
Teen wolf:the legend of stiles stikinksi

What if stiles got the bite that night in the woods?what if a new stiles was born that day?how would this affect the story?Find out by reading!

Shadowking123 · TV
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21 Chs

chapter 18:End of season 2

Jackson whitemire could be seen pulling up with his Porsche by beacon hills high school as everyone stared at him.

Jackson got out of the car with his sunglasses and a sexy blonde haired girl got out of the drivers seat.

???:who the hell is that?

???:I don't know?probably Jackson's rebound?I mean you know that him and Lydia broke up right?

???:No!since when?!

???:Since stikes stilinksi got together with Lydia and became captain of the lacrosse team a week ago I mean have you seen his out lacrosse team plays now?we never lose a match.

Jackson walked inside of beacon hills high sith the mysterious hot blonde that nobody knew everyone was staring at This hot new girl.

Scott was taking with Allison when he saw Jackson walk inside the school with a new girl that nobody had seen before.

Scott:Yeah Allison look I know that your trying to help me but seriously what can I do?With everything that's happened to me these past few months I can't just get A on the test all of a sudden!

Allison:Scott I'm not saying that you should get A on the test all of a sudden I'm just saying that can you altlesst try to study?

Scott:what you don't want me to come to your house anymore?is that it?Do you not like our secret revision classes anymore?

Allison:well I didn't say that!

Scott and Allison laughed as they began kissing each other.

Allison got off of Scott and looked surprised when she was looking behind Scott.

Scott:what?was the kiss bad?I thought I was good at kissing.

Allison:No Scott you are good at kissing but look behind you.

Scott was confused but looked behind him and saw Jackson with sunglasses a black leather jacket and a hot girl that was walking next to him.

Scott eyed the girl Jackson was walking with up and down Allison noticed this.

Allison:Hello Scott?

Scott:Yeah?scott said still staring at the blonde.


Scott jumped and looked at Allison.


Allison:why where you looking at that girl like that?I saw you eyeing her up and down!

Scott:what?w..well that's becasue I've never seen her before.

Allison knew he was lying and was about to say something but the bell rang Allison stormed off in a rage as Scott whent the other way to class.

In class Scott was sitting down when she sae Jackson and the new girl entering the room holding hands.

Everyone looked shocked and where shivering to each other when the teacher walked in.

Teacher:Be quiet!She said in a tone demanding silence from all the class.

Teacher:Thank you now class I would like to introduce to you a new student.

Everyone looked at the new girl they have never seen before and figured out that she was the new girl.

Teacher:come up here don't be shy sweetheart.

The sexy blonde haired girl stood up and whent to the front of the class.

Teacher:Everyone this is Emma Fallington please be nice to her she just moved to this town.

Emma then waved and smiled at everyone she then sat down on her seat next to Jackson.

Scott stared at Emma for most of thr class and didn't hear when the bell rang to the next class.


Scott jumped in his seat and looked at the teacher confusingly he then realised everyone was gone and realised the bell had rung and whent to his next lessson late.

Mr.dawson:what if I mix these together Danny what would I get?

Danny:you would get the colour purple.

Teacher:Excellent Danny well done!

Scott rushed in the class banging the door open alerting all the students.

Scott:sorry I'm late Mr.dawson!

Mr.dawson:I doubt that your sorry but very well take your seat Mr mcall.

Scott then whent to go take his seat next to stiles.

Scott:Hey stiles where were you I haven't seen you all day?

Stiles:I was with Lydia I came in early becasue she picked up a new habit for singing.

Scott:singing?why would Lydia like singing?does it have something to do with her being a banchee?

Stiles:I don't know Scott ask her.

Scott:ok anyways did you see Jackson walk in school with some hot blonde girl this morning.

Stiles:No I didn't not and I don't think you should be talking like that unless you want your girlfriend to become as phycopathic as her grandfather after finding out her boyfriend likes another girl.

Scott:what?I don't like her?and what do you mean Allison will become like her grandfather if she finds out I like another girl?

Stiles:Scott relax it was a joke.

Stiles and Scott continued to talk until class ended.

The bell rang as stiles and Scott walked out of the classroom together.

Stiles:wow so Jackson has this new hot girlfriend now huh?I mean who new getting demoted to co captain would get him a new sexy girl.


Stiles:I mean she must like second in commands if you know what I mean.

Scott looked confused until he realised stiles joke and started laughing.

Stiles:Hey want a ride?

Scott:Nah I'm good.

Stiles:what do you mean your good?I didn't give you a choice.your bike got destroyed by those hunters and it will cost like £40 for an uber even more for a taxi so get in my car now.

Scott then got in the car with Nate and Danny at the back of the car.

Scott:where the hell did you guys come from?

Nate:I've been here for 3 minutes and 48 seconds.

Danny:ive been here the same time Nate has.

Scott:you leave your car doors open?

Stiles:yeah nobody would dare try to steal or rob my car anyways.


Stiles:well becasue I'm the captain of the lacrosse team I walk around with Danny as my bodyguard most of the time and because everyone loves me.stiles says obviously.

Scott:wow that was a lot of detail but ok.

Stiles than drove Scott home the drove Danny home.

Nate jumped in the front seat of the car as stiles drove home.

Meanwhile Jackson's house

Jackson could be seen lying down on the bed talking with Emma.

Jackson:Do you think they bought it?

Emma:Are you kidding?of course they did now everyone thinks that I'm your girlfriend.

Jackson:Thanks for this Emma.

Emma:your welcome Jackson I mean when you called me suddenly and told me how your life fell apart I never believed you.

Jackson:well now do you?

Emma:yeah I do and I took a huge risk coming to this town I mean There are werewolves everywhere.

Jackson:yeah I know.

Emma:you probably want the bite to become a werewolf right?

Jackson:How did you?

Emma:Come on Jacky I've known you for what?10 years come on I know you more than you know yourself and you still haven't changed.

Jackson:Look alright I apreciate you coming here to beacon hills and the fact that your family is doing business here and settling in to beacon hills fine but I have to have the bite Emma.Jackson says in a soft tone.

Emma:whatever Jacky I'm gonna go sleep now good night.

Jackson:Good night.

Meanwhile stilinksi residence

Stiles:So did you bring it?

Nate:yeah I did.

Stiles:great now I'm gonna grab the weed and the cocaine now make sure to sell for 50 alright now 20 or 30 I don't care if it's a regular customer 50 ok!

Nate:ok.How much do I pay the worker?

Stiles:Give them £10 each.


Stiles:ok go then!

Nate:what?your not gonna drive me?

Stiles:No now go!

Nate then Jumped out of stiles window and had Began running in the woods.

Stiles had started selling drugs after he killed the hunters over a week ago he set up a plan where he would get the the drugs and Nate would sell it and hire customers.Nate would pretend to be the boss of these drug deals and of course if people tried to take advantage of him or outnumber him he would use his werewolf strength.

Nate had hired 2 workers in a week to work for him.Stiles didn't know much but he got daily updates from Nate about what was going on.

Stiles than shut his window shut his light and whent to sleep.

The next morning

Jackson pulled up to the school he then got out of the car with Emma and walked inside the school.Jackson and Emma then whent to there classes.

Stiles and Scott walked in the class and sat down next to each other when they saw Emma walking in.

Stiles:wow she really is a beauty but I have Lydia and I'm a loyal boyfriend so she's all yours.

Scott:Nice.scott says zoned out

Scott:wait?im a loyal boyfriend aswell!

Lydia then walked in and kissed stiles on the lips before walking to her chair next to stiles on the left.

Lydia then stared down Emma with curiosity.

Lydia:wow who's that?Lydia asks curiously.

Stiles:I don't know but Scott told me she's Jackson's girlfriend but he didn't know here name.

Lydia:How do you not know here name?

Scott:well I don't have any classes with her so u haven't learned her name yet and she only started yesterday and I'm with Allison so why should I know her name.

Stiles scoffed at Scott's poor attempt of pretending to be a loyal boyfriend.

Lydia:oh well you shouldn't she still learned her name.she has good fashion sense and she's hot she's my new bestie.

Stiles:Didn't you also become Allison best friend becasue of that same reason?

Lydia:yeah?your point?

Stiles:nothing I'm just saying you know it's not all about fashion sense and looks you know it's about personality aswell.

Lyida:Did get with me for my personality or my looks?

Stiles:Both.stiles said confidently.

Later than night

Jackson was hunting in the forest when he hear howls.

Jackson was confused when he heard multiple howls in the distance so he ran to where he heard the noise.

Jackson kept running until he tripped in the floor dropping his bow he then got up when he saw smoke everywhere.

He then heard growling from all the directions Jackson then looked around in fear as the last thing he saw was a a women with red yes and huge fangs jump at him and bite him.

???:You didn't have to bite him you know.

???:Well why not he seems like a Hunter I thought it would be fun.

???:Hes your responsibility now.

???:But if this Hunter survived the bite and become a werewolf he will want him dead.




The end of season 2!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter season 3 will be coming soon with new characters,longer chapters and plot twists.


Season 3 episode 1:Tatoo chapter coming soon!

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