

Autor: Wayne Mansfield
Concluído · 3.3K Modos de exibição
  • 30 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Tattooed

Leia o romance Tattooed escrito pelo autor Wayne Mansfield publicado no WebNovel. Nathan Crosby has a gambling addiction that cost him almost everything he owns. When he tries to run out on newcomer Leroy in a backroom poker game, his troubles escalate. Leroy is not what he appears...


Nathan Crosby has a gambling addiction that cost him almost everything he owns. When he tries to run out on newcomer Leroy in a backroom poker game, his troubles escalate. Leroy is not what he appears to be, nor does he have any intention of letting Nathan off the hook. On the contrary, he has an extremely interesting way of obtaining all he is owed.<br><br>Unfortunately for Nathan, the payment will be far larger than the initial debt. He will be marked by every lie he has ever told, and the punishment won’t end there -- he is forced to join a circus peopled with others who have crossed Leroy.<br><br>It isn’t all bad, though. He’s introduced to Karl, the circus strongman, whose caravan he shares, and the two develop strong feelings for one another. But is the love of a good man enough to soothe the agony Nathan must endure as part of his punishment? Is there an escape from his bizarre new life? And, if there is an end, will Karl be there with him to enjoy it?

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Stumbling upon the Heavenly Path

In the darkest corners of the universe, where stars flicker and galaxies collide, there exists a soul unburdened by the weight of destiny. This is the story of a man who has seen beyond the veil of existence and found no solace in the mysteries of the cosmos. Having traversed the realms of life and death, he has gained a profound understanding of the fragility and fleeting nature of our existence. The universe, with all its grandeur and complexities, attempts to force upon him a responsibility he does not care for. For what purpose, he wonders, should he bear the burden of shaping the fate of a world that seems inconsequential against the backdrop of eternity? Some seek solace in the embrace of religion, finding meaning in the arms of a divine creator. But to him, such beliefs are nothing more than feeble attempts to fill the void, to find purpose in the face of our cosmic insignificance. Even if gods were to exist, what purpose would they serve in a universe so vast and uncaring? In the grand scheme of the universe would their purpose not be any different from the most insignificant of particles of dust? Gazing into the abyss, where the cold embrace of oblivion whispers its seductive promises. He has seen the ebb and flow of civilizations, the rise and fall of empires, and realized that all is but a fleeting dance upon the stage of eternity. And yet, in the midst of this existential chaos, he remains untouched by the weight of cosmic purpose. In this tale of defiance, he embarks on a journey where the paths of gods and mortals intertwine. The universe may demand his participation, but his heart is unmoved. For he is a wanderer, a reluctant traveller upon the tapestry of fate, guided by his own desires and unyielding will. Through realms of mysticism and threats that lurk in the shadows, he will navigate a world where destinies collide, forging his own path amidst the chaos. And as he stands at the precipice of the unknown, he will ask himself, "In a universe so limitless and callous, why should I care?" This is the prologue to the tale of a character who, in the face of universal expectations, dares to challenge the very fabric of existence. For he has seen beyond the illusions, and in his rebellion, he may just discover a truth that surpasses the confines of gods and mortals alike.

Boqueeffious · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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