
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Charming Demon

Hello there I am Alice .. I work night shifts for those sex depressed guys! One day I die and get reincarnated in .. ? THAT TIME I GOT REINCARNATED AS A SLIME ??!! Make sure to not miss my adventure!

ParadexTM · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


It is a sunny day. I couldn't wish for anything more as I left my workplace in the morning walking down the well known street back to my Apartment. I did not have many customers today and so I was a mess of energy that wished to be used so that my body could sleep in its normal routine.

Hello there my name is Alice .. ye Alice is enough my last name is not of importance anyways. My Mother was an Prostitute and my Father some runnaway bastard that I have never seen in my live. Not that I blame my Mother that her ..'failure' at work has now to go the same path of life like she did.

Yep .. I am 22 years old and a Prostitute duo to the lack of money my so called Family has. I couldn't go to college and even having a simple education had already destroyed my Mother's normal lifestyle. I am lucky that I can at least write and read.

I decided to pace up my speed on my way home and so I jogged down the way getting a few disgusted or interested glares of the people probably walking to their work or buying food for the week , mothers who are walking out their kids that point with their fingers at me and ask what I am.

As a disgrace of human kind yet used by man that can't get rid of their pent up sexual desire or frustration I have lived my live at work and in my appartment that I share with my Mother reading Manga's for free on my barly usable smartphone.

As I was jogging I remembered this night 'I couldn't get many Customers again .. I bet I'll get even less money this month .. all only because of those three heavy milkers .. damn it!' I thought angered as I remembered how those three again snatched away my clients.

I had no feelings any more for sex .. yes it felt good sometimes but it is nothing more then work for me. Not something you do with your lover or so called sex buddy on parties .. only to earn money for a living.

Despite that, surprisingly those girls in the Mangas and Animes turned me on sometimes. I don't know why .. is it because they are most likely flawless ? Not real ? Have unrealistic sexy bodies with huge bonkers ? Because I wish I had such a body ?

'What should I read today ? Something new .. nahh. Maybe I should just read That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime from where I stopped yesterday ? I am quite curious about what will happen to the Goblin Village and wolves that just became Ri's subordinates .. I like Ranga a lot' I thought while crossing the Street at the usual spot.

"Wait was it even Green ?" I said to myself as I was already on the street as I heard a loud horn seeing a Truck driving at me.. I could barely dodge the Truck and was standing on the sidewalk of the other side .

"Damn you bitch ! Be careful!" The driver of the Truck shouted out of his Window as he drove away 'Wow .. I could have had a date with Truck-kun right now' I thought, still shocked about the near death experience I just had.

"Sorry .. Hey ! Ye Ye sorry .. attention !" I could hear someone shouting and seeing pedestrians avoiding something as suddenly a biker was right in front of me. What followed was a dull noise as my Head hit the sidewalk.

I felt pain from my head reaching my whole body .. Did I hit my head ? Why is everything black ? Open your eyes Alice ! A now .. why is everything so blurry ? What is that liquid I feel around my head .. blood ? Please don't let it be blood !

[Searching for a live form that does not require Blood .. successful.]

'Am I insane now ? Hearing the Voice of the World haha .. Is it the pain ? Am I hallucinating because of it ? I don't want to feel the pain anymore!'

[Confirmed. Pain Nullification acquisition successful.]

[Trying to acquire Abnormal Status Nullification ... successful.]

'It's not stopping heh? But why do I feel no pain anymore? Is my body already dead?'

"Someone call an ambulance now!"

"Oh my .."

"Mooom what happened to that young lady ?"

'Young Lady heh .. When was the last time in my life I was called a young Lady haha .. If I would have had the body and charm for that .. maybe I would have heard such a nice form of address more often'

[Trying to acquire Unique Skill : Charm ... successfully acquired new Unique Skill : Charm]

Then I closed my eyes again. I wasn't able to open them again .. still I heard what was going on around me .. am I in an Ambulance ? 'I don't want to be in this Darkness anymore .. let me open my eyes!'

[The Voice of the World has recognized your desire to control the darkness ... Extra Skill : Shadow Manipulation acquisition successful]

Then suddenly everything was silent. I couldn't hear anything anymore and I felt the coldness seeing only the wide darkness in front of me 'Finally I died' I thought until I heard that awful robotic voice again

[Intrinsic Skill: Self Regeneration acquisition successful]

[Intrinsic Skill: Soul Energie Consumption acquisition successful]

[Intrinsic Skill: Demon Haki acquisition successful]

"Can you hear me little one Kuhahah ?" Someone said .. I heard his deep voice echoing in my head while I wasn't able to see anything besides the darkness. I couldn't even tell how long I was already dead.

'Damn who is that now ? First that so-called Voice of the World and now someone is laughing in my head .. my mind must have gone insane after my death. Wait, is it normal to still have the ability to think anyways ?'

"I'll count that as a yes then and I am not anyone little friend" The voice said again this time without laughing like a weirdo

'And what if I can hear someone's voice ? It's just something I made up in my insane mind right now' I thought flying through the endless darkness

"Ehem .. I am not something you made up in your mind" The Person who's speaking to me sounded kinda sad as he said that 'Damn this is way too confusing I will just play along .. Wait, he can read my thoughts ? Well it's not like I have a mouth anyways'

"Ye well .. anyways! Let us come down to reality. It's nice to see a fellow Otaku Soul kuhaha you see I created the Demon Realm just a while ago and I need more Demons in there. Those Angels which worship me are becoming stronger and stronger .. you know to balance the strength of the world I .."

'Whoa do you stop talking some time and who are you to call me Otaku ! Anyways .. yeah I like reading Manga'

Even when the Person said nothing for a few seconds I could somehow feel that he was shocked .. probably because I stopped him mid sentence.

"Ehem .. I will come to the point then. You are shortly before gaining your Spiritual Body and be reincarnated into the Demon Realm. I just wanted to give a fellow Otaku and someone I took out of the normal Reincarnation Circle a little gift" The Person said and I then heard the robotic voice again

[The Individual Star King Dragon Veldanava has granted you the Unique Skill : Drain]

"You'll see in the future how useful this Skill is that I created only for you little friend Kuhahaha!Ah and by the way I've made sure to fullify your desire so have fun in your next life!" Veldanava said

'Wait what ? Veldanava ? No way .. Wait did he said desire?' I thought embarrassed 'If I remember correctly I had let me spoilerd that Veldenava is actually the God in the Tensura verse .. even when I wasn't that far in the manga ..' I thought

"Kuhahah do not worry my little friend I know everything about anyone in existence! With those 2 Unique Skills you have a really good chance to become one of the strongest .. effort in this world can bring you to Stars after all! Good that you realized who I am kuhahahah aren't I great!!" Veldanava said and then I passed out.


Race » Spiritual Lifeform / Demon

Name » None yet

Title » Primordial of Lust - By the Voice of the World

Rank » Greater Demon

Linage » None yet

Appearance » The Lady on the book cover

Skills »

Unique Skill : Charm

↳ When user chooses a victim , the victim would find the user more attractive and sexual desire would slowly take over the victims mind. Making him a living Puppet for the user's desire once completely under control of the user the victim won't be able to break free from the [Charm World] he is trapped in.

↳[Thought Acceleration 1000x]

↳[Analysis] The Skills of any Lifeforms trapped in [Charm World]. Duo to this the weakness of the victim trapped inside can be found immediately.

Unique Skill : Drain

↳When the user touches his victim spiritual as well as life energies would be slowly drain out by the user. While being completely under [Charm World] the victim's possible resistances against [Life Drain] won't work. The victim won't feel anything from the [Life Drain] either being controlled or not

↳The intrinsic Skill [Soul Energy Consumption] was integrated into this skill. The victim's spiritual energie will be fused into the user's spiritual body directly.

Extra Skill : Shadow Manipulation

↳The user has the ability to use all shadows in the surrounding area including his own.

↳Sub Skill : [Shadow Expand] A ability to devour the light completely.

↳Sub Skill : [Solidify] The user can solidify the said shadows to attack his opponents.

↳Sub SKill : [Shadow Creation] The user can create his favored weapon using his own shadow.

Intrinsic Skill : Soul Energy Consumption

↳ Integrated into the Unique Skill : Drain . A Intrinsic Skill of all Demons growing stronger while devouring the Souls of their victim's like the hungry beasts they are.

Intrinsic Skill : Self Regeneration

↳ A Intrinsic Skill of all spiritual lifeforms. With this they are able to heal the body they took over or even their spiritual body but not the soul residing inside of the spiritual body.

Intrinsic Skill : Demon Haki

↳ A Intrinsic Skill of the Demon Race. Giving off magicules of the user to scare the victim or even force their body movements to stop up to even death. The Haki grows stronger with each rank the Demon climbs up the ladder of evolution as well as the Demon's Class (For example a Medieval Species : Viscount. A demon who lived up to 400 - 1000 years)


As I woke up and opened my eyes I could feel what should I call it ? Some kind of strength inside my body ? Ahh .. Body .. Body ...

"WHAAATTT?!" I shouted as I looked down on my body only to find two huge bonkers. My skin is so smooth that you could think I am a baby. As well as thin arms and thicc thighs .. my feet don't look bad either.

'This .. this body is perfect!' I thought happy as I closed my eyes once again only to keep myself concentrated. If not I would probably run through this world shouting how I am in love with myself and this body.

Yep .. I would definitely look like a mad woman !

'But wait .. does this mean bike-kun really hit on me ? I really reincarnated ? If this was really Veldanava am I in the Tensura Verse .. better in the Cardinal World of the Tensura Verse ? This strength .. is it those Magicules that I feel ?' I thought

I opened my eyes again as I came down a little looking around me to find a desolate plain type of world with a red sky and a few decayed trees decorating the plain world.

"Kufufufu ? Who might you be~ ?"