

As George and Helena walked to the hospital, the girl drinking a coffee and the boy with a bagel in hand, they chatted.

"Oh and don't forget about our lunch date tomorrow, Georgie." The girl pressed a kiss to his lips, grabbing his arm. Suddenly, a bird pooped on the boy's bagel.

"Oh, crap." He dropped it on the group and the girl giggled.

As they started to walk away, a man fell right behind them, in the exact place they had been. Helena jumped and squealed quietly, the boy putting a protective arm around her.

After calling 911 and riding the ambulance to the hospital, Helena told their resident about the case. "Window washer fell from fifth floor, obvious open tib fib fracture but, otherwise, he's ok."

"Equal breath sounds, after a five story fall he's got equal breath sounds. Unbelievable! Lena, do you wanna hear?" He squealed, speaking quickly.

"I believe you, Georgie." She giggled as she palpated the man's abdomen and Cristina entered the room.

"You feel from the sky, five stories, and you only injured your leg." The man told the patient.

"George!" Cristina warned.

"No. Don't George me. A few seconds earlier he would have landed on me and Lena."

"True..." The short girl admitted. "Roll him on three, please?" She asked the nurses. "One, two, three."

As they examined the man's back, they found the squashed pigeon, as George's eyes widened. "My life was saved by that pigeon!"

"Let's get some X-rays and after that you might wanna get in there and look for the rest of... twitty." The resident instructed. "Lena, Dr. Shepherd asked for you."

"Hum, which one?" The girl asked, taking her gloves off.

"Montgomery Shepherd."


"Shouldn't he be more excited?" George asked Meredith and Helena, at a nurses station. "I don't know, maybe he's in shock, I don't know... I mean he survived, it's huge! He's gotta realise that things happen for a reason..."

"I don't know that they do, Georgie, honestly." The short girl sipped on her second coffee of the day.

"Oh, yeah. My ex boyfriend moves his wife to Seattle. Reason? To torture me."

"I'm serious. You should be more excited too, Lena! We survived." He kissed his girlfriend who offered him a sip of her coffee.

"I mean, it's technically been my third almost death and it was certainly the least exciting..." She giggled. At her boyfriend's questioning look, she explained. "Car crash and assault."

"Oh..." He hugged her by the waist and kissed her cheek, his eyes filled with compassion. It pained him to think his girlfriend had been through so much.

"Gross." Cristina joined them, commenting on the couple's PDA, and Helena smacked the back of her head. "What's with the hello kitty on your forehead?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..."

"George, can I sign out to you earlier? I have a test date, Burke is testing me." The woman went on.

"Well, Georgie can't stay later, we have a date too." The small girl smiled at her between gulps of her coffee.

"Carpe diem." The boy let out.

"I've got a giant zit in my forehead and I'm beginning to look how I feel." The blond complained. "Carpe that."

"Oh, so that's with the Hello Kitty..." Helena whispered.

"This is the luckiest day in the world!"


The next morning, George, Helena and Meredith sit outside the hospital. The window washer had died.

"I though he cheated fate." The boy said, pacing around.

"Maybe he did..." The short girl suggested.

"He died!" The boy pointed out.

"I think you can't wait for someone to fly underneath you and save your own life. I think you have to save yourself." Meredith thought out loud.

"You mean the pigeons aren't going to come?" George asked.

"The pigeons aren't going to come." The blond confirmed.

"But, the thing is, sometimes they do. By chance or fate, sometimes the pigeons do come." The short girl looked up from the ground. "I wasn't supposed to have survived my rape. No one thought I would, there were times I didn't want to. But I did, all because the right group of people found me at the right time, knocked out in the street. If I'd stayed there for longer I probably wouldn't have made it, but now, all I have are a few scars to tell the tale." She smiled sadly at her friends. "So, yes, we have to be in control of our own lives but sometimes these miracles do happen. I don't know why but they do. Maybe it's just up to us to make the most of it."

As Meredith left to go home, the couple sat by each other chatting, Helena's head on George's shoulder.

"You know, about what I said before? I'm really grateful that I survived. Sometimes it does feel like I've done my dose of cheating fate too..." The girl whispered, trailing mindless patterns with her thumb on the boy's hand.

"I'm grateful you did, too. I know you've been through some things, but I want you to know that I'd never hurt you, Lena." As the girl look away, he grabbed her face and looked into her eyes. "You hear me? I'll never hurt you."

"Promise?" She extended her pinky.


"Georgie?" She whispered, her eyes margined with tears.


" my pigeon. I love you." She said for the very first time, words that she's been feeling for a while.

"I love you too." The boy kissed her, the rising sun behind them.
