
Creating the Multi-verse




You stare at Veldanava hoping for answers and the answer did came

"The phenomenon that has occurred is what I call naming it will make any existence stronger than before depending on who and how strong the entity that is bestowing a name it can make you stronger than before"

"Check the skill you got and its a fitting one I tell you, and if your wondering I created the <Skills> in the spur of the moment because of my boredom"

You go deep into your existence and see a lines of words

-{Unique skill: Observer}-


=Thought Acceleration=

:Raises thought-processing speed of the user by a thousand times

=All of Creation=

:An ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world. Depending on the things the user understands and the information the user knows about

=Parallel Processing=

:Allows the user to think at two different things at the same side


:Allows the user to posses someone as if you are that person it also conceal your existence to the person being possessed

(unable to control the person being possessed)

=Astral projection=

:Allows the user to have a project of itself

(it is undetectable even to Ultimate skill user)


:Allows the user to teleport anywhere the user wills it to


you also think it is very fitting while you are musing yourself you hear a clap


confused you are wondering why did you think of it first before you even heard it then you hear Veldanava say

"And you might be thinking why are you thinking faster than what you can perceive that is because you are subconsciously using the subskill thought acceleration of your unique skill"

you are shocked about this revelation and you seem to feel that <Time> is slower when you are using your skill

you felt a sense of melancholy understanding why Veldanava do not know how much time have past before he created the Universal Law of <Time>

Veldanava seemingly feeling your melancholy suddenly said

"It's ok I'm already used to it so don't feel bad"

"hey at least I have you now though not that talkative but a presence nonetheless"

seeing his reaction you are thinking of a way to make Veldanava feel a lot better than before

in doing so you unconsciously use your new skill now in deep thought

Veldanava seeing your serious thinking pose is waiting for you to finish

then suddenly you thought back at your previous thought of creating more universal laws you look at Veldanava and Veldanava looks back at you

Seemingly understanding your stare he now thinks whether to do it or not

"hmm, Alright lets create more Laws"

after he said that you felt the void around you get pushed back and it gets farther and farther away from you

"I call this Law <Space>"

after Veldanava said that an explosion of colors happened you see every single color you could think of every shade every highlight then suddenly all of those colors compress into sphere

"I call This Law <Gravity>"

then the you felt you can move now and not just wander aimlessly

"I call This Law <Motion>"

After Veldanava said that all the sphere's with different sizes and colors and different degrees of brightness moved and there no longer staying in one place

in doing so many explosion are created

"I call this Law <Cause and effect>

All the massive explosion that occurred created new sphere's and proceed to do same over and over again

"I call this Law <Heat>"

After Veldanava said that you felt you are burning alive then seconds later its gone then you stare at Veldanava and you understand you are being protected by him

after some time the explosions calmed down you see a sight of wonder you feel at awe, you see galaxies and universes and you felt the protection is gone and you hear Veldanava say

"I call this Law <Coldness>"

then you see some galaxies going up and some going down and some staying in place

"I call this Law <Relativity>

then you can feel energy seeping and everchanging in doing so everything is now everchanging and nothing is always the same then you hear Veldanava say

"I call this Law <Perpetual Transmutation of Energy>"

then you hear a feminine voice devoid of emotion with a bit of robotic effect

|-{Notice: the entire Multi-verse is under creation}-|

you look at Veldanava next to you in confusion hearing the robotic voice asking for some sort of explanation

"That is what I call <The Voice of The World> where they would be monitoring and maintain the entire Multi-verse I even went ahead to sacrifice my omniscience for it"

Now with a bit more understanding you look back at the Multi-verse being created and you we're mesmerized by it you didn't notice that it's already finished by the time you were snapped out of your trance

|-{Notice: the entire Multi-verse is now finished proceeding to supervise the Multi-Verse}-|

"And I call this the <Multi-verse>"





I think this is my last chapter for the day its already late today

any feedback is greatly appreciated
