

After their evening activities, George and Helena flopped down next to each other, catching their breath.

"That was..." The girl started.

"Great. Really great. Amazing." The man said, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

"Yeah." She giggled and turned to press a kiss on his lips, letting her head rest on his chest. Suddenly, they heard their pagers going off and they both reached for theirs. "911! We just worked a thirty hour shift..." She whined, letting her head flop back.

"And I smell like... sex." The boy said and his girlfriend quickly grabbed his hand as she got out of bed, hurrying to put their clothes on. In the process, she quickly turned on the TV, reading that there had been a train wreck.


With their scrubs already on, the interns left the elevator and rushed to their trauma gowns.

"I think I saw a pneumothorax. I hope I get a pneumothorax..." Cristina said as they put the gowns on.

Just then, Dr. Bailey arrived in a night dress and heels, making George let out. "Oh."

"What are you looking at?" The older woman complained.

"You look nice, Dr. Bailey." The shorter intern whispered.

"Thanks, Lena." She turned to Alex. "Ok, you, go get me my shoes. Let's move people."

"Hello!" Meredith turned to the woman. "I seem to be a little bit drunk. I was off duty..."

"So was I! Anybody else half in the bottle?" The interns quickly shook their heads. "Alright then. Grey, just stay out of the way, I'll deal with you later. The rest of you stick with me and wait for your assignment. I know you get all aquiver at the sight of blood and organs, but it's gonna be a long night and you're already tired. I don't want any mistakes." Once she finished, she opened the door to the ER, noticing the chaos that had erupted.

"I'm not tired anymore." Cristina commented.

"Me neither, I'm not tired." George agreed.

"Tired? I was never tired." Helena joked.

"Dr. Bailey, I've got a third trimester burn victim here, I'm gonna need some help." Addison informed and all the interns raised their hands.

"Izzie, go." The woman told her.

"Yes! Have a nice nap." The blond teased and Helena playfully rolled her eyes.

Just then, Derek entered the OR. "Does that mean he picked her?" George asked, confused.

"I don't know, Georgie..."

"If it does, I've just lost 50 bucks." Cristina complained.

"Cristina Yang! What have I told you? We don't bet on our friend's love lives." She hit her on the back of the head.

A paramedic rushed into the OR, human leg in hand. "I've got the leg!"

"I want that leg..." The Asian woman longed.

"Dr. Bailey, who do you got?" The chief asked as he accompanied the man without the leg and all interns raised their hands.

"Cristina, go!"

As Derek walked by Meredith, he nodded to her. "Was that a nod?" George asked.

"Yes." Both Meredith and Helena answered in unison.

"Do we know what it meant?" He asked again, his hand on his girlfriend's waist.



As Helena got a page from Dr. Bailey, she entered the room. "Dr. Bailey, you paged?" Seeing two people impaled on a pole, she backtracked. "Oh."

"Is this the craziest thing you've ever seen?" The female patient asked her and Meredith, who was also in the room.

"Hum... yeah." The blond intern answered.

"Me too." The patient answered, fear in her eyes.

George entered the room and the hurt girl called out for Burke. "Excuse me?"

"Hi, I'm Dr. Burke. You shouldn't turn your head, you want to try to move as little as possible." He advised.

"Oh, ok. So are you gonna pull this pole out of us any time soon?"

"It's a touch uncomfortable." The impaled man admired.

"I'm sorry but we can't do that until we get a better look at what's going on internally. But I assure you, we will work as quickly as possible." The attending informed and Helena's eyes roamed through the patients.

"Well, in that case, does anybody have a breath mint?" The girl asked and turned to the injured man. "For me, not for you." They both smiled.

"O'Malley, Campos, get them to x-ray."

The girl nodded and the boy seemed to panic slightly, as he whispered. "They never would have picked me before the elevator..."

As they wheeled the patients through the hallways, Helena spoke up. "Is there anyone you'd like me to call?"

"They called my wife on the ambulance." The man explained.

"And my fiancé. They're flying down from Vancouver together."

"Normally Amanda would be a tad upset to find me pressed up against another woman, but in this case I think I'll get a pass." He joked, making the girl giggle.

"Do two aren't travelling together?" George questioned.

"No... we just met." The girl revealed.

"A bit of an awkward introduction."

"You have nice pores." She said, making the man laugh.

Helena walked ahead to ask others to skip the X-ray line. "Excuse me?" She got the interns attention, who, looking at her patients, allowed them to go ahead.