
TBATE:Journey to The Horizon

The journey of a young man It all began when he died, and his journey started into a world of magic and wounders from a novel he read "The Beginning After the End" Will this soul prevail or will the darkness of the world swallow him. Its my first book so l hope you like it

X_Y_Z · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

| Conditions |

Somewhere in the Beast Glades under the earth in a cold and desolate cave

It seems that a battle has just ended, there is blood and organs everywhere, body parts severed and lying around, and the screams of dying beasts

In the middle of all this was a masked person wielding a huge sword, barely recognisable that his body was covered in blood

The wounds he had seem to be healing slowly but surely.

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Pov: Ráel

huff huff

Finally, I am done with this dungeon. I did not expect to be surrounded by insect-like mana beasts. They were very numerous, but I could not escape, they waited until I was in the middle and attacked me from all sides i was able to sense them but i didnt expect more to come from underground.

Finally I can take a breath and rest a little. This fight was one of the most difficult I have had so far, not because they were strong, but because their numbers could overwhelm anyone

I tried to slowly retreat to the exit and burn those bastards to ashes with fire magic, but they knew my intentions and sent more insects to the exit

And because it was a cave, if I used fire magic I would die of oxygen loss

So I had to use earth and wind magic the most

Especially earth spikes and wind slashes with the sword, cost me the most of my mana, but thanks to mana rotation I could fight for so long.

But this fight helped me a lot, because the amount of life force I absorbed pushed my mana core to the limits of Light Yellow, and I broke through that level a few months ago.

After the day I became an adventurer, it's been about a year and a half and the only thing I did was quests and dungeons, so my mana core rose the fastest.

My rank is now a B-rank adventurer, I just need to submit the mana cores and coprse of the monsters to prove that i cleard the dungeon and I will be A-rank

But this dungeon was weird, it was supposed to be a B rank dungeon but the normal monsters were already B rank and the bosses were both A rank and normally it only has one boss monster.

They are all already doing their dirty work on this continent, I did not expect them to be here already.

I need to get stronger faster before they find out about my existence.

I will destroy anyone who tries to stand in my way to achieve my Goals even if it means going against an entire continent.

I'll tell the guild about it later, and while I am there, I'll also get my A rank card.

Lets see my [ Status ]

| Status |

Name : Ráel

Level : 50(0%)

Race : Demon

Core stage : Light yellow

Rank : Middle rank demon (??)

Ohh something has changed I thought and clicked on the question marks at the rank

Middle rank demon-

You have reached two of the conditions to evolve, but the other conditions are not fulfilled yet

-Reach level 50 (completed)

-Light Yellow Core (completed)

-Mastered mastery of elements ( X )

-Unlocking the higher elements ( X )

[ Ding, It is also recommended that for this evolution you find a place where no one will disturb you for some time ] Said the system to me out of nowhere.

It's just like last time, they are all connected, so if I can not do one of them, it means I can not go higher

It's like a limitation but it also benefits me so I do not know what to say until I progress my core will not go higher and my level will stay the same

All I need to do is achieve Masterd Mastery on all the basic elements and both conditions will be met.

Lets se my skills and my elementaly mastery so I know what I have to work with.

| Skills |

Hand-to-hand combat -lvl 31 Advanced

-You are an experienced fighter and can kill with your hands alone

Swordsmanship - lvl 43 Advanced

-On the way to becoming a master swordsman You can use any kind of sword without problems

Stealth - lvl 62 Mastered

-You are able to hide your presence from everyone except those who are stronger than you

Bloodlust/Killing Intent

-Intent to kill or injure someone

| Elemental Mastery |

Fire - Lvl 31 Advanced

Water - Lvl 23 Intermediate

Earth - Lvl 28 Advanced

Wind - Lvl 26 Advanced

So I need to reach level 50 on all four, that's going to be tough, so far I have only been able to reach so much, I admit I have not focused much on them, but I can still do it

I will only focus on training elemental magic for these 6 months fire will be the easier one and water will be the harder one

Ok lets just forget the excuses and get to work, but first lets go to the guild after all Arthur will be there soon and I want to see Jasmin

Also the evolution is interesting and the reminder means it takes longer to evolve

Lets train and see what evolution is all about.