
Chapter 15

“The reeds?” asked Nathan.

“Look closely,” said Karl without blinking.

Nathan scoured waters’ edge, but couldn’t see anything but grass, reeds and a dragonfly or two. He shook his head.

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking at.”

“It’s moving around the edge,” said Karl. “Look over by that rock. See how the air is kind of shimmering, like a mirage?”

Nathan focused on the rock. It was difficult to see at first. A sharp breeze stirred the seed-laden stalks of wild grass, making it difficult to see it clearly. But there was something moving in the air, something thicker, denser. It had no visible shape and it was difficult to ascertain its size.

“Let’s go,” he said standing up.

“What is it?”

“Leroy,” said Karl. “Or at least some part of him. See what I mean? See why there’s no chance of escaping?”

“Escaping? You make it sound like we’re in prison or something.”

Karl raised his eyebrows, a small action that produced a sudden feeling of nausea in Nathan.