

"Ok, all the labs seem good. There are no signs of any problems with you or the baby." Lucy Fields told Helena and Mark, the woman laying down on the exam table as she held the man's hand.

"Great!" Helena smiled, nervously fiddling with her pigeon pendant. "You will tell us the sex of her baby today, right?"

"Yes." The OB smile, putting some gel on the woman's belly as she started the ultrasound. "Last predictions?"

"It's a boy. Definitely a boy." Mark told the doctor, smiling proudly.

"No way." Helena disagreed, shaking her head. "The last four generations of Campos women have had an eldest daughter. It comes with my genes, , it's gonna be a girl."

"Alright." Lucy smiled at them, looking up for a second from the ultrasound. "Nice size, good looking placenta, healthy heartbeat.. And there we go."

At that, Helena positioned herself on her elbows, peaking at the screen as Mark looked over her body to do the same. "Congratulations, Dr. Campos and Dr. Sloan. You are having a baby girl."

At that, Mark let out a happy chuckle, rubbing his chin in disbelief. "Did you hear that, honey? We're having a little princess. I'm the father of a little girl!"

As Lucy turned around to chart, giving the couple some privacy, the man cupped his wife's cheeks, giving her a soft kiss. As they pulled away, they rested their foreheads, as Helena whispered, tears in her eyes. "We're having a daughter, Mark."

"We're having a daughter." He chuckled, beaming, as he put his hand over his wife's now quite noticeable bump. "You are gonna be daddy's little princess, aren't you?"

"Oh, Jackson is gonna be pissed that he lost the bet to Alex and Cristina." Helena chucked.


"Lena!" Meredith called out, approaching her friend. "You're on peds, right?"

"Yeah, what do you need?" Helena looked up from her chart, on the nurses station, smiling softly at the resident.

"Ok, so one of my patient's son had a lump on his neck. Would you just do a work up on him and if it's anything kick it up to Robbins?" The blond asked, the shorter girl grabbing her chart.

"Sure." She nodded. "By the way, today was the OB's appointment."

"Oh, and you learned the sex of the baby?" Meredith asked, excitedly.

"We did, and it's a girl, like I knew she would be." Helena smiled proudly. "Mark's over the moon, already looking at onesies and everything. I'm going to need to have a talk with him about the awful ones he keeps showing me, through, that will take some convincing..."


Putting up the scans she had taken, Helena spoke to Arizona and Meredith. "At first it looked like it was a benign cyst, but I think it's a cystic hygroma. And it's really compressing against his airway..."

"Wow, the trachea's starting to close off." The attending agreed.

"Should I move your diverticulectomy? Or we could see if Stark has time for it." The short resident shared, holding her baby bump.

"Stark has time for what?" The man in question asked, entering the room.

"Uh, I've got a diverticulectomy. We were hoping that you could take it, cause this hygroma needs to come out right away." Arizona told him, Helena nodding.

"Oh, good lord!" The man let out, looking at the scans. "Why did you wait so long? This thing is a time bomb."

"Well, we just saw the patient for the first time today." Helena explained.

"So, what, Campos? The parents don't have health insurance?" The man asked, making Helena's lip form a small, pleased smile. Since the OR incident, the man had started to call her by the correct name, showing some more respect.

"They do." Meredith sighed. "Kyle's mother has Alzheimer's. She was diagnosed a few months ago and the father had been working like a dog, so the insurance doesn't lapse. Kyle's taking care of his mom as much as anyone is taking care of him, they're just underwater right now..."

"Yeah, all right." Stark let out. "Call protective services." At that, Arizona and Helena shared a look, the small girl scoffing quietly. "At least one of you understood that, right?"

"You can't take Kyle away from his parents..." The blond resident tried.

"You just told me they're not caring for their son." The man argued.

"They are dealing with an extraordinary set of circumstances, Dr. Stark." Helena explained.

"This happens all the time. That's why the state set up a whole department to deal with this. You know, I've got three specialists on their way in here to look at a tumor, so I need this room..."

"Dr. Stark-" Arizona tried.

"And you've got a surgery to preform assuming his airway is not already closed. If it is, then, well, he's probably dead and then, yeah, no one would have  to call anybody." The man shrugged, the three women leaving the room.

"You have to call him off!" Meredith asked Arizona.

"We could call a social worker, just to say hello, offer so help... it should appease him." Helena suggested, shrugging. "It they don't deem the patients unfit, which I am sure they won't, given the circumstances, it'll be solved."

"No! Because once you're in the system, it will only get worse. You're registered as a parent who neglects his kid, it's over." The blond resident argued. "You to call him off."