never could have imagined a Goblin to show such strength...is he a special one?"

Medusa said as she saw Gobta kill the Orc General.

"I wonder too. This forest is filled with very peculiar and unique beings. There is a Slime that has a strength of A+, a group of Orges who after being named by the slime evolved into a rare sub-species called Kijin. And then all the goblins in the village is a Hobgoblin, some even have strengths of B+."

Bael spoke as he focused on the scene before him.

He watched as he saw a red streak travel through the sky and land before the Orc Lord.

The dust created by the explosion of whoever landed cleared to reveal a Majin in aristocratic atire with a Plague Doctor Mask.

The Majin attacked the Lizardmen and injured Gabiru's squad. As the Majin prepared to launch another attack, it was stopped by a blue haired young androgynous figure.

"Hm? Lord Bael, is this...?" Medusa asked.

"Yes, Rimuru Tempest. The slime I told you about. He is the one who ate Veldora and was proclaimed Veldora's sworn Brother."

Bael said as he smiled.

"Isn't calling a slime a Brother of a True Dragon like you a bit pretentious? The audacity to categorise them with you is pure disrespectful!" Medusa fumed.

By common sense the two beings were very different, like the Heaven and Earth. The gap was so large that it couldn't be imagined. For a True Dragon, a single sigh was enough to completely eradicate the slime race.

To Medusa, Rimuru and Veldora becoming sworn Brothers was very disrespectful for her Lords who himself was a True Dragon. She considered the other True Dragons to be her Lord's relatives, after she got to know the Evolution process of this world.

She even came to like the company of Velzard who always comes to Deudenia with Guy occasionally. But this Veldora was very stupid in her opinion. And by the stories of Velzard, his sister, it was true.

"It's fine Medusa, besides, it's just a statement, they are really not related by blood." Bael said.

'Well, in the future he will be the Strongest True Dragon/Demonic Slime. But only if I had not come here. Now I will be the only strongest.' Bael thought.

"Still, My Lord..."

"Medusa." Before Medusa could continue, Bael spoke in a calm tone while side eyeing her.

Although his tone was calm, Medusa felt a cold chill hearing her name being called out like that.

"I am sorry my Lord!" She immediately bowed and apologized.

"....*sigh* Please try to reign your disdain for the other races. You can already see this here." Bael pointed towards the mirror, showing the view of the Battle.

"How that slime clearly defeated the Orc Lord."

"But I too can do that, infact anyone of the Guardians could have easily killed the Orc Lord." Medusa pouted.

"It's not about if you guys can do it, it's about who did it. Can you say the same if you were a Snake?" Bael asked as he smiled a bit.

"Uh..." Medusa struggled to answer back as she knew there was no answer for that.

As a Gorgon, if it was the Evolutionary steps followed by this world, she first should have to be a Snake as her Base race.

She could confidently say that she would be the strongest compared to all snakes, but that doesn't mean she was strong enough to kill the Orc Lord.

'Heh, she's thinking quite a lot. Obviously she wouldn't be a Simple snake, but who said she could kill the Orc Lord then? She could level up and then become strong enough to one hit kill it. Well, that's how I did in my early game phase in Yggdrassil.'

Bael thought.

There was no real answer to his question, because the question itself was not correct. Who told her to kill the Orc Lord only in her weak phase? She could stall and become strong then kill it.

It was just a joke Bael said to see how Medusa would react to. And it was as he expected. Medusa with a High IQ was coming up with thousands of explanations, scenarios and examples to answer Bael's question.

"Forget it. What I meant to say is. The same slime you considered to be weak killed the Orc Lord. So it can be said that the slime is not simple. It has potential, a large one, to become very strong. Maybe even be the same as the Guardians. It all depends on him. So don't underestimate anyone, without any concrete information. Even if you think you know everything about your enemy, maintain a layer of cautiousness."

Bael advised as he saw the end of the Battle, with the Lizardmen, Kijins and Orcs along with Rimuru and the Goblins enter the home of the Lizardmen, probably to discuss the aftermath. Where Rimuru will become the Chancellor of the Jura Federation.

Turning the Mirror off, Bael activated his Demon Lord Ring, given by Guy to communicate between demon lords.

"Hey, Milim?" Bael asked into the ring.

"Hello Uncle Bael!!" Came an enthusiastic reply.

"How many times have I got to tell you not to call me that?" Bael sweatdropped at the reply. At first he was alright with the Uncle thing, but it got annoying very quickly. No-one likes to be called an Uncle when they are only 500 years young.

[Not to mention the speaker is 2,000 years old herself.]

'That too Gabriel.'

"Sorry! But you are my Uncle! You are the same as my Father right!?"

"Yes, but Just call me Bael. I give you sweets and many other dishes to eat like your Big Brother right?" Bael tried to bargain.

"Uhmmm. Yeah?"

"So if you start calling me Bael then I will ask the Chefs to make your favourite Chocolate Chip Jumbo-Blastic Icecream Omega Version."

"Really!!?" A high decibel scream resounded from the Ring so strong that even Medusa got blown a few feets back.

Bael had to erect a multilateral barrier to protect himself form the strong wind currents enough to blow a mountain to dust.

"MILIM!!" Another screamed followed which was at manageable audio.

"Sorry!! Frey!!" Milim spoke.

"What do you mean by sorry?! You blew half of my Castle away!! And what about that Kilometres long hole over there?!" Frey asked "calmy"

Frey, was a Demon Lord who was a Harpy Queen. Her kingdom resided on a chain of Jagged and Tall Mountains. She was one of the friends of Milim and was currently housing her after Milim ran from her Followers who tried to feed her raw Beetroot.

"Anyways, Milim. Areyiu going there?"

Bael said so as to bring the conversation back on track.

"Oh! You saw that too right?" Milim asked.

"Of course, I was about to visit them. Wanna come?" Bael asked.

"I was just about to go there myself! Let's go together then!" Milim said excitedly.

"Then I will prepare the Guards." Medusa spoke as she bowed and was about to leave when Bael stopped her.

"That will not be necessary. I will go with Milim. Me and Milim are enough for any danger that you are currently imagining. "

Bael said as he stood up.

"But my Lor-!hmph!!" Medusa got interrupted by Bael who kissed her on the lips, Medusa was about to get herself out of her stupor at the sudden action and enjoy the moment when Bael suddenly seperated.

Leaving her wanting to relieve the moment once more.

"After I return. Be ready." Bael smiled as he opened a Gate, disappearing for the Throne Room.

"Yes..My Love..." Medusa muttered dreamily as a blush formed on her Cheeks, her hair swiftly transforming into snakes as the wiggled frantically as if expressing the happiness and ecstasy their mother felt.
