
The Lonely dragon




You see nothing but darkness

your sense of direction is broken to the point you do not know whether

you are facing forward or backward neither know whether you are right-side up or upside-down

You float endlessly in this dark abyss




you bump into something, it was abrupt but the thing you bump into seems to have felt it

"oh what's this, and here I thought I'm the only one in this vast expense"

you look up or down? but you see a massive wall and its texture seems scaly you try to touch it...

"Hohoho, what a curious little guy"

you hear the voice again, startled you look around frantically but all you see is a massive wall of scales

"Ah my bad it seems I'm too big for you too see me"

A sudden flash of bright light blinds you for a few seconds, you blink to adjust to the sudden increase in brightness

you see a massive dragon although smaller than before it's still bigger than your small size compare to it

"Hello new friend, so what do you think about this size, is it better?" the massive dragon asked while flexing its body from side to side

[the screen shakes up and down in a fast pace]

now that you get a closer look the dragon seems to have 4 wings and bluish scales with a white underside, the dragon seemingly have an ethereal glow surrounding it

making you feel safe being near the dragon, you are now more calmer than before so making it easier to communicate??

then you notice something the dragon has color, its a new sight and it's better than the vast void

"Done admiring?" the dragon asked

[the screen shook but it bob up and down]

"So new friend where did you come from?"

using the massive dragon as a base for your sense of direction you look back away from the massive dragon

the massive dragon moves it's head from your direction to the direction your facing

"Ah so your something like me then?"

[the screen tilts to its side]

the dragon seemingly understanding your confusion explains

"Like you I suddenly opened my eyes saw this empty expense I call the void here I float aimlessly as well for how long? I do not know"

you look at the dragon and the dragon looks back at you, its eyes staring in your entire being piecing into your entire existence

"How curious I can't seem to see your past, present nor future"

"Ah I see, let me try something maybe that will answer my question"

you look at what the dragon is trying to do then you feel something, the sensation that your entire being is moving forward, if before you felt frozen now you felt everything around you seem to move forward

"Interesting even that seem to not help anything"

[the screen tilts to its side]

the dragon seemingly understanding your plight

"I call it <Time> it is a universal law I created, it makes things go forward from past, present to its future"

"but it seems to not work, I still can't see your past, present nor future"

you look at the dragon and the dragon answered

"I've been alone for some time now and your a new existence and I am simply curious"

you stare at the dragon and you see something on its face while it tried to face away from you it looked like shaped like a water droplet

"I know that prying into someone else without there consent is bad I'm merely excited that I am not alone in this place"

you stare at the dragon thinking if you can create <Time> why not create more to ease your boredom

the dragon seemingly understanding what you are thinking

"humph, loneliness can make one narrowminded ok and I definitely did not thought about it before you showed up" the dragon said pouting with its hands on its chest

"cough" the dragon coughed trying to change the subject but failed miserably

"Anyway I am Veldanava how about you what is your name?" the dra*cough* Veldanava said

[the screen shakes it's head from side to side]

"What do you mean you don't know? do.. you have none?"

[the screen bob's up and down]

"Hmmm, should I name you then since name are what makes up one's existence"

you stared at Veldanava who is in deep thought

Veldanava flicks his fingers seemingly done with his thought process

"How about <Great Observer>" Veldanava nods thinking it's a great name


"No? but It's a great name though" Veldanava said with dark clouds on his head

"Okay, now how about this <4th wall>"


you feel something inside you trying to carve something on it after reading it you see <4th wall> written on it





So what do you guys think?

who am i kidding no one will read this anyway
