
Teen Eagle

When Scott is bitten in the woods his true nature turns out to be that of a wereeagle instead of a werewolf. (based on Talons from season 5) The unique powers of his transformation allow him to become one of the most powerful alpha's alive. Pairing: Scott x Lydia

Grimm48 · TV
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41 Chs

Lydia's party

|McCall house|

Scott gets home, walks in his room and takes of his shirt not being able to wait to go to sleep.

Grinning as he lies in bed because of his recent and surprisingly pleasant run in with Lydia he looks through the window located over his headboard and notices that the moon can be seen very clearly this night and it won't be long till there will be a full moon, with that thought in mind he falls asleep.

|woods of Beacon Hills|

Waking up Scott feels himself about to fall and opens his eyes, seeing that he is up in a tree he starts to cling to it in fear of falling down. After getting over the shock of waking up in the top of a tree he makes his way down to the ground while thinking that this along with what happened yesterday must be connected to him being bitten 2 days ago. Being confused because he woke up in the woods and not being able to see clearly because of the thick fog that was currently obscuring his view he walks around the woods while being on guard.

Looking around he sees the same creature that bit him stalking around him like he is its pray. Scared Scott takes of running the other direction and jumps the first fence he sees thinking that if he gets to private ground he probably will be out of harms way. Falling into the pool that is directly adjacent to the pool he swims to its surface and smiles sheepishly at the confused owner of the pool who was currently watering his plants.

Getting out of the pool and taking the quickest way home which to his relieve wasn't that far he then gets ready for school still wondering how he was able to climb up a tree while sleepwalking and what that creature wants from him.

|Hallway at school|

After getting ready for lacrosse practice in the locker room, Scott goes to his locker to store his bag inside. As he was finished putting his things away Jackson appears behind him saying "Alright little man, how about you tell me where you are getting your juice."

"What?" Scott asks blindsided by the question

"Where are you getting your juice?" Jackson asks getting angry because he thinks Scott is messing with him.

"My mom does all the groceries shopping." Scott replies.

"Now listen McCall, You're gonna tell me exactly what it is and who you're buying it from because there is no way in hell, you're out there kicking ass like that without some kind of chemical boost." Jackson says menacing.

"Oh you mean steroids. " Scott replies now realizing what Jackson was talking about. "Are you on steroids?" He then asks confused.

"What the hell is going on with you McCall?" Jackson asks slamming Scott into his locker.

"What's going on with me? I don't know what you mean." Scott says denying that he did have weird experiences the last 2 days.

"Hah, you think your funny? don't you McCall? I know you're hiding something, I'm gonna find out what it is. I don't care how long it takes!" Jackson says angrily slamming the locker beside Scott in order to intimidate him.

|Lacrosse Field|

The Coach blows into his whistle standing in the middle of the field saying "Let's go guys gather around. Bring it in, come on! Come on!" All the players approach their Coach excited to see what he has to announce. "You know how this goes, if you don't make the cut you most likely are sitting on the bench for the rest of the season. You make the cut, you're playing, parents are proud, your girlfriend loves ya. Huh! Everything else is uh cream cheese. Now get out there and show me what you got!" The coach announces enthusiastically. After his speech the Team starts cheering and then divides themselves up into their position.

After the game starts and Scotts team gets the ball they pass it around a few times and when Scott receives the ball he starts running on his way to the goal. He pushes the first defender down but the second one which is Jackson knocks him over. Seeing Jackson take off his helmet for a second to smirk Scott starts getting angry and gets back on his feet. Now he and Jackson are facing of each other in the starting position. Seizing each other up and then going for the ball Scott manages to snatch it up before Jackson does and takes off running, dodging the first enemy player, as well as the second and third to see that 3 players are standing in his way. Scott going with his instinct somersaults over the other players and shoots a goal.

After witnessing this acrobatic act Coach tells McCall to come over to him "McCall, get over here! What in gods name was that? This is a Lacrosse field. What are you trying out for the gymnastics team?" Coach asks annoyed.

"No Coach" Scott replies.

"Then what the hell was that?" Coach yelled.

"I don't know, I was just trying to make the shot." Scott says confused as to how he managed to do such a move and why the coach was getting angry at him.

"Yeah well you made the shot and guess what. You're starting buddy. You made first line!" Scott says grinning and slapping Scotts shoulder.

On the bleachers everyone was excited to see Scott start first line after seeing that shot.

Meanwhile Stiles and Jackson both separately were wondering how Scott an extreme asthmatic was able to move like that.

|McCall house|

After getting home Scott took a quick nap still wondering how he was able to do these things because it wasn't normal and he also notices that he didn't use his inhaler ever since the night he was bitten.

Getting up after his alarm clock wakes him, Scott decides to go take a shower because he still smelled a bit after practice. Coming out of his bathroom after he finished cleaning himself, dressed in only a towel he is surprised to see his mother standing by his door waiting to talk to him.

"Mom?" Scott says while taking a step back from the surprise.

"Is this a party or is this a date?" Melissa McCall asks curious.

"Just a party with all of the Lacrosse players coming, me included this time. Stiles got a date though ." Scott replies laughing.

"What Stiles got a date with whom?" Melissa asks even more curious.

"This new girl that moved to Beacon Hills not to long ago." Scott replies amused by his mothers interest in Stiles love life.

"How did he managed to get a date with a girl he doesn't even know?" Melissa asks stunned.

"I may have helped him out a little with giving him some inside information I managed to catch up in the hallway." Scott says proud that he was able to help his brother figure out in such a manner.

"You managed to get him a date well color me impressed. Anyway take care at the party and tell Stiles good luck on his date." Melissa says leaving Scotts room, who then gets ready for the party. Scott waits a few minutes after getting dressed before hearing the familiar sound of Stiles Jeep pulling up. Going downstairs grabbing his shoes and joining Stiles in the Jeep Stiles drives them to Allisons house to pick her up. After parking at the presumed house of Allison Argent Scott hops out the passenger side door and gets in the back of the car. Allison who was standing near the entry door waiting for Stiles to show up sees the Jeep park and can make out Stiles and Scott. Leaving the house while telling her parents that she is going to the party now she makes her way to the car. Getting into the open passengers side door she takes a seat and greets the two.

"Hi Stiles, Scott thanks for picking me up."

"No problem it's my pleasure." Stiles says obviously nervous about being on a date.

"Sorry for crashing on your beginning of the date Scott says, on the way back you don't need to worry about me though. Don't have to worry about being too late then." Scott says smiling trying to excuse himself since having company on a first date sounds kinda weird if you ask him, but Stiles asked him to be there on the way over to Lydia so that in case Stiles freezes up he can try to get him back to reality.

|Martin house|

After driving for about 10 Minutes you can already hear the music playing while pulling up to the big mansion like house of the Martins. Hopping our of the Jeep while yelling a quick "Thanks for the ride buddy." Scott hurries ahead since in his opinion he played third wheel long enough.

Getting in the house Scott decides against drinking something alcoholic because with the weird stuff going on with him he doesn't want to risk getting drunk and outing himself as freak for the rest of his school life. Looking around the house Scott sees Lydia among the partiers out by the pool making out with Jackson quite heavily.

Deciding against showing up before Jackson who as he can tell is still pissed off about him making first line Scott takes a seat on the stairs of the house where he can have a little privacy or at least doesn't gets knocked around by the other partying teenagers.

From his seat on the stairs he can still see the pool and keeps looking at Lydia unconsciously.

Then he notices someone also standing out like him and to his surprise it was Derek Hale, who was standing to the left of Lydia under a part of the roof. Scotts vision went back to Lydia for a second who by now also noticed him and looks at him while Jackson is kissing her neck. Feeling awkward Scott forces himself to avert his gaze again and see what Derek is up to when he realizes that Derek vanished. Jumping up and hurrying outside he looks around and sees something running around the roof. Hoping that whatever is up there isn't what bit him Scott retreats back inside while his pulse is going crazy.

Waiting about 5 minutes again sitting on the stairs he thinks that he probably just imagined it, something that big can't stay hidden for long. But then thinks what if he isn't imagining things and that is actually what bit him, is it going to start mauling party guests and is it a coincidence that Derek vanishes when the wolf thing shows up.

Getting ripped out of his thoughts by a familiar belling coming from upstairs, he remembers that he wanted to check out Pradas injury anyway. So making his way upstairs unsure if he is gonna get chewed out by Lydia later on for just going upstairs without asking he looks around for Prada and finds him locked in what he assumes is Lydias bedroom. Closing the door of the bedroom again so Prada doesn't escape and the music will be more tolerable for him, he kneels down and Prada immediately jumps into his arms being familiar with Scott from his many check ups at the vet.

At the same time some party guests complained to Lydia about the belling, telling them that she will take care of it she starts to push Jackson away gently telling him that she is going to check on Prada. Jackson being arrogant like always just tells her "leave the mutt be babe, we were in the middle of something if I'm not mistaken." grinning stupidly.

Lydia did not like Jacksons reaction to her being caring about her dog and stomps off annoyed.

Getting in the house and making her way to the stairs she notices that Prada didn't bell anymore, so hurrying up and getting into her room she was very surprised to find Scott lying on his back on the floor with Prada licking his face. Scott notices that she came in and apologizes instantly. "Sorry for going up here but I heard Prada barking and was planning on checking how his wound healed anyway so I took the initiative to come up, sorry again." Scott says hanging his head low after moving into a sitting position with Prada in his lap.

Deciding not to take out her anger on Scott since he only wanted to help Prada she kneels down before Scott and starts petting her dog saying "That's OK this time, but don't make looking around in my house a habit or we'll have a problem Scott." getting a little bit threateningly at the end.

"Understood!" Scott replies sighing to himself relieved that he didn't get into trouble with Lydia.

"So anyway how is my little Prada doing Scott?" Lydia asks getting back to the reason for them being up there.

"Ah I didn't have time to check yet, I was trying to get him to stop belling first and then he didn't want to stop licking my face." Scott answers realizing that he should take a look at the wound now.

So taking Prada off his lap and placing him on the floor he starts removing the bandage and takes out the equipment he brought with him out of his Jacket. Seeing that the wound was already beginning to heal he took some cotton pieces dipped in disinfectant and gently taps along the scratch to sterilize it. After he finished that Scott applies the new bandage and looks his work over to see if it bothers Prada in anyway. Being satisfied with his work he tells Lydia "The wound is healing quite nicely and will be gone in a few day I don't know if a scar will remain but I doubt it." "Good job healing Prada." Scott tells Prada playfully.

"Thanks again. I was really scared that something serious might have happened to my Prada." Lydia thanks Scott, now scratching her dog behind the ears. "Anyway I think I should get back to the party, you can stay here and keep Prada company if you want but if I see anything missing or find out about you snooping around in here you will regret coming here for the rest of your school life believe me!" Lydia says again starting nice but finishing with a threat.

"Once again, understood!" Scott says with a salute.

Lydia then went out of her room ruffling Pradas fur goodbye. Scott decided to stay with Prada for a while not really keen on standing out again because he didn't come with a date and his only real friend currently is on one and drinking also isn't a possibility. Making sure that Lydia is gone by taking a quick peek out the bedroom Scott sits down with Prada and talks his heart out to him about his changes and if he knows whats going on.

Back at the Party Stiles and Allison are having a good date in his opinion. They are talking drinking a bit, he takes just a sip because he is driving them, dancing together to whatever music is playing and talking about themselves, for example he told her that his father is the sheriff and his mother died when he was young. He also talked a bit about his brother like relationship to Scott and she told him that her father is a weapons salesman and that because of that they moved around a lot.

But this comes to a stop when the music stops playing and everyone looks to the music setup to see Lydia standing there having pressed on the stop button looking furious. Following her line of view you can see Jackson still making out with an unknown girl not bothered by the fact that the music stopped. Only stopping kissing the girl when Lydia screams at him "Jackson what the hell! I leave to look after my dog for 5 minutes and you are hooking up with another girl? You really are a son of a bitch! Get out of my house and don't bother with coming up with an excuse you have been ignoring me whenever it wasn't about sex or making out, you asshole!"

Jackson being drunk and angered about being chewed out in front of everyone, tries to go towards Lydia and wants to tell her to stop being a baby and that sleeping around drunk is normal but he doesn't even get 2 steps before he gets thrown out by a group of party goers who are friends of Lydias. Lydia pissed off and devastated that she is treated like that turns the music back on, yelling get back to partying and leave me alone. Without another word goes upstairs and marches towards her bedroom, not even seeing Scott lying in a corner of her room with Prada next to him enjoying being petted by Scott she dives towards the bed, lets out a frustrated scream and starts crying. With her head into a pillow.

Not knowing what's going on Scott stands up and approaches her asking " what's wrong Lydia?"

Only now just realizing that she is not completely alone Lydia gets out of her bed ignoring her messed up make up because of her crying and stops up to Scott threatening "if you ever tell anyone what you just saw you're dead!"

"Whoa, whoa calm down I was just asking what's wrong and I won't tell anyone, I swear." tries to calm her down frantically.

"Good, you better mean it and as for what happened you will hear one way or another so I might as well tell you, when I got down I saw Jackson making out with some tramp and threw him out, after breaking up with him." Lydia says sobbing by the end.

"Oh man Lydia I'm so sorry." Scott says trying to comfort her.

"Oh shove it you men are all the same whenever something doesn't go as you want it you lie and cheat." Lydia says getting angry.

"I don't think that is true for everyone, but I can't speak for myself, I never had anything even close to a girlfriend." Scott says down since he was getting screamed at even though he didn't do anything.

"Yeah no wonder guys are all trash, always just after one thing." Lydia ranted on being angry at the world.

"Well since you apparently want to be left alone for now I'm gonna go now." Scott says politely trying not to show his hurt at being the receiver of Lydias fury.

"Yeah run and try to hide from the truth cowardly bastard." Lydia yells.

"Bye Lydia and again I'm sorry for what happened with Jackson, but you deserve better anyway. Ah and remember to come to the animal clinic tomorrow with Prada or if you don't feel up to it I can come get him if you want." Scott says trying to be helpful.

"Get out and leave me alone!" Lydia says the hurt obvious in his tone.

Scott leaves her bedroom and makes his way home, stopping still on Lydias curb punching a tree on the sidewalk while getting angry at Jackson and cursing him out aloud while continuing to punch the tree, while he was punching it however he noticed that something was cutting the inside of his palm and opening it he sees the beginning of Talons coming out from where his fingernails were supposed to be. Trying to calm himself down by breathing deeply in and out his Talons retreated and turned back into fingernails. With shaky hands from what just happened Scott runs home trying to make whatever is happening to him stop.

Unknown to him Lydia who was crying ever since he left and was beginning to regret chewing Scott out like that since he was innocent in what Jackson did, heard him cursing out Jackson and was surprised that he cared as much as to get so angry to start punching a tree. Luckily for Scott he was far away enough for her not to see his fingernails turning into talons so she only thought that he hurt his hand from the punching and that's why his hands were shaking on his way home. Making up her mind to talk to Scott tomorrow to subtly apologize, Lydia Martin doesn't outright apologize to anyone ever! She thinks to herself.

|McCall house|

Stumbling into his room sweating like crazy Scott quickly closes the door behind him and leans against it hoping that whatever is happening to him will stop already. Looking out of the window Scott can see that tonight is a full moon. Getting into his bathroom Scott turns on the shower and after taking off his shirt sits down in the stream of water hoping that the new sensation will help him calm his nerves and get himself back under control. Closing his eyes and breathing heavily Scott gets assaulted by extreme headaches and clutches at his head in pain. Checking his hand again for what seems like the hundreds time that night, Scott sees his finger and fingernails slowly turning into sharp talons much to his horror. Getting out of the shower Scott goes to his bathroom mirror and wipes the mirror clean which had gotten blurry from the steam. Seeing that his nose and mouth came together slightly and had gained a yellowish hard shell, which resembles a beak Scotts eyes widen in fear, that's when he notices that his eyes turned a golden color and were glowing. Being alone and freaked out Scott trembles like crazy as random thoughts assault his head like, "You gotta get revenge on Jackson", "You need to kill anything that threatens you" and "You need to protect Lydia". Blacking out for a second Scott tries to resist whatever is influencing him and decides to follow the least murdery instinct that comes over him which is to check on Lydia.

So Scott still partly transformed to whatever he is now jumps out of his open window and lands in his backyard in a kneeling position. In direct contact with the moon light his transformation accelerates and he begins to get some feathers all over hs head safe for his eyes, and beak like nose and mouth. His instinct taking over Scott makes his way into the woods, wanting to take this route to Lydias house.

|Woods of Beacon Hills|

Scott keeps running through the woods occasionally jumping on low hanging branches and taking a huge leap off them on his way to Lydias house. He notices in his instinct overtaken mind that his vision changed he could see in the dark as if it was day and sometimes he thinks he gained heat vision.

Noticing Derek Hale suddenly standing in his way he asks him in a darker voice "What do you want?"

"To talk to you." Derek replies

"What about do you know what is happening to me?" Scott asks in a mix of anger and a bit of hope.

"Yes and no, I know what should be happening but I don't know what is different with what's going on with you. You see you should be becoming a werewolf but you turned into something else, something resembling a bird of prey. And with how you smell I would say it's an eagle." Derek explained Scott hoping to calm him down somewhat so that he can ask him about the Alpha.

"How did this happen to me? Did you do this to me?" Scott screamed at Derek.

"No you were bitten by an alpha werewolf. I'm looking for him that's why I wanted to talk to you, I didn't expect you shapeshifting into something other than a werewolf though. You see I want to know where I can find the Alpha because he killed my sister!" Derek says loosing some control and beginning to shift. "Do you know who or where he is?" Derek yells demandingly.

"No till now I thought you were whatever bit me. Why did he bite me, what does he want with me?" Scott says feeling lost.

"He wants you in his pack." Derek says as if it were obvious.

"Pack? What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"A pack is a group of people who are like family and if you join his pack he will get stronger as will you, that is his goal most likely." Derek explained loosing his shift and trying to stay calm.

"Is there a way to reverse what has happened to me?" Scott asks hoping for a positive answer.

"I don't know, I heard a rumor that if you kill the alpha and drink his blood you can turn back but that's only a rumor. Anyway if you need me to I will try to teach you a few things about your shift so that you don't blow the cover on you and by default me." Derek says hoping to gain Scotts trust, so that he becomes his ally in the fight against the Alpha.

"Is there something you can do that will help me with what's going on now?" Scott asks scared that he has no control over what's going on with him.

"Well, not exactly I would just." Derek begins to say, "Wait, crap too late. Run!" He then orders.

Scott deciding that since Derek seems to be the only one who can help him, he should listen to him takes off running after Derek.

After running a few steps Scott gets blinded by a white bright light coming from a tree in front of him. Blinking and turning around in hopes to see what is happening to no avail he then feels something piercing his arm and pinning him to a tree. Screaming out in pain he starts to get some part of his vision back he can make out 2 people with shotguns and one with a crossbow approaching him weapons raised. The approaching trio steps out of the shadow of a tree and Scott can see their faces but doesn't know any of them. In the mean time Derek hearing Scotts painful cry turns around and sees what's going on. Laying low for a bit he waits till the leader of the Trio orders "take him!" Deciding to step in now Derek gets in front of Scott and throws the two approaching men away. He then snaps the arrow burrowed in Scotts arm and pulls it out, thereby freeing Scott. Grabbing Scotts undamaged arm and taking off running Scott in tow they loose the hunters much to his relieve. He then decides to stop and Scott sits down against a tree exhausted and scared out of his mind. "who were they?" Scott asks grabbing his healing arm, while wondering why the arrow wound heals but the coyote bite doesn't go away completely leaving a scar, must be something about Animal side of a shapeshifter Scott thinks.

"Hunters. The kind that's been hunting us for centuries." Derek says

"what? Do you mean us?" Scott asks in a shaky voice but to his relieve noticing that his transformation is wearing off.

"Werewolves, well shapeshifters at least. We're the same so in a way you and me Scott we're like brothers now." Derek says still being quite calm given the situation.

After staying seated by the tree Scott waits a few hours before making his way home, noticing that his mind was getting clearer by the second.


After getting home at 3 a.m. Scott gets a few hours of sleep trying to keep something normal in his life by going to school later. So getting up Scott gets ready and Stiles shows up in his Jeep offering to take Scott with him to school, taking Stiles up on that offer Scott gets into the car and asks" So how was your date with Allison ? Sorry I didn't catch up with you yesterday night but after being on the receiving end of Lydias fury I didn't feel like talking much."

"Well thanks for asking the date was great, but how exactly did you end up receiving a dose of Lydias fury? I thought Jackson was the only one that night." Stiles inquires interested.

"It involves a pissed off Lydia her dog Prada and me being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Scott says still not over his crush being so angry.

"Enough said" Stiles says hoping to get Scott out of his depressive state.

"Well anyway thanks for helping me set the date with Allison up man I owe you one!" Stiles smiles in hopes of keeping his mind off last night.

Pulling up to the school they get out and take their classes where nothing eventful happened other than everyone talking about Jackson and Lydias break up. After finishing their classes for the

day Scott and Stiles change into their Lacrosse gear. On their way to the field they see Lyida and Allison chatting on a bench. Seeing the two boys approaching Allison gets up and walks over to Stiles hugging him hello and thanking him for the date yesterday, she then tells Scott "Oh Scott by the way Lydia is waiting over there to talk to you."

"OK?" Scott answers confused making his way over to Lydia, who when he reached her pulled him aside so they can talk in private.

"So what's up?" Scott asks hoping to avoid talking about what happened at the party yesterday.

"Well I wanted to tell you that I didn't mean everything I said to you yesterday, I was very hurt and angry because of Jackson and you were on the receiving end of that anger for no reason, so I guess I'm sorry." Lydia says disappointed in herself.

"That's OK, it happens. As long as you don't have a problem with me lets forget we ever had that conversation. I'm not really proud of myself either since I was barely able to control my anger at the time." Scott replies touching her arm, seeing her disappointed with herself.

"Oh yeah I noticed this morning that when the tree infront of my house was missing a good piece of its bark." Lydia says trying to lighten the mood.

"Ah, sorry for that" Scott says rubbing his head. "By the way if you need something like help with a prank on Jackson just say the word and you have a partner in crime." Scott then says smiling devilishly.

"So we're good?" Lydia asks.

"Yeah we're good. Scott says smiling brightly since his longtime crush finally talks to him for real.

AN: Scotts transformation is supposed to look something like the "Raub-Kondor" wesen from Grimm