
Birthday Celebration

Fayden Leywin's POV:

'Well damn, I feel great. Everything looks and feels so much clearer, I can even count the shredded splinters of wood in front of me.....wait splinters?' I thought to myself before realising that even with such precaution our was was not unscathed.


I saw Arthur glaring at the scene as if expecting some form of attacker , before his expression turned into one of confusion. "Now you see why I told you to awaken outside" I tell him.

Before he could respond however mother screamed"MY BOY'S ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" as she sprinted towards us with a worried look. After seeing us however she whispered,"Oh my..." upon hearing that I couldn't stop a smile from creeping on my face.

"Congratulations on your awakening boys" our father said with a proud smile.

As someone who acted as the kings representative, I apologized.

"I'm so sorry"

"I'm sorry Mom, Dad. Am I in trouble?"

Huh? It seems Arthur had the same thought.

"Haha... No, you're not in trouble boy's. We were just worried. I'm glad both of you are alright" my mother responded through teary eyes.

My idiot of a father, however had a different reaction

"My boy's are prodigies. Awakening at the age of less than three! This is bizarre, and I thought I was fast" he exclaimed. Yet  before he could continue.

"What in the world" a passing by neighbor screamed, prompting a sheepish grin to appear on our faces.

"Haha , I guess we should clean this mess up" my father said while rubbing the back of his head.


A few weeks after our awakening , we decided to keep it a secret for now. Since it would be a rather absurd claim anyways it didn't matter much. My father managed to contact a few of his past adventurer friends to fix the house. Surprisingly none of them questioned why it happened, speaks a lot about my idiot father.

A few days after the fixing of our house our birthday came around(May 29), we were woken up that morning with a present and .....a loaf of bread?

It was cake, sorry mom, dad.

Both Art and i opened our boxes. I found a carefully crafted wooden pair of short swords, well what what went as short swords considering our age. How did they even know?

The fact that they could tell what suited me just by observing me made me quite happy and I ended up hugging them both and thanking them for it.

What was more surprising was that they decided to celebrate our birthdays now when they didn't bother for the last 2 years.

Art asked them as such seemingly unaware that I was thinking the very same thing.

They said that it was due to the low chance of babies surviving till the age of 3.

Well, that was morbid

By the look on Art's face he was thinking something similar.

Another thing I noticed was that there was no mandatory education system and that the basics of reading and writing was taught by the parents.

Soon after turning 3 mother started to "teach" us how to read and write. Seeing Arthur playing the role of a genius son I decided to play along. Saying that our mother was overjoyed that both of us were geniuses would be an understatement.

Father started teaching us the basics of mana manipulation training and body exercises. Even though he simplified the explanations it would go over any normal 3 year old's head.

The basics were somewhat like this, one can judge someones mana strength based on the color of their core which were classified as : black, red, orange, yellow, silver, white. As you filter out the impurities of your mana it turns lighter. From red to yellow the cores are of 3 stages dark, solid and light.

Due to mother's connection's to the adventurers guild she manages to procure a vast number of books on basic mana manipulation and fighting with different weapons. Since the two of us went to the advanced books first she tried to make us read the simpler ones first but with some convincing from me and Art she relented.

Our Average days went as followed, reading and writing lessons from mother, then augmenting training, then physical training mainly involving running and basic training.

At my free times I would either practice conjuring or spar with Arthur or in the library. This went on for almost a year until one day.

"Honey, I think its best we get the boys a proper tutor."