

"I think that will be the best. But wouldn't it be better if we let Vincent know? After all, he is her fiancé and they are in love."

Arthur pondered about his wife's suggestion and then shook his head. He disapproved. 

"First of all, it's a sin. It will harm Catherine's reputation. People will speculate things and will think of the worst. They might think she cheated on Vincent and Vincent found out and thus, she tried to commit suicide.

"Secondly, you don't know what's the reason she tried to kill herself. Or maybe it wasn't her but someone else did it and made it look like a suicide.

"It could be related to her marriage with Vincent or might be something else. She might not want to let others know about this.

"That's why I want you to stay quiet about it and wait for her to wake up. Until then, we will let Felix investigate the matter. Is that okay with you?"

When Veronica heard his explanation, she gradually calmed down.