

As Helena sat in the couch, she saw Meredith sneak down the stairs. It was thanksgiving morning and all interns were supposed to help Izzie cook dinner, Helena's family joining them later in the day.

"You are sneaking out!" The short girl accused the blond.

"I... ok, yes, please don't tell Izzie." She pleaded.

Just then, the former model stopped her. "Hey. What do you think you're doing?"

"I am..." Once the doorbell rang, Meredith used it as an excuse. "Answering the door."

Looking at the woman's bag, Izzie realised. "You're going to the hospital?" Helena got up from the couch and put her book down, ready to go answer the door. "Meredith, everyone is supposed to be in the kitchen by 9 am to help me make dinner. It's thanksgiving!" She complained, Helena opening the door with a confused look, as she found three strange man staring at her.

"Is this where Georgie lives?" The older man asked.

"Georgie? O'Malley?" The short girl asked, at the man's nod she answered. "Yes, he must be upstairs."

Just then, the men barged past her, chanting out loud. "O'Malley! O-Ma-Lley!" The went up the stairs, as Helena looked at them in confusion.

"Should we call the police?" Izzie joked.

Taking to opportunity to leave, Meredith sneaks out and, at the sound of the door closing, the girls turn around. "Meredith! I'm serious, you need to be back here for dinner at six, I mean it!"

"Was that... his brothers and father?" The short girl tilted her head, bolting up the stairs to meet the boy.

"Hum, hi!" She entered the room, the men still chanting.

"Lena! This, well, my father and my brothers..." He mumbled.

"Lena? As in Helena?" The man turned around to greet her. "As in Georgie's Helena?"

"Yes, hi, that must be me." The short girl giggled as she extended her hand to the man. When he took her in for a hug, she backed away slightly but hugged him back.

"Oh, you're Lena!" One of his brother's pointed out.

"How did you get , Georgie?" The other sibling teased as the small girl giggled and the male intern shot him an uncomfortable glare.

"So, you seems busy, I'll just leave you to...?" The girl asked, still confused.

"Shoot and kill a helpless slow moving turkey, isn't that great?" Her boyfriend answered with sarcasm as her eyes widened slightly.

"Ok... then I'll leave you to it. Just make sure to be back in time to meet my family, please, Georgie." She asked and left the room.


After everyone else had already left, Helena and Izzie walk around the kitchen, the shorter girl set on making some tradicional Portuguese sweets for the others to try.

"I'm so happy that we're all having dinner together, honestly, even if I've never really celebrated thanksgiving. " The shorter girl smiled at her friend. "Georgie is kind of freaking out about meeting my mom and brother though." She giggled, stirring the sweet that was on the stove.

"He'll be fine. I just hope everyone gets back in time for dinner..." The blond woman sighed.

"Ok, you're the baker so try this." The foreign girl handed her friend a spoon with a bit of the she had just poured into it's platter.

The taller woman took it to her lips and made a surprised face. "Oh, this is so good. You're gonna have to teach me the recipe."

"See, I told you, as good as your cakes are, nothing beats the traditional Portuguese sweets. Just wait until my mom brings the she promised."

Just then, the bell rang and the girls moved to answer the door. "It's ten thirty! You're late." The blond complained.

As they noticed the man standing next to Cristina, Helena greets him. "Oh, hi, Dr. Burke."

"Hello." Izzie added, getting out of the way and allowing the couple to come in.

At the intern's questioning look, Cristina whispered between her teeth. "What was I supposed to do, blow off my boyfriend for thanksgiving? I tried to, he wouldn't blow." The younger girl giggled and the curly haired woman tuner to her. "I'm serious, Baby Genius, he's like something sticky that won't blow off..."

"Ok, he's gonna ruin thanksgiving." The blond complained.

"Oh, don't be unpleasant. He's Cristina's boyfriend, we'll make it work." The short girl whispered, bouncing slightly on her heels, with her apron still on.

"What am I supposed to talk to Dr. Burke about?" The tallest intern complained.

"People who are shocked when I show up uninvited to their homes call me Preston." They heard the man's voice behind them, Izzie giggling awkwardly and Lena's eyes widening."

"Nobody calls you Preston." Cristina crunched up her nose.

" don't call me Preston." The man corrected. "Nice house."

As he walked away, Cristina looked around as Izzie picked up her phone. "Izzie, Baby Einstein, why is it so quiet in here?"

"Meredith sneaked out to the hospital and Georgie's family kidnapped him." She explained, rolling her eyes slightly.

"So it's just us and Preston?" The Asian woman mouthed, slightly panicked, as the blond's phone rang.

"Yeah, you don't call him Preston." The Portuguese woman shook her head, as Izzie started talking on the phone.

"Hey, Alex, it's me, where are you? Call me back." She sighed into the phone as Helena scrunched up her nose, sniffing the air around her.

"Iz, is your food burning?" She asked, running to the kitchen, Izzie following her shortly behind.


As they noticed the state of the food, Burke pointed out. "You've never made a thanksgiving dinner before."

"You can't cook? Izzie!" Cristina complained, furrowing her brows. "Baby Genius should have cooked, her soup's the best..."

"I only cook soup though! I've never done thanksgiving, there's a reason I didn't volunteer..."