

At five am sharp, an alarm went off, making the twisted trio's heads shoot up from Cristina's bed, Helena's hair messy as her eyes snapped open.

Because, exactly at five am, every year, the calls for the nominees of the Harper Avery Award were made. And, not wanting to wake the children so early, Helena had decided to sleep over at Cristina's, along with Meredith, for support.

"Oh, my God, the phones!" Cristina let out, as the blond shut off the alarm.

"Did we remember to charge them?" Helena let out, equally as frenzied, as she yawned.

"It's charged." Meredith told them. "They're charged, the ringer's are on. Ok, you two have got to put on some lipstick."

"It's five am, I'm not going to put on lipstick." Helena chuckled, running her fingers through her hair, as Cristina accepted. "Mer, what if...?"

"No, it's not possible." She shook her head. "Catherine Avery said that you two were on the shortlist. And your projects are innovative. They're life saving."

"What time is it?" Cristina asked.

"5.01." Meredith told them.

"Did they?" Alex's head popped into the room.

"Not yet." Helena told them.

"Did they?" Jo entered the room, too.

"Oh, God..." Cristina let out.

As a phone rang, Helena yelped. "Oh, oh God. It's my phone. It's Boston. They're calling me."

"Ok, don't grovel." Meredith told her. "You're Helena Campos and you are going to change the face of medicine, saving babies and taking names. Go."

With shaky hands, Helena took her phone o to her ear. "Good morning. Yes, this is Helena Campos. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much, have a good day."

Everyone looked at her, Helena's face blank, before she let out. "I was nominated! I was nominated for a Harper Avery!"

Everyone yelled out in happiness, before they settled down, waiting for Cristina's call.

"Seriously, what if they don't call?" Cristina asked.

"Yang is after Campos, they're gonna call." Helena nodded.

Just then, the phone went off, making the woman freak out. "It's Boston, it's them, it's them. What do I do?"

"Ok, you are gonna be gracious and humble." Meredith told them. "You are gonna thank them, but remember who you are."

"Just answer the damn phone!" Alex urged, Cristina getting up in her bed.

"Quiet!" She let out, picking up the phone. "Hello. Yes, this is Cristina Yang. Thank you for letting me know."

Everyone held their breaths, before she let out. "We both got nominated!"


Helena entered her patient's room, a kid with cardiomyopathy. Both his older sisters had it too, both having been operated on by Cristina.

"Morning." She greeted.

"Oh, are you back yet, Dr. C?" The older girl asked.

"Not completely, yet. I'm just staring to come over a few days per week. But it is my first full day back." She smiled, just as the younger sister entered the room, Hunt behind her.

"Good morning, Frankie." Helena smiled, Hunt behind her. "How are you feeling?"

"She just beat me in a race, so..." The redhead told them.

"Oh, looks like that pacemaker I put in is working." Cristina smiled, then noticing the older sister's breakfast. "Seriously, Ivy? Sour cream and onion chips for breakfast?"

"Hey, Dr. C said it'd be good for the heart if I put on weight!" She defended.

"I did, though I meant in a healthy way." Helena nodded, as Cristina stole the snack.

"So, two weeks post-op heart transplant, and Ivy's indices are excellent." Arizona told them.

"And Mr. Link?"

"Lincoln McNeil, age 9, end-stage heart failure, awaiting transplant, status 1A. There's a family history of the disease. The cause is still unknown. Uh, Link first showed signs of cardiomyopathy two weeks ago and has deteriorated rapidly. An attempt to put him on a Berlin heart failed... due to something I can't remember." Frankie proudly presented.

"Clotting." Helena told her.

"That's it. The patient in now on ECMO and is..."

"Stable." Arizona completed

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Cristina approved.

"You're still gonna put us out of a job." Helena joked.

"So how are we with unos?" The father asked.

"Well, Link is at the top of the list." Owen confirmed.

"How much longer can he survive on ECMO?" The mother tried.

"Well, with sweep numbers this low... at least a week." Cristina told them.

"So we pray for a miracle?" The father asked.

"We got one with Ivy." The mother nodded.

"We're not just sitting around and waiting, we're aggressively looking at other options." Helena told them.

"And, in the meantime, heart healthy food, ok?" Cristina told Ivy, the doctors leaving the room.

"So I put a call into these guys from Stanford that Helena found who are doing animal testing with a drug-eluting pump to prevent clotting." Cristina told Owen and Arizona. "I'll let you guys know what they say."