
Teasing Intentions (Izuku Midoriya x OC)

Raven Tanuki used to be the ultimate prankster back in her high school days where she attended UA High. She would always pull the most notorious pranks with her partner in crime, Denki Kaminari, and living up to her surname, Tanuki, which meant the Trickster. One day, after going too far with one of her pranks and ultimately ruining someone's birthday, Raven told herself that she would never pull a prank on anyone again and abandoned all that were in progress. 5 years later, her class had graduated and become part of the system. Raven had bettered herself for a good, boring life as a hero. Until, one day, one of her former classmates, Izuku Midoriya--now Pro Hero Deku--runs into her during her patrol. What happens if Deku picks up where Raven left off? What exactly were Ravens intentions back in high school?

SM_Hawkins · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Prosperous - Chapter 17

--5 Years Ago--

Today, Raven is going to be testing Izuku.

How is she going to test him? Well, she's going to make him jealous. Again, how? It's simple. Get another guys attention on her, and see how it plays out.

Raven already has everything planned out. She's going to get Denki to play along with her, act like he's into her and all that jazz, and hope Izuku doesn't detroit smash his brains out.

Again, simple.

It's currently lunch time right now, and Izuku is hanging out with his group of friends. Raven is eyeing him, making sure he will get a good view of what's about to happen.

The plan is--in detail--Raven will be sitting on Denki's lap, making a show of how close they are since they're best friends. Denki will place his hands on her hips, blah, blah, blah, you get it. Soon, Izuku will get jealous.

Right now, though, Raven is sitting next to Denki, because the plan hasn't started yet. It needs to be later on, when everybody is comfortable.

Denki leans over, "So... When are we gonna start? It looks like everyone is there," He said, looking over his shoulder at the table Izuku sat at.

She glanced back as well, and nodded, "Yeah, just give me a second. Something needs to happen first." And right on cue, Izuku locked eyes with Raven. She grinned at him and waved, and he managed a small smile and waved back.

Good. Now he's gonna keep looking back at her every now and then. Psychology.

"Alright, now!" She whispered to him, got up, and plopped herself down on his lap. He grunted with the impact, but quickly circled his arms around her waist to keep her in place.

They group continued talking, not even giving a glance at the two who were scheming. Raven and Denki were acting all flirtatious, making sure to make a scene so Izuku would notice. Every now and then, Raven would glance back at Izuku only to find him enersed in one of his own conversations.

Raven furrowed her brows when she looked back at him for the fourth time, and he still wasn't looking. With her critical thinking skills, she focused her attention back at her table where Denki was cracking one of his usual dumb jokes. Only, this one was actually funny.

The entire table burst out laughing, and only wheezed louder when Sero snorted a noodle through his nose. This was the perfect way to get Izuku's attention on her, and sure enough, when Raven looked back over Denki's shoulder, she met narrowed green eyes.


She watched as his eyes took in every detail of what was happening, scanning every inch of her and Denki. Raven made sure to take note of the way his eyes were caught on Denki's hands, one of them placed on her thigh and the other on the small of her back.

They were stuck staring at each other, both of them analysing the other with a ferocious intensity, only for different reasons. Raven studied him, watching as his fist tightened around the fork he was using, almost breaking it, when her eyes shot up to his and they locked. Purple on green.

With a finishing touch, Raven smirked and gave him a quick wink before turning away.

Sadly, she missed the way his fork completely shattered.


--Present Time--

Raven jolted awake.

Damn. That was one of her more recurring memories. It hurt her to remember how she messed with him like that. She's glad that she has him as a friend now.

For some reason, another pang went through her heart at that thought. What? He's just her friend!

Another pang.

Whatever. She doesn't have time to think about that right now, because she has no idea where the fuck she is. Raven barely even remembers the night before! Oh god, did she go home with some random man?

Okay, she needs to breath. In and out. sitting up in the bed, her tired eyes wandered the room. She decided to ignore the ginormous pounding in her head as she scanned the place, the sun lighting up the room with an intense brightness.

The room was well organized, and she was enjoying the view of the plants in the corner.. until her purple eyes landed on a mop of green hair.

Lying right next to her.

In bed.

"WAHHH!!" She screamed, flailing around and ultimately landing on her ass since she flung herself out of bed.

"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?!" Izuku screamed back, shooting up in bed. He looked over at Raven, who's expression rivals that of someone who is actually terrified, minus the slight red on her cheeks, "Oh," He said as he relaxed, and then stiffened up again, "OH!" His face erupted in a huge blush, realizing what this might look like.

Suddenly, Raven grew furious, "IZUKU!! I SWEAR TO GOD-!!" She threatened, grabbing a pillow off the bed as a weapon but was cut off by him explaining himself.

He held his hands out in front of him, as if he was trying to tame a lion, "Listen, let's just.. Stop yelling, okay? My head hurts, and I bet yours does too," He began, "We didn't.."His blush grew, "You know.. I know that for sure."

Raven narrowed her eyes at him, "How do you know? Didn't you drink last night?"

Izuku sighed, running a hand over his face, "Jeez. Okay, I'm just gonna start from the beginning. So, we were at the club, right?" Raven nodded, following along, "The guys and I were watching the girls dance, keeping an eye on you guys. But then I saw a guy towering over you so I went to go stop him. You were very drunk, so much so, that you were all over me," He started blushing again at the thought of it.

Raven started sputtering, "W-what?! I would never!" But her heart was pounding out of her chest at the thought of being up close with Izuku, and she felt the blood rushing to her cheeks.

Izuku nodded, "But you did. And so I.." He started to get shy, "Kinda told the guy to never do that to another girl or else I'd kill him..." He said in superspeed, "Anyways-" He tried to move on quickly, but Raven was having none of that.

"You WHAT?!!" She screeched, jumping on the bed about to fight him then and there with the pillow. Izuku grabbed her wrists before she could do any real damage, though. Part of her was flustered because he had been the one to come and save her, but the other part was saying that she could stick up for herself. And then there's the fact that she was drunk, and could barely stand up straight. There goes that. She sighed, dropping the pillow and pinching the bridge of her nose, "Continue."

"..A-anyway," He chuckled, but it was awkward and humorless, "I took you and told the guys that it was time for us to leave, so Iida and Todoroki went to go get the girls and then we went home. I was kind of tipsy, so I didn't remember your address. I just told Iida to take us to my place. You were still really clingy, and were constantly holding onto my arm."

Raven started getting her memories back while he was explaining. Beginning to flush red as she remembered putting his arm in between her boobs as they walked to his flat.

He scratched the back of his head, yawning before he continued the story. "I took you up to the spare bedroom, and.." He stopped again, getting a little embarrassed. It was then Raven realized what she was wearing. Oh god. What was she wearing? She looked down.

Pajama pants that were All Might themed, and a Deku hoodie. She wasn't even wearing a bra.

How tragic.

For the umpteenth time this morning--what a record--she flushed in complete embarrassment. She just wanted to disappear from the world.

Izuku continued, "And, you wanted to change, so I got you some of my clothes. I didn't bother looking at what I grabbed, I'm sorry!" He apologized.

Raven grit her teeth, "It's fine. Just continue," She spat.

"I made sure to grab a glass of water and some Ibuprofen, but it looks like that went out the window," His shoulders slumped as he glanced behind her, and she looked with him. She had knocked over the glass, and it had spilled all over the flush white carpet.

Raven gasped, "Shit!" She said, beginning to get up to clean the mess, but Izuku stopped her before she could get off the bed.

"Hold on, lemme finish," He said, "When I came back in here, you were already in bed. So I put the stuff down and went to walk away, but you grabbed my wrist and told me to stay.. I was still tipsy, so I shrugged and thought, 'why not' and just went to sleep. I'm sorry if I overstepped your boundaries. I really didn't mean to.. but here we are." He gestured to the room they were currently in.

Raven took a deep breath, before giggling a little bit and slapping Izuku on the arm, "You idiot!" She said with a smile on her face, "I don't care! Hell, you could sleep in my bed with me and I wouldn't give a shit! Just.." Her face heated up from what she was about to say, "Thanks for taking care of me, or whatever." She furrowed her eyebrows and glanced away.

Izuku smiled now, 'Cute,' He thought. He grabbed her chin and made her face him, "Hey.. I'll always take care of you," He breathed out, his breath fanning over her lips. The proximity of their faces made her look up into his eyes as he stared back into her deep purple ones. He smirked, "Besides, you look good in my clothes," He teased, ruining the moment.

"You ass!" She yelled, breaking apart and into a smile, laughing. He laughed too, and she started to get up.

Izuku pouted, "Hey, where are you going?" He asked, laying down and reaching out for her like a sad puppy.

Raven's heart fluttered, and she smiled, "I have patrol today, I'm probably gonna be late if I stay any longer," She responded, and started gathering her things up from off the floor.

Izuku got up with her, and she noticed he was wearing a white tank top that defined all of his muscles, along with dark grey sweatpants.

She watched as he walked over to her, when suddenly, when he got close enough, he pinned her against the wall. "You know, you could just call out. We could do whatever you want," He purred into her ear.

And suddenly she was overheated, sweating, her stomach felt like it had a thousand little bugs crawling around in it. She couldn't get a handle on her emotions as she inhaled deeply. She felt weird. Felt tingly. Her heart pounding a mile a minute. She was scared.

She knew she was probably overreacting, but the thought of what happened just last night, seeing the strobe lights outline his burly figure, she couldn't not think about what could happen.

Raven panicked, and pushed him away, quickly grabbing her clothes and ran out of the room, breathing hard. Izuku stood back, baffled at her reaction as he watched her leave the room.

He groaned as he heard the front door slam shut. She left.

Without thinking, he walked over the the door to go follow her, but then he thought that he should leave her alone. He scared her! Izuku! What the actual fuck?

He groaned again as his hand reeled back, and slammed against his bedroom door, effectively putting a hole through it.

Man, he really fucked up today.

Raven couldn't believe what had just happened. She doesn't even know where she is! She just walked out of the door, making sure to grab her phone that was lazily tossed on the couch the night before.

Maybe it was her fault. Everything was always her fault, so what's the difference? She shouldn't have listened to Uraraka and Tsu. They should be mad at her. She's the one that made Izuku start to tease her back five years later. She's the one that hurt him. She's the one that disappointed her parents, her family. She's the one that hurt herself.

Jeez, what is she gonna do now?