
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Charming Demon

Hello there I am Alice .. I work night shifts for those sex depressed guys! One day I die and get reincarnated in .. ? THAT TIME I GOT REINCARNATED AS A SLIME ??!! Make sure to not miss my adventure!

ParadexTM · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

The World of Demons

"Kufufufu ? Who might you be~ ?" I could hear the voice of someone behind me echoing in my ears a deep voice with a strange laugh .. this can't mean anything good.

"Who might I be ? It's good that you asked .. I have no name and even when I would have one would I need to tell it to you .. fellow demon ?" I asked turning around facing 3 Demons that were looking at me from a safe distance

'The Voice of the World said I gained a Spiritual life form .. more I am a Demon and seeing this world I am inside right now it may be the Demon Realm soo .. they would be demons right ? Why does it seem like they move slower when I think ? Is it the same effect the slime had with the Great Sage ?' I thought while I turned around

"Kufufu of course you would have no name ? Which Demon would throw away its strength to name someone ..." The Black haired Demon said somehow I felt a shiver running down my spine looking at his strange eyes.

The other two Demons seem to be somewhat between slaves or subordinates seeing how they are standing behind that person while being completely silent up till now.

'What should I do ? The Voice of the World has explained my skills while I was passed out gaining my spiritual body ... but how do I use them ? It seems for now [Shadow Manipulation] would be my favored choice .. I hope it is enough to think about what I want to activate it' I sighed in my thoughts 'I really would like to have that Great Sage right now!'

After several seconds the Demon once again spoke .. as he was probably finished looking at me and guessing my power "You are an interesting one it's not that often to find a Greater Demon ... especially one in my territory, how about joining my lineage? Kufufu" The Demon asked me finishing off with his awkward laugh again

"Joining your lineage hmm? You think I am so cheap to have? Why should I join your lineage anyways?" I asked him without fearing him and it seemed like that's not exactly what he wanted but he began to laugh again this time longer holding his face with one of his hands

I could see his golden / red / black eyes shine for a brief moment and a smile grew on his face as he said "Teach her what it means to be annoying in front of me" He said and the other two Demons began to move.

'I've expected that .. but what should I do now ? I can feel their Aura, it doesn't seem to be high .. or am I simply stronger ? I don't know .. despite that I should be careful from now on' I thought and concentrated my thoughts then to create a sword to be more precise a uchi-katana .. may not be my final choice but let's hang in here with this sword.

As I dashed forward to my Enemies I could feel the strength in my body .. It felt nothing near my old body. I was strong fast .. ehem hot ehem .. and then I suddenly had an Idea .. I smiled and said "Shadow bind" In the same moment as I said that chains came out of the enemy's shadow.

They were confused as they suddenly were stopped by something and in the same moment I slashed towards them .. I could feel how the sword was going through their bodies without problem slicing them into two halves.

It seemed like it was enough to do this as I saw how two bubbles were flowing inside me and I felt somewhat full as if I had just eaten a meal. I remembered what the Voice of the World told me about the soul and spiritual body.

'No way .. this spiritual body is awfully like a human one. A simple cut through was enough to destroy their spiritual body .. then what I just had for breakfast were two souls hm?' I thought

"Kuhuhu as I thought you were an interesting one. Those two were dispensable weak pawns that were born a few days ago but they should have been enough for a demon who was just born" He seemed happy about this fact and looked at my body I could feel his gaze on me

"So this Aura of yours is real hm? I personally thought it would be a fraud, a skill of yours or a simple illusion. You can be proud to have deceived me little one" The Demon said and made a pause until starting again with the same offer.

"I'll ask you a last time join my lineage and I will consider the fact that you were born as a Greater Demon and give you a high rank under me kufufu" He said with an bright smile all over his face

"Oi handsome! That's the problem under you ... you realized what you were saying ? .. I don't want to serve under someone I just met and as I said I am not as cheap as you think a high position ? My ass ! At least give me enough Authority to live comfortably with you and not under you!" I said as my Blue eyes began to glow of course I didn't know of this fact.

The Demon didn't move a single muscle standing there .. it's not something I would have predicted as I had already taken some movements into consideration when he attacked me because that's what would have most likely happened.

Not even a single word was coming out of his mouth as he was looking at me .. what is happening at the moment ? Then suddenly Information was transformed into my head automatically activating the [Thought Acceleration 1000x].

[Analysis] has been started.

Name : Noir given by the Voice of the World

Title: Black Primordial given by the Voice of the World Unique

Race: Primordial Demon

Unique Skill : Temper

↳ The skill mentally restricts its targets, completely limiting free will

↳ [Temptation World] The user is able to create a own World to trap his victims inside if they af fallen into the Temptation.

↳ [Reality Exchange] The Individual may be able to interwene the things happening in the [Temptation World]

Weakness : ...

[Analysis] has been stopped.

Wait, why ? Why has it stopped at his weakness ! Damn it! Wait when I used analysis on him then he was catched in my [Charm World]. Wait, why did I even use that Skill ? Was that the reason that I suddenly felt that I used a bit of my magicules ?

'Now that I think of it .. I remember what the Voice of the world told me back then when I was floating around in the void waiting for my spiritual body to be born ..'

Short Flashback

[Unique Skill : Charm has been selected by the Voice of the World by the desire of the former Individual : Alice. Due to the quality of your Magicules you were able to accomplish the wish of the former Individual : Alice.]

[The Unique Skill : Charm uses the Individuals Magicules their unique sweetness and aphrodisiac to mess with the victims mind. Lifeforms being controlled in the [Charm World] will be analyzed automatically.]

[The User is able to to activate the Unique Skill with his thoughts or behavior. Monster weaker than the User will be trapped in the [Charm World] when they are exposed to long under the influence of the Users normal Aura.]

Flashback end

'Ughh .. So that little playful tone and the callout handsome was already enough to activate my Unique Skill .. I should be paying attention to that in the future or .. become powerful enough so that I don't have to worry about that' I smiled as I thought that especially the last part.

"Kufufufu !! To think you were able to trap me inside your temptation for a second kufufu! That will be fun .. let us see what else you can do, demon" Noir said .. I could hear the pleasure he is feeling right now through his voice .. probably being interested in a demon like me who could trap him in an illusion when he himself is someone who works with Illusion.

I knew for 100% that the Demon in front of me must be stronger than me. The race Primordial Demon seems like some type of predator shit. The fact that after a lesser demon comes a greater demon just shows that he has evolved farther than I.

I looked around to think about a way I could run away and hide maybe ? I don't exactly want to fight this madman. He seems like a battle maniac with that wicked smile he has. Maybe I should gain a bit more time ?

"You are a Primordial Demon huh ? What exactly are you ?" I asked him while observing him for his next possible move.

"Kufufufu indeed you were just born after all.. Let me tell you the evolutions or should I punch them into you ?" He asked and then suddenly jumped.

I followed his movements in awe 'What he jumped ? An attack from above ? That's really an inhuman jump .. well he isn't human to begin with' I thought

I then raised my arms to block the attack .. most likely a kick from above and I was right as soon as his foot/leg collided with my arms a massive shockwave was created. I could feel the sheer power of his attack and was surprised that I could block it.

My feet were pressed into the ground by the sheer power behind his attack. The Ground then cracked and he laughed "Kuhahaha as I expected you are able to evolve into an Archdemon soon enough" Noir said as he jumped back from me

I sighed relieved bit it was to early as I saw him moving at me with even greater speed but thanks to the [Thought Acceleration 1000x] I could deflect or dodge his attacks

"Good Good ! It seems to be a Unique Skill kuhahaha as expected you are someone interesting.. it is not too late to join my lineage" Noir said between his attacks.

I must say this is quite fun. Fighting like this even if it is more like sparring between us. I learned how to avoid attacks and block him. Well .. I guess he is still holding back.

I even remembered my Dancing classes I once took for learning how to dance and strip. Because of that I had a perfect Idea and tried to implement my dancing moves into swordsmanship. Of course it was still not near perfect but it was a beginning .

I smiled as I had finally enough time to swing my Shadow Sword at him .. even when he blocked it without a sweat "As I said before if you don't treat me as a Subordinate but a equal demon I will join your lineage"

The environment became a mess after hours of fighting between us or let's call it sparring after all that Noir is still holding back which angers me a bit but better not let your feelings get into a fight.

"Fufufu You have high conditions for a Greater Demon" He answered and had successfully landed a kick hitting my side and sent me flying.

'Damn I felt that .. that shit was painful .. even with my Pain Resistance' I thought standing up out of the rubble of stones from the mountain I destroyed by hitting it as I was sent flying

"Guess I will have to try harder"